
From 50 to 60 years old, the most clever way to live is not to sleep healthily, but to "5 big moves"

author:Barley said

Ladies and gentlemen, before reading, I would like to remind you that although this article is interesting and philosophical, it is for entertainment reference only, and you should not be superstitious!

"Fifty knows the destiny of heaven, and sixty is obedient. This quote comes from Confucius's Analects, which tells us that by the age of 50 a person can understand the fundamental laws of heavenly physics, and by the age of 60 he will be able to listen to and accept the advice and opinions of the opposite ear.

This golden decade of life is just like the sunset, although it is close to dusk, but it is as brilliant as ever.

Looking back at the long history, many celebrities have lived a different kind of wonderful life during this period. For example, Jiang Ziya fished on the shore of Weishui in his twilight years, and finally met King Wen, showed his strategy, and achieved the 800-year foundation of the Zhou Dynasty. Another example is Huang Zhong, although he is old, but his bravery has not diminished, he fought in Dingjun Mountain, and he was old and strong, and made great achievements for Shu Han.

Uncle Wang next door often said that age is not a problem, but mentality is the key.

In this golden decade, we should cherish the time and live up to the time. Learning something new, pursuing your hobbies, or spending quality time with family and friends are all ways to make this decade even more exciting.

Grandma Wang said that in the past ten years of life, it is not about passing the time by health and sleeping, but about using these "five tricks" to make life shine!

From 50 to 60 years old, the most clever way to live is not to sleep healthily, but to "5 big moves"

Tip 1: Be curious and explore the unknown.

"Read 10,000 books, travel 10,000 miles. "This is not only a thirst for knowledge, but also an exploration and curiosity about the unknown world.

Confucius said: "Those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are good are not as good as those who are happy." This is true, people in middle age, often due to the triviality and pressure of life, easy to fall into a kind of inertial thinking, like a donkey on the millstone, day after day, year after year, only know how to turn in place.

However, we should not forget the stories of those ancient explorers, such as Zhang Qian's mission to the Western Regions and the opening of the Silk Road, which not only strengthened the cultural exchanges between the East and the West, but also showed curiosity and exploration of the unknown world.

Grandma Wang next door often taught us: "Life is not just the past, there are poems and distances." "It's the best way to stay curious.

In our busy lives, we should not forget that heart full of curiosity about the unknown.

Try new things, such as learning a new language, not only to broaden your horizons, but also to make life full of freshness, or to study the latest technological products, understand cutting-edge technology, keep pace with the times, and not be outdated by the times.

Hemingway wrote in The Old Man and the Sea: "A man can be destroyed, but not defeated." "Even in the face of life's challenges, we should maintain that indomitable and courageous heart to explore.

As long as you have a dream in your heart and a light in your eyes, you can still move forward bravely and explore the unknown world.

Remember the saying, "Live and learn." ”

From 50 to 60 years old, the most clever way to live is not to sleep healthily, but to "5 big moves"

The second trick: cultivate hobbies and sustenance feelings.

Uncle Wang also said: "People can't have friends with people who have no habits, and they can't have affection." This is reasonable, if a person does not have a bit of a fetish, does not have some affection to send, then life is not too boring? Having a hobby is like finding a spiritual harbor in the vast sea of people, so that our emotions can be sustenance.

Think of those ancient literati and ink writers, who were proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and who enjoyed tea and poetry! They made many like-minded friends through their hobbies, and discussed art and tasted life together.

Nowadays, our lives are getting faster and faster, and many people are running for a living.

Remember the quote from One Hundred Years of Solitude: "What really matters in life is not what happens to you, but how you deal with it." "To develop a hobby is to give yourself a unique way of facing life.

Whether it's photography, cooking, crafts, reading, writing, or running, we can all enrich our lives.

Hobbies can not only decorate our lives, but also inadvertently enhance our personal charm.

As the saying goes, "More skills don't weigh you down." "There is a skill that always impresses people.

Therefore, you might as well take some time to cultivate a hobby of your own! Let life be better because of hobbies, and more touching because of feelings.

Did you know that a lot of successful people have one thing in common, and that's that they all have their own hobbies.

From 50 to 60 years old, the most clever way to live is not to sleep healthily, but to "5 big moves"

The third trick: keep exercising and keep fit

Listen, don't think that you can ignore exercise when you're young, and don't think that everything will be fine if you eat some health products and get a good night's sleep.

Tell you, "Life is in motion", this is a wise saying!

There is a cloud in the Tao Te Ching: "A person's life is also weak, and his death is also strong." "Do you know what this means? That is, when a person is alive, the body is soft and flexible, but when he dies, the body becomes stiff.

If you want to keep your body soft and healthy, you have to keep exercising!

Look at those foreigners, in "Les Miserables", although Jean Agen has a bad fate, his strong physique is also inseparable from long-term labor and exercise. What does this mean? Exercise is a universal truth!

