
How to regulate melasma in women? Teach you 4 treatment tips to lighten it

author:Dr. Wong of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Imagine a lady in front of a mirror and notice that she has a few spots on her cheeks that are darker than her skin tone, which is melasma. It is not only a common skin problem, but also a beautiful "blemish" in the minds of many people. According to statistics, melasma mainly affects middle-aged and elderly women, but there is also no shortage of young people. It's not just a beauty issue, it's deeply affecting people's self-confidence and social life. How to effectively regulate melasma has become an urgent topic.

How to regulate melasma in women? Teach you 4 treatment tips to lighten it

"Why do I have melasma?" – dig deeper into why

The formation of melasma is the result of multiple factors, and understanding these factors is a prerequisite for developing an effective treatment plan.

Endocrine disorders: A woman's endocrine status is closely related to skin conditions. Hormonal fluctuations, especially during pregnancy or menopause, can trigger or exacerbate melasma formation. This is because hormonal changes may increase the skin's sensitivity to the sun, leading to hyperpigmentation.

Ultraviolet Exposure* Ultraviolet (UV) rays in sunlight are the main external cause of melasma formation. Ultraviolet rays accelerate the production of melanin in the skin, and long-term exposure to the sun, especially without sun protection, can significantly increase the risk of melasma.

Genetic factors: The formation of melasma is also related to genetics. If someone in the family has melasma, the chances of other members developing melasma increase. This reminds us that genetic predisposition is also a factor to consider.

Lifestyle habits: Unhealthy lifestyles such as lack of sleep, stress, and spending long hours on computers and mobile phones can also exacerbate skin problems, including melasma. In addition, improper skincare habits, such as the use of harsh cosmetics, can also have a negative impact on the skin.

4 tips for melasma

1. Anti-spot warriors in the diet

How to regulate melasma in women? Teach you 4 treatment tips to lighten it

A balanced intake of foods rich in vitamins C and E, such as citrus, strawberries, almonds and spinach, is effective in preventing and reducing melasma by defending against skin oxidation and promoting collagen production. At the same time, reduce the intake of greasy and spicy foods to avoid aggravating the burden on the skin.

2. Defense in Daylight

Ultraviolet rays are one of the main culprits that induce melasma. Choose a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, PA+++, and reapply it every two hours, even on cloudy days or indoors. Wearing a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses provides extra protection for the skin and reduces direct sunlight.

3. Move to even out your skin tone

Moderate exercise can improve blood circulation, speed up metabolism, and help flush out toxins from the body, which has a positive effect on reducing melasma. It is recommended to maintain at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise such as brisk walking, yoga or swimming every day.

4. Natural remedies, gentle and effective

Lemon Honey Mask: Lemons are rich in vitamin C and have a natural whitening effect. Mix fresh lemon juice with honey in a 1:1 ratio, leave on the face for 15 minutes and rinse. Use 1-2 times a week, you can see that the skin gradually brightens and the melasma is relieved.

Caution: Citric acid may irritate the skin, do a skin test before use and avoid going outside immediately in the sun.

Medical cosmetology to lighten spots

Laser freckle removal: the magic of light

How to regulate melasma in women? Teach you 4 treatment tips to lighten it

Laser treatment is a specific wavelength of light that targets pigmented areas and destroys pigment cells to remove them through the body's metabolic process, thereby lightening pigmentation. Laser treatment is performed under the guidance of a professional medical institution and an experienced doctor, and it usually takes several treatments to see noticeable results.

Chemical peel: Renews the surface of your skin

Chemical peels use specific chemicals to remove the aging epidermis, regenerating the skin and reducing melasma. The skin may be red, swollen, peeling, etc., but this is a normal recovery process. Choose a peeling level that suits your skin type and avoid overstimulation.

Precautions and Recommendations

When choosing a medical aesthetic method, it is important to fully understand the possible risks and recovery period of the treatment, actively communicate with the doctor, and choose the most suitable treatment plan according to the individual's skin condition. In addition, sun protection and daily care after treatment are more critical to protect the skin from repigmentation.

Ongoing care and protection

Even if melasma has been lightened through diet, naturopathy, or medical aesthetic methods, ongoing care and protection are still crucial. Use skincare products that contain antioxidants such as vitamins C and E to help keep your skin healthy and defend against environmental damage. Regularly use masks, serums, and other deep skin care to keep your skin hydrated and supple.

Be in a good mood and stay away from stress

Stress is one of the important factors that lead to the aggravation of melasma. Staying in a good mood and free from stress is essential for maintaining healthy skin. It can be used to relax and relieve stress through outdoor activities, reading, listening to music, etc., which can help improve skin tone and reduce the formation of spots.

Regular work and rest, good living habits

Good lifestyle habits are also essential for skin health. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule and getting enough sleep can help boost skin metabolism and reduce pigmentation. Avoiding staying up late and being overly tired, maintaining a balance of mind and body has a positive effect on improving skin tone and reducing blemishes.

Seek medical advice

For severe melasma problems, it is crucial to seek timely advice and treatment from a medical professional. Depending on the individual's skin condition and the severity of the spots, a professional dermatologist can develop a targeted treatment plan, including laser treatments, chemical peels, etc., to help restore skin health.

How to regulate melasma in women? Teach you 4 treatment tips to lighten it

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