
There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

author:Double cannon in the entertainment industry
There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

Text: Double cannon in the entertainment industry

Editor: Entertainment Double Cannon

The rise of the "Martian Boy" is worthy of being a musical talent

In today's entertainment industry, a name that you can't ignore is Hua Chenyu. He has not only attracted attention for his unique musical style, but also won the hearts of many fans because of his distinctive expression. Hua Chenyu's career originated on the stage of "Happy Boy" in 2013. At that time, he conquered countless audiences with his unique singing voice and honest personality, and was nicknamed "Brother Mars" and became the idol of many teenagers.

There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

Hua Chenyu's music is not confined to tradition, and is full of avant-garde and unique elements. The way he sings is always eye-catching. He is not just singing, but also expressing an emotion, an attitude. Every performance is like an audio-visual feast that people will never forget.

There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

In 2014, he got the opportunity to appear on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, which was another milestone in his career. On the most influential stage of the Spring Festival Gala, he showed his talent to the national audience, allowing more people to know this unique and charming music talent. In the same year, he also participated in the variety show "Flowers and Boys", showing his cute and innocent side, and won the love and attention of more audiences.

There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

Not satisfied with the achievements he has made, Hua Chenyu began to make a bolder attempt. He held his first solo concert and released his first solo album, marking a new level of his music career. This concert is not only the pinnacle of his personal career, but also an affectionate dialogue between him and his fans.

In 2017, Hua Chenyu became the mentor of the music variety show "Tomorrow's Son". In the show, he showed his mature side, imparting experience to the young contestants and becoming their guide. He has set an example for the new generation of musicians with his strength and experience, and has become an idol in the hearts of many young people.

There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

However, Hua Chenyu's road to success has not been smooth. Despite his loyal following, his off-the-beaten-path approach has also attracted a lot of misunderstanding and criticism. Some people call him "The Mage", and some people question his musical style, but none of this can shake his status in the hearts of fans. It is precisely because of his uniqueness that he is unique in the music industry and has become a unique artist.

Zhang Bichen, who has aspired to be a singer since he was a child

Zhang Bichen, a musical genius from Tianjin, was born on September 10, 1989. Her childhood was not ordinary, and she showed a unique personality, both as an intrepid explorer and as a singer in every way.

There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

When she was a child, Zhang Bichen showed her love for music, and her singing voice moistened her parents' hearts like a clear spring. However, the expectations of her family and the pressure of reality forced her to give up the path of pursuing music and chose to apply for a French major.

However, even if he chose to obey his parents' arrangement, Zhang Bichen's music dream was not buried. On campus, she still insists on singing practice, whether it is a quiet night or a bustling campus, her singing voice is always so beautiful and fascinating.

There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

The turning point of fate came from a chance encounter, Zhang Bichen participated in a singing competition, showed amazing musical talent, and won important honors for sincere emotions and outstanding performance. This competition opened the door for her to the capital of music, South Korea.

Faced with the opportunity to move forward, Zhang Bichen's parents hesitated, but finally chose to support her decision and gave her moral and financial support. Their support has strengthened Zhang Bichen's determination to pursue his music dream.

There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

Now, Zhang Bichen's music journey has opened a new chapter. She embarked on a journey towards her musical dreams. Whether it is wind and rain or sunshine, she will go on firmly, and use her singing voice to bring more warmth and hope to the world.

The two got acquainted because of variety shows and secretly fell in love

They first met in 2014 at the "Full Video Night", an event that symbolizes the intersection of film, music and culture, and attracts countless celebrities. The eyes of the two met in the light, and it seemed to reveal an indescribable attraction. But this is only the beginning, and the fate of the two did not immediately reveal at that moment.

There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

In the days that followed, Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu often met in various performances, but the communication between them was quite limited, like two parallel lines that could never intersect. Maybe it's because of their busy careers, or maybe it's because of each other's incompatible personalities, the connection between the two has not been able to develop deeply.

There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

However, fate always likes to surprise people. Zhang Bichen was favored by a capitalist and joined a new music company, and his career began to flourish, frequently receiving recognition and awards from the music industry. And Hua Chenyu has gone further with his unique music style and charm, conquering the hearts of countless fans. Despite their staggered trajectories, their connection to each other is still weak, like two stars, twinkling with light, but never really close.

There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

Until 2015, "Traveling the World" became the node where the fates of the two converged. This program is a unique music study tour reality show, allowing participants to experience the music culture of different regions while showing their musical talents. In this show, Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu met again, but this time, there was a subtle change in the way they got along with each other.

