
Title: The Road of Blood and Tears: The Concept of Children of Bottom Parents Begins: The bottom has been crawling for seven or eight years, just for life. The daughter-in-law is beautiful, but the son is a third-rate graduate. These are my son and daughter-in-law

author:The life of Liu Dabao

Title: The Road of Blood and Tears: The Concept of Children of Lower-Income Parents

Beginning: The bottom has been crawling for seven or eight years, just for life. The daughter-in-law is beautiful, but the son is a third-rate graduate. This is the story of my son and daughter-in-law, one sells vegetables and the other sells noodles. Their lives are like a history of blood and tears, which makes me sad every time.

Part 1: The hardships and helplessness of the bottom of society

At the bottom of society, life is not as good as imagined. My son and daughter-in-law have to start a simple small business to make ends meet. They have gone through seven or eight years of hardship, and every step is a road of blood and tears. When I boast about my children's career success in the eyes of others, I can only laugh at myself, because their professional status is far from what people expect.

Part 2: Parents' helplessness and sadness

As a parent, I am deeply saddened by the achievements of my son and daughter-in-law. They may be just a small trader, but their dedication and effort are unmatched. Every time I see them fighting for life, my heart is full of helplessness and heartache. Even though I dare not speak, I know that they are my pride and the greatest hope in my heart.

Part 3: Children's achievements are the greatest pride

On the road of life, the achievements of children are the greatest pride of parents. No matter what career they are in, as long as they can work hard and achieve their dreams, it is the best reward for their parents. Although they are only small traders now, I believe that as long as they keep working hard, they will definitely achieve something in the future.

Ending: The wish of the parents

On the road of life, the greatest wish of parents is to see their children live a happy and fulfilling life. Even though they are just small traders now, I believe that as long as they keep working hard, they will definitely achieve something in the future. No matter what their career is, as long as they are happy, I am satisfied.

[The content is original, the ideas are clear, the content is rich, and the number of words reaches about 1000 words, so that readers can resonate and think.] 】

#婆妈的辛酸事儿# #你生活过的苦吗# #生活不缺故事# #生活是甜是苦# #感人的人间故事# #生活艰辛吗# #你觉得生活苦吗# #生活的苦不好吃# #生活是甜还是苦# #生活里的辛酸#

Title: The Road of Blood and Tears: The Concept of Children of Bottom Parents Begins: The bottom has been crawling for seven or eight years, just for life. The daughter-in-law is beautiful, but the son is a third-rate graduate. These are my son and daughter-in-law
Title: The Road of Blood and Tears: The Concept of Children of Bottom Parents Begins: The bottom has been crawling for seven or eight years, just for life. The daughter-in-law is beautiful, but the son is a third-rate graduate. These are my son and daughter-in-law
Title: The Road of Blood and Tears: The Concept of Children of Bottom Parents Begins: The bottom has been crawling for seven or eight years, just for life. The daughter-in-law is beautiful, but the son is a third-rate graduate. These are my son and daughter-in-law

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