
For diabetics: Seven types of foods can help lower blood sugar and improve the sensitivity of pancreatic islets

author:Chinese Diabetes Companions

Diet is the basis of diabetes treatment, and the following eight types of foods are often eaten to help blood sugar control and enrich nutritionIn the treatment of diabetes, dietary regulation occupies a vital position. Although medication can play a role, it is not enough to rely on medication alone. The true cure should start with the little things in life, starting with the diet of each meal. Below, we'll introduce you to eight foods that can help with blood sugar control and not only help stabilize blood sugar, but also provide the body with rich nutrients.

For diabetics: Seven types of foods can help lower blood sugar and improve the sensitivity of pancreatic islets

1. Whole grains

These delicacies, such as oats, brown rice and whole-wheat bread, are like a gift from nature and packed with rich dietary fibre. They are like intimate friends, carefully regulating our blood sugar, allowing it to gradually rise in a stable manner, avoiding the sudden blood sugar spike. While enjoying these delicacies, we also enjoy health and tranquility.

2. Green leafy vegetables

Leafy greens, especially spinach and rape, are like emerald gems in nature, full of vitality and rich nutrients. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, precious elements that act as guardians of our health. Their low-calorie characteristics make it a treasure for diabetics to enjoy delicious food without worrying about the calorie burden. These vegetables are like green messengers on the table, escorting our health.

3. Low-sugar fruits:

Apples, oranges and grapefruit are the pearls of the colourful world of fruits, sparkling with an alluring sheen and exuding a fresh aroma. These fruits are not only delicious, but also a treasure trove of nutrients, rich in vitamins and fibre to inject vitality and health into our lives.

However, when it comes to choosing fruits, we need to be as careful as choosing works of art. Low-sugar fruits, like light dancers, dance gracefully on stage, satisfying our taste buds without overburdening our bodies. Eating it in moderation is like savoring the rhythm of life, which can not only enjoy the beauty of it, but also maintain the harmony and balance of the body.

Therefore, let's not forget to choose low-sugar fruits while tasting these delicious fruits, and enjoy them in moderation, so that health and deliciousness go hand in hand.

For diabetics: Seven types of foods can help lower blood sugar and improve the sensitivity of pancreatic islets

4. Miscellaneous legumes:

Beans, such as black beans, red beans, mung beans and chickpeas, are like a gift from nature and bring us a wealth of nutritional treasures. Not only are they rich in high-quality protein, but they also provide us with dietary fiber and a variety of trace elements that play an integral role in our daily diet. It is worth mentioning that beans have a unique charm, they can delay the absorption of sugar, promote the vitality of pancreatic β cells, and then increase the secretion of insulin, escorting our health.

Of course, soy products are also a good choice, as they are based on beans and are skillfully processed to transform into delicious tofu, soy milk, etc. Not only are these foods affordable, but they are also easier to cook and are a regular fixture on every family's table. Let's enjoy the food while also feeling the health and nourishment brought by beans.

5. Nuts

Walnuts, almonds and other nuts are like green treasures in nature, full of healthy fats and proteins. They are like intimate health guardians, and when consumed in moderation, they can help us stabilize our blood sugar and prevent it from surging in the ocean. Nut seeds such as almonds, walnuts and flaxseeds are a treasure trove of nutrients, rich in magnesium and vitamin E, magical elements that help maintain insulin sensitivity and secretion, and keep blood sugar at a stable level.

For diabetics: Seven types of foods can help lower blood sugar and improve the sensitivity of pancreatic islets

Although the price of these nuts is relatively high, they are energy-dense and can meet our daily nutritional needs in small amounts, which is really good value for money. With the Pioneer Bird's blood sugar record, we can more intuitively observe the subtle changes in blood sugar after eating nuts or seeds, just like an explorer searching for treasure in the sea, so as to adjust the amount of food consumed according to these data to ensure a smooth blood sugar voyage.

6. Fish:

Like salmon and cod swimming freely in the turquoise sea, they are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which are valuable nutrients that are like gifts from the ocean and protect our cardiovascular health. They gently nourish every blood vessel, making our blood circulation smoother, like a spring breeze, warm and peaceful.

What's even more gratifying is that these delicious fish have a negligible effect on blood sugar, and they act like attentive nurses to guard our blood sugar balance, allowing us to maintain a healthy body while enjoying our meal.

Every bite of salmon or cod is like being pampered by nature, allowing our body to feel the power of health in taste. Let us cherish this gift of nature and walk with health.

7. Chinese Tea:

Green tea, a drink full of natural fragrance, not only nourishes our taste buds, but also hides countless health secrets. The tea polyphenols and catechins in it are like the guardians of nature, with their excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory abilities, building a solid line of defense for our body. What's even more gratifying is that research suggests that they may also be a useful tool for improving insulin sensitivity and contributing to our blood sugar balance.

For diabetics: Seven types of foods can help lower blood sugar and improve the sensitivity of pancreatic islets

In addition to the above seven types of food, diabetic patients should also pay attention to the cooking method of food in their daily diet, and try to choose low-oil and low-salt cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, and stewing. At the same time, it is necessary to control the amount of food you eat, avoid overeating, and maintain a regular eating habit.

In short, dietary regulation is the basis of diabetes treatment, and through reasonable food choices and intake control, it can effectively help control blood sugar and reduce the damage of diseases to the body. It is hoped that every diabetic patient can pay attention to dietary regulation and let health start from the table.

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