There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

In the show, the two inevitably had some arguments, perhaps because of each other's different personalities and philosophies, or perhaps because the pressure of competition had alienated each other. However, when it comes to music, they have a special tacit understanding with each other. Just like a pair of sisters and brothers, Zhang Bichen always cares about and takes care of Hua Chenyu, and Hua Chenyu is also full of respect and trust for Zhang Bichen subtly.

There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

During the recording of the show, there was a recurring clip that stood out. In this clip, Zhang Bichen unabashedly showed her concern and doting on Hua Chenyu, and her actions made the audience feel a sincere emotional outpouring, as if a kind of family affection quietly took root between the two. This clip became a footnote to the development of the relationship between the two, and also caused more curiosity and speculation about the relationship between them.

There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

However, just after the recording of the show ended, the relationship between the two was rumored to be scandalous. Although they have had some interactions on social platforms, they have vigorously denied these rumors, as if they are keeping a mysterious distance from each other, and do not want the eyes of the outside world to easily glimpse the true feelings between them. Such an attitude makes people more curious about their relationship, and it also makes this scandal a major focus in the entertainment industry.


In the spotlight of the entertainment industry, every move of the stars will be talked about by countless followers. In this scandal, she played an unexpected role. She clarified all kinds of rumors about herself in the form of a long article, which brought a tranquilizer to the whole scandal.

There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

Her appearance seems to inject a calm force into this turbulent topic. But what is even more eye-catching is the photo of her and Xie Na. This group photo has sparked speculation about the relationship between her and Xie Na, and has also made everyone start to re-examine this scandal and think about more different angles in it.

There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

Second, we'll talk about Deng Ziqi. As a frequent guest on variety shows, she is inevitably chased by the media. In a variety show, when she was asked about her relationship with Hua Chenyu, her answer was full of subtlety. There was a subtle emotion in her tone, as if to suggest something. In another interview, she mentioned a relationship she had experienced, admitting that it took her a long time to get out of the shadow of that relationship. The words sparked speculation about what was really going on in her heart, and whether her relationship with Hua Chenyu had gone through a similar struggle.

There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

Let's talk about Hua Chenyu again. In this scandal, his response was quite stable as a typical star. He did not deny it outright, nor did he hide it, but responded to the media's speculation with an understatement. This indifferent attitude seems to imply a sense of reluctance to talk more, making people more curious about what he really thinks in his heart.

Caught off guard, the presence of the child is suddenly announced

Hua Chenyu and Zhang Bichen, two young stars, are shining in the spotlight, but they are also deep in the fog of love. Their relationship has experienced ups and downs and challenges, but in the end, they have chosen to face reality bravely. Their courage is not superficial, but comes from the heart, because they know that in the face of problems, running away is not the solution.

There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

One of the most touching points is about their children. Imagine when the rumors turned into reality, when Hua Chenyu and Zhang Bichen announced that they were about to welcome a little life, the news was simply a surprise to fans. After all, the relationship between this celebrity couple has experienced many twists and turns. However, they did not give up because of these twists and turns, but chose to bravely move into the future.

There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

When we talk about love, we often only think of sweetness and romance, but we ignore the other side of love - responsibility. After becoming pregnant, Zhang Bichen once chose to take responsibility alone, but she also realized that as a father, Hua Chenyu should also have the right to participate in the life of the child. This kind of honesty and understanding is a new starting point for the relationship between them.

There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

As a father, Hua Chenyu showed due responsibility and commitment. Despite missing most of the pregnancy, he expressed his willingness to take on the responsibilities of fatherhood and to devote himself to the child's growth and education. This expression of fatherly love not only won the respect and support of fans, but also brought more warmth and harmony to their families.

And when faced with public relations problems, their handling is also worth learning from. They chose a mature and rational approach to the problem. Hua Chenyu is willing to pay alimony without having to share property or status. This way of reconciliation not only helps to maintain their image, but also brings a good environment for their children to grow up.

There is a kind of "calculation" called Zhang Bichen and Hua Chenyu, the child is 4 years old, and he understands this big game of chess!

In addition, for Zhang Bichen, being a single mother did not make her feel helpless. She decided to raise her children through her own strength and become a qualified mother. She understands the importance of freedom and control over single life, so she is determined to take control of her life and create a warm and happy family for her children.

Note: It is only published in today's headlines, and the handling must be investigated

The picture comes from the Internet, it is not easy to be original, and the manuscript must be investigated.

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