
The catkins have entered the peak flying period! This protective strategy is quickly put away

author:Ahead plus

Every year in April and May

The north of the mainland will usher in a sky full of willow flying catkins

Where do willow flyings mainly occur?

How to protect yourself when you go out?

Look down, this knowledge is quickly mastered!


The scope of influence is mainly concentrated in _____

Recently, as the weather has warmed up

The flocculation of the willow trees also began to drift away with the wind

Expert presentation

Temperature is the primary factor that determines the first flight of catkins

The catkins have entered the peak flying period! This protective strategy is quickly put away

Generally, only the average temperature exceeds 0°C

in order to promote the development of poplars

Calculated from January of each year

When the average temperature exceeds the temperature value of 0°C

Adds up to 480°C

The catkins in one area may enter the first flight period

After entering the first flight period

Factors such as light, humidity and wind speed

Affects the flutter intensity

Wind level 2~3, relative humidity less than 40%

Such weather conditions are conducive to the flying of catkins

The catkins have entered the peak flying period! This protective strategy is quickly put away

Judging from the 2024 poplar catkins warning map

Most of Henan, southern Shandong, southern Hebei and other places

It has entered the peak flying period

Central Hebei and Beijing-Tianjin, eastern Shandong

It will enter the peak flight period in mid-April

Shandong Peninsula and central Shanxi

In late April, it has entered the peak flying period

It should be noted that:

10~16 o'clock every day is the high incidence period of flying flotsam

People with allergies

Avoid going out during this time of year as much as possible

Attention Sensitive Individuals!

Protect the flying flocculent and keep in mind the five-word mantra

Flying flocculent fluttering in the wind

Substances such as pollen, dust, etc. may be carried

Invasion of the human respiratory tract

Triggers skin or respiratory allergies

The catkins have entered the peak flying period! This protective strategy is quickly put away

If the fly accidentally gets into the eyes

Remember not to rub with your hands

Otherwise, it is easy to puncture the cornea and increase the probability of infection

Rinse with clean water

How to protect yourself from the flying season?

These points need to be noted


Hide: Try to avoid the high incidence of willow catkins at 10~16 o'clock in outdoor activities, and choose the time when the catkins are lighter in the morning, evening or after the rain.

Cover: Disposable dust masks, sunglasses, protective goggles, gauze scarves, etc. can be worn when going out to effectively physically shield the flying flotsam.

Sweeping: Pay attention to close the screen window at home to avoid flying flotsam floating into the room; if there is flying flotsam floating in, you can use a vacuum cleaner to clean it in time, or spray water to moisten it and clean it.

Prevention: Fly floc is easy to ignite, do not litter cigarette butts outdoors, and clean up in time if you find that fly floc accumulates to prevent fire.

Clean: After going out and returning home, wash your face with water in time, and clean your nasal cavity and mouth with normal saline.

Be vigilant! Don't use fire to light the catkins

Fire safety needs to be understood

Willow catkins flying in the sky

It's not just about people's mobility and health

There are also fire safety hazards

The catkins have entered the peak flying period! This protective strategy is quickly put away

The willow itself contains a lot of oil

It is easy to burn when encountering an open flame

It is also because of its light texture and fast spreading

It is difficult to extinguish fires

  • Entering the peak period of willow catkins
  • The knowledge of these protective flying flotsam
  • Have you mastered it all?
  • Hurry up and forward it to the family who love each other

To clean up the willow catkins in time, humidification, cleaning and burial can be used to avoid leaving fire hazards.

Private car owners should strengthen vehicle maintenance to prevent a large number of flying flotsam from accumulating in the engine compartment of the car and causing fires.

In places where there are many willow catkins, you must take good care of the fire and do not litter cigarette butts to avoid causing fires.

Once a fire is discovered, call the "119" police number in time to avoid major fire accidents.

Source: CCTV 1

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