
How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

author:Good gravitational force

How immoral can a business war be in reality? The official master pays attention to it and immediately gets to the point.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

These two rivals are really fighting openly and secretly, I said how are the instant noodles in the supermarket broken, hahaha.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

Regardless of whether it's a security uncle or a cleaning aunt, you can just say whether it has caused trouble to the rival company hahaha.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

It's really a big game of chess, as long as a practical business car is hooked with the funeral, it is really difficult to turn over.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

This operation is really a bit like stealing your admission ticket, and in the end you don't have the immediate feeling of being admitted to university.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

Good guy, I thought it was watering more to death, but it was boiling water, and it was really the end of the fun.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

Don't say it, these small actions can really affect the normal operation of a company.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

That's right, yes, there is really no quality, as long as there is no quality, everything will be easy hahaha.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

How offensive, even if Party A knows that the opponent company has made a small move after reading it, it will definitely cause a negative image to the company and affect the bidding later.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

That's right, and there's no way to argue with it!

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

Because it's so easy to use and so pretend, the power of the media is really powerful.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

Going around such a big circle just to smash someone's beckoning cat hahahaha, what if the beauty rebels and watered your fortune tree with her backhand.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

These two don't seem to have heard of any very obvious business wars except for the products, and they all rely on self-explosion hahaha.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

I said which one has no quality to scratch the cushion.,Co-authoring is home.,It turns out that you can't scan the code and it's also the operation of the rival company.。

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

This is really excessive! For the people of Guangdong, do they know what the fortune tree means? Murder and punishment of the heart.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

It turns out that there is such an operation.,It's really a long experience.,Seize every opportunity you can seize to bring down the other party.,This is.。

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

The business war in the novel is not like this, and the business war in reality has a very naïve but useful feeling hahahaha.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

Employee: I love my company, I never use other people's mobile phone cards, company: It's okay, you can't use it anyway, hahahaha.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

Hahaha, it's still blacklisted, it's still seriously unsafe, it's laughing at me hahaha.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

I said why some cans are crooked, it turns out that they are all fighting to win my heart, oh my God.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

It turns out that there is such a method, which is a little different from the business war I imagined, hahahaha.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

Don't say it, I've really encountered it, at that time I was still a very inconspicuous store, the other party received a backhand complaint that I swiped the order and sent an empty package, and I also had a big fight with the customer service and won.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

It's really a thief shouting to catch a thief, let's do things first at home, let's just give a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

The data that I worked so hard to do was suddenly pulled down by the other family, and the boss cried to death.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

Whoever collapsed, there is always a leak hahaha, BMW doesn't give ice cream, Mercedes-Benz immediately said that we will give ice cream when we enter the store haha.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

Hahahaha, the per capita yin and yang master in the domestic product competition, it's good, I like to watch the dream linkage of domestic products hahaha.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

This picture is really funny haha, McDonald's is on its way, I want to see how McMak fights back.

How immoral can a business war be in reality? Netizen: Boiling water to water the fortune tree of the other family, laughing at me

Some companies just want to send new faces to inspect the opponent's territory, hahahaha.

Finally, all the officials and lords use your little fingers to pay attention to it, Mo Mo Da~

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