
Here comes the truth! The J-35 emits black smoke and spoils India: China's copycat engine is not up to par


The Indian media has been happy about two things recently, the first is the successful first flight of their third-generation aircraft Glorious MK1A, and the second is that black smoke came out of the flight of China's fourth-generation aircraft J-35.

Here comes the truth! The J-35 emits black smoke and spoils India: China's copycat engine is not up to par

India has always prided itself on being a great power and wants to compete with the mainland in everything. Take the field of aviation as an example, we have been making great strides in development, not only with the mature fourth-generation aircraft J-20, the strategic transport aircraft Y-20, the helicopter Z-20, and even the strategic bomber H-20 will meet with you soon.

On the other hand, on the Indian side, the third-generation aircraft Guanghui MK1A finally achieved the success of the first flight of the mass-produced aircraft under the twists and turns, which greatly increased the self-confidence of the Indian media, and said that this third-generation aircraft was a "ruthless" role in punching the Thunder Dragon 3 and kicking the J-10C. In fact, not to mention its MK1A, it is difficult for even the future MK2 to suppress the Thunder 3, let alone the higher-level J-10C.

In fact, the Indian media are very aware of the gap between the two countries in the military field, but they are unwilling to admit it, so they will take a "magnifying glass" to find every deficiency in the mainland's military equipment, and then take it out and hype it up to balance their minds.

Here comes the truth! The J-35 emits black smoke and spoils India: China's copycat engine is not up to par

Recently, the Indian media suddenly discovered a phenomenon of China's other fourth-generation stealth aircraft, the J-35, which made them very happy.

According to an Indian media report, a video of the J-35 flight is currently circulating on the Internet, which shows black smoke coming out of the tail of the J-35 during the flight. After their analysis, they explained the reason, saying that the quality of the Continental's aircraft engines in copycat Russia is not up to par, and black smoke is emitted due to insufficient combustion due to engine defects, which will destroy its stealth performance.

Here comes the truth! The J-35 emits black smoke and spoils India: China's copycat engine is not up to par

In fact, this video of the J-35 test flight has been circulating last month. We can tell from the pictures that the plane was in the take-off phase at that time, climbing at a large angle and then spewing dark gas from the tail. The aero engine of an airplane is similar to the engine of our car. When we step on the accelerator deeply during driving, it will inevitably cause insufficient fuel combustion in the combustion chamber, resulting in black smoke.

The same is true for fighter jets, which will inevitably increase the throttle lift speed during take-off, and there will also be insufficient engine combustion, resulting in black smoke from the wake. This is due to the internal structure and general principles of aero engines. Most of the world's major aviation powers, including the United States and Russia, produce and use aero engines that produce black smoke when they increase the throttle.

Of course, you must know that the predecessor of J-35 is J-31, J-31 was the earliest use of Russia's RD93 engine, and J-31 as early as the Zhuhai Air Show in the process of test flight, this phenomenon occurred, the reason is naturally caused by insufficient engine combustion.

There is a high probability that the J-35 in the video has been replaced with a domestic turbofan 13 engine, and the reason why the Indian media hyped the black smoke of the J-35 during the flight was intended to show that the quality of the Russian engine copied by China was not up to par and had technical defects.

The truth of the matter has disappointed India. According to the available information, the WS13 engine made in the mainland has surpassed the Russian RD93 in terms of quality and performance, which can be said to be better than the blue.

Here comes the truth! The J-35 emits black smoke and spoils India: China's copycat engine is not up to par

Although the J-35 in the video has most likely used the WS13 engine, according to public information, the maximum thrust of the W13 is 9.5 tons, which has reached the limit of the platform for this engine. This engine is positioned as a replacement for the Russian RD93, and the indicators still cannot meet the requirements of the J-35.

You must know that the F35-PW-130 engine used by the American F100 fighter has a maximum thrust of about 19.5 tons. The J-31, as the continent's benchmark for the United States F35 product, naturally cannot lag behind in the power system. To this end, Continental is vigorously developing the WS19 engine, which has a single thrust of 11~12.5 tons, as a twin-engine J-35, the future power will definitely exceed the existing F35 in the United States.

Here comes the truth! The J-35 emits black smoke and spoils India: China's copycat engine is not up to par

It is worth mentioning that the production of the domestic high-thrust engine turbofan 15 has been completed, and part of the installation has been completed on the J-20. According to reports, the maximum thrust of the turbofan 15 is about 18.5 tons. Therefore, in the field of aero engines, the progress of the continent is beyond the reach of India.

Here comes the truth! The J-35 emits black smoke and spoils India: China's copycat engine is not up to par

As we all know, aero engines are known as the crown jewel of industry, and you can imagine how difficult it is to manufacture. Due to various restrictions in the early years, the mainland started late in the field of aero engines, and there is a big gap between the mainland and the world's aviation powers.

But in recent years, we have been catching up, has achieved some results, the domestic turbofan 10 turbofan 13 has matured, a new generation of high-thrust turbofan 15 will certainly be mass-produced immediately, the mid-thrust engine turbofan 19 is believed to be available soon. This is thanks to the research and development of our scientific and technological workers day and night, and I believe that in the near future, our domestic aero engine will be able to reach the world's leading level.

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