
Which of the following tableware do people refer to by "spoon"?


When people say "spoon", they refer to which of the following tableware?

A. Spoon

B. Small bowl

Correct answer: Spoon

Which of the following tableware do people refer to by "spoon"?

Answer Analysis:

The term "spoon" refers to a spoon that has a special purpose and status at the table.

Which of the following tableware do people refer to by "spoon"?

Spoons are usually slightly larger than regular spoons and have a capacity of between 15-30 ml. Its design features are a shallower and wider spoon with a longer handle and a slightly upturned end. This unique design makes it perfect for scooping and savoring some moderately consistent foods such as desserts such as puddings, mousses, ice cream, and some soup-like dishes.

In Western table manners, the spoon is usually placed above the plate, to the right of the spoon. When using, food should be scooped up with the side of the spoon, not the front. To taste, you can put the spoon in your mouth, but do not hold the spoon completely in your mouth. When you're done, you should put the spoon back on the plate with the handle facing the right side of the plate.

Which of the following tableware do people refer to by "spoon"?

In addition to being used at the dinner table, spoons also play an important role in cooking and cooking. Many chefs like to use a spoon to measure a small amount of liquid seasoning or spice because it has a moderate volume and is easy to control the amount. In addition, spoons can be used to stir, mix ingredients, and taste flavoring during cooking.

In general, as a unique spoon, "spoon" has an irreplaceable position in both table manners and cooking skills. Understanding and mastering the use of spoons can help us better enjoy food and improve the quality of life.

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