Uncle Wang said well: "Iron cannot be smelted into steel, and people are not healthy if they do not exercise." ”

I want to tell you that there is also a proverb: "If you jump rope and kick shuttlecock, you will get sick half less." "Think about it, moderate exercise is like pumping up the body's machine, which makes it run more smoothly.

Personally, I am a big fan of morning jogging.

Every morning, facing the morning sun, breathing in the fresh air, and running a few laps is simply a big cleaning for the body and mind! Of course, swimming, tai chi, and square dancing are also excellent choices.

As long as you enjoy it and can stick to it, sports will bring you unexpected gains.

Don't hesitate any longer!

Remember Bai Juyi's poem: "If you move, you will be strong, if you move, if you move, if you move, if you move, if you move, you will be strong." ”

From 50 to 60 years old, the most clever way to live is not to sleep healthily, but to "5 big moves"

The fourth trick: read and learn, enrich your heart.

Su Shi once said: "There is poetry and writing in the belly." "It is true that reading is indispensable to people like food for the soul.

In the psalms of the ancients, we can often read the praise and admiration for reading and learning.

As the "Book of Songs" says: "If you cut it, you can learn it, and if you grind it." This is a description of jade making, and it is also a metaphor for the process of continuous self-improvement and improvement through learning and reading.

In this era of information explosion, the importance of reading and learning is becoming more and more prominent.

In the face of a sea of information, we should read selectively and absorb those truly valuable knowledge, so as to enrich our inner world.

Uncle Wang said with great interest at this moment: "There is a golden house in the book, and there is Yan Ruyu in the book." "Reading can not only increase knowledge, but also cultivate sentiment and improve personal temperament.

Whether it's classic classics, such as Shakespeare's plays, Tolstoy's novels, or popular books such as science fiction masterpieces and new works of psychology, you can swim in the sea of books and feel the power of knowledge.

I would say that every book is a treasure trove of wisdom waiting to be discovered.

"Read 10,000 books, travel 10,000 miles. This shows that reading and practice complement each other.

Through reading, we can acquire theoretical knowledge, and through practice, we can transform this knowledge into practical ability.

From 50 to 60 years old, the most clever way to live is not to sleep healthily, but to "5 big moves"

Reading for the elderly has many benefits, not only to help physical and mental health, but also to enrich the spiritual life and improve the quality of life.

  1. Prevent brain aging: Reading stimulates brain activity, promotes thinking, and helps prevent cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer's.
  2. Stress relief: Reading is an effective way to relax and help the elderly reduce stress and anxiety, immerse themselves in books, you can temporarily forget the worries and worries in life, and make the mood calm and happy.
  3. Broaden your horizons: Books are a treasure trove of knowledge, and through reading, seniors can learn more about history, culture, science, and the customs and customs of the world.
  4. Improve emotional intelligence: By reading literature, older adults can better understand human nature, emotions, and social relationships, which in turn can improve their emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills.
  5. Forming good living habits: Reading regularly can help the elderly form good habits and promote physical health, and reading is also a low-cost form of entertainment, which is more affordable than other entertainment activities with high consumption.
From 50 to 60 years old, the most clever way to live is not to sleep healthily, but to "5 big moves"

The fifth trick: cherish the present moment and be grateful for life.

Hey, life, it's a short and urgent script, we have to learn to cherish every moment quickly! Don't always stare at those unsatisfactory things, we have to feel the small luck and great beauty in life.

As the well-known saying goes: "There is no lack of beauty in life, the key is that you have a pair of eyes to find beauty." ”

Uncle Wang often taught us: in life, we must learn to be grateful, and thank everyone who appears around us and everything that happens.

Think about it, the "Book of Filial Piety" tells us: "The body is skinned, and the parents who receive it dare not destroy it, and the beginning of filial piety is also." "We have to cherish our bodies and lives, this is a treasure given by our parents!

Besides, so many people and things in life are silently supporting us, how can we not be grateful?

Also, look at the protagonists of those Chinese and foreign masterpieces, which one of them didn't know how to cherish and be grateful more after going through some hardships? Just like the blessings in "Alive", after experiencing so many hardships, they have more deeply realized the preciousness of life and the importance of family.

From 50 to 60 years old, the most clever way to live is not to sleep healthily, but to "5 big moves"

Of course, this does not mean that we should completely give up health preservation and rest, but on this basis, we should pay more attention to the quality of life and spiritual enrichment.

Remember, life isn't just about living, it's about living to the fullest!

I would also like to remind you: life is like a dream, and years are like a song. In this limited time, we should experience, feel, and create our own wonderful life to the fullest. Don't wait until you're old to regret not cherishing the time you spent when you were younger. Get started now! Use these five tips to make your 50s and 60s even more exciting!

Finally, I hope that every reader can live a more wonderful and fulfilling life in this golden decade of life! Let us work together to create a better future of our own!

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