
Begonias, cherry blossoms, redbuds...... Come to Minhang to enjoy the flowers in these parks~

author:Thoughtful client

Spring is beautiful, and the temperature is warmer

The flowers of Minhang have also woken up

The flowers of the begonia are gorgeous and beautiful

The cherry blossoms are bright and vibrant, and the foliage is luxuriant

The bauhinia flower is fragrant and bright

Let's enjoy it


Pastoral Park - Begonia

Address: No. 445, Meizhou Road

Located in the pastoral park on Meizhou Road, the planting area of the begonia is 200 square meters, and the begonia is open to the public through the fine maintenance of the staff such as budding, pruning, stubbing, fertilization, watering, and pest control. When you come to the pavilion in the park, a sea of flowers is presented in front of you, which is pleasing to the eye. The begonia flowers are gorgeous, the flowers are beautiful, if the breeze flutters gently, it is beautiful, and it has won the stop and watch of the tourists.

Begonias, cherry blossoms, redbuds...... Come to Minhang to enjoy the flowers in these parks~

Weeping begonias

Qiaoqiao Paper-cut Cultural Park - cherry blossoms

Address: No. 333, Chundu Road

Cherry blossoms are bright and vibrant, and they are the main ornamental flowers in spring. The cherry blossoms in the Paper-cut Culture Park are planted in the southeast corner of the fitness equipment area, and the flowers are in the shape of single and double petals, pink and pink white. In mid-to-late April, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and the "flower fairies" of all sizes on each branch greet each visitor with smiling faces. A spring rain came with the wind, the flowers fell one after another, and there was another scenery.

Begonias, cherry blossoms, redbuds...... Come to Minhang to enjoy the flowers in these parks~

cherry blossom

Quinta Park – cherry blossoms, weeping begonias, redbuds

Address: 599 Quinta Road

Looking for the fragrance of flowers into the Golden Pagoda Park, the large lawn next to the leisure square is planted with redbuds and weeping begonias, and the purple and pink complement each other from a distance, like a sea of flowers. During this blooming season, the cherry blossoms (evening cherry blossoms) on both sides of the park's main road are also in full bloom, and when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom in mid-to-late April, the pink and white flowers will show off their beautiful dancing in clusters.

Begonias, cherry blossoms, redbuds...... Come to Minhang to enjoy the flowers in these parks~

Purple Flower

Begonias, cherry blossoms, redbuds...... Come to Minhang to enjoy the flowers in these parks~

Weeping begonias


Take a stroll

It's so pleasant~

Source: Minhang Today

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