
A guide to the cultivation and watering of the fortune tree

author:Senior technician Lao Song
A guide to the cultivation and watering of the fortune tree

The fortune tree is loved by many people because of its auspicious name and beautiful leaf shape. But for a fortune tree to thrive, it is necessary to understand its cultivation method and the correct watering time.

A guide to the cultivation and watering of the fortune tree

First, the breeding method of the fortune tree

  1. Soil & Containers:

    Fortune trees prefer fertile, loose, well-drained soil. Peat, humus and perlite can be selected to be mixed in the appropriate proportions as culture soil. At the same time, in order to ensure that the root system of the fortune tree has enough space to grow, it is important to choose a slightly larger pot.

  2. Light & Temperature:

    The fortune tree loves the sun, but it cannot be directly exposed to the sun for a long time. It is best placed in a bright, diffused place with light. In terms of temperature, the fortune tree is suitable for growing in an environment of 20-30 °C, and the room temperature should be kept at no lower than 6 °C in winter to avoid freezing.

  3. Fertilize:

    Fortune trees need to be fertilized regularly during the growing season. You can choose an organic compound fertilizer that is fertilized once a month to provide it with the necessary nutrients.

2. The watering time and method of the fortune tree

  1. Observe the soil:

    Before watering, the first thing to do is to observe the moisture of the soil. Fortune trees are afraid of waterlogging, so they only need to be watered when the soil surface is slightly dry.

  2. Watering frequency:

    Spring and summer are the growing seasons of the Fortune Tree, when the water demand is high, and it is watered about once a week. In autumn and winter, the growth rate of the fortune tree slows down, and it is enough to water it every 10-15 days.

  3. Amount of water:

    Make sure the soil is soaked with each watering, but don't let the water accumulate at the bottom of the pot. Too much water can cause the roots of the fortune tree to rot.

  4. Pay attention to drainage:

    Make sure the pot has good drainage holes to avoid moisture accumulation.

3. Other precautions

  1. Avoid over-fertilization: Over-fertilization can cause the leaves of the Fortune Tree to turn yellow and fall off.
  2. Regular pruning: In order to maintain the beauty of the shape of the fortune tree, it is possible to prune excessively long or irregular branches regularly.
  3. Pest control: Pay attention to the leaves of the fortune tree, and take measures to treat pests or diseases in time once they are found.

Although the name of the fortune tree sounds easy to raise, it actually has certain requirements for the breeding environment. As long as you master the correct breeding method and watering time, I believe that your fortune tree will definitely grow and add a touch of vitality and greenery to your living space.

A guide to the cultivation and watering of the fortune tree

Overall, cultivating a fortune tree is not complicated, the key is careful observation and proper care. By following the above advice, your fortune tree will grow healthily and become a beautiful sight in your home.

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