
From leading the Asian economy to warlordism, Myanmar has only taken 30 years, what have they done?


We have the impression that Myanmar is a paradise for criminals, even if people are asked to travel there, people will spread their hands and shake their heads, but who would have thought that Myanmar was rich for a while?

From leading the Asian economy to warlordism, Myanmar has only taken 30 years, what have they done?

At that time, it is not an exaggeration to say that Myanmar was leading Asia, and even Japan at that time could not catch up, and when Myanmar developed, Myanmar's strength could actually be said to be very strong.

Because the geographical location of Myanmar is very unique, its coastline is very long, and the whole country also has very rich natural resources.

From leading the Asian economy to warlordism, Myanmar has only taken 30 years, what have they done?

However, despite this, there is still some gap between the overall strength of Burma and the British, so the British launched a war against Burma.

After three wars, Burma officially became a British colony, and although British colonization is not a thing worth talking about, British colonization did bring some development to Burma.

From leading the Asian economy to warlordism, Myanmar has only taken 30 years, what have they done?

The British built some infrastructure and opened some factories in Myanmar, and these projects really boosted the employment situation in Myanmar.

However, with the rise of the independence wave, Myanmar also began to pursue independence, at this time there was a figure in Myanmar, if this person lived longer, Myanmar's development may not be the current situation.

From leading the Asian economy to warlordism, Myanmar has only taken 30 years, what have they done?

That man was Aung San, who had organized movements at an early age, and when Burma was seeking independence, Aung San was looking for all the external forces to unite with.

At that time, Myanmar was not very united, and there were 135 ethnic groups in Myanmar, which led to a certain degree of unity among them.

From leading the Asian economy to warlordism, Myanmar has only taken 30 years, what have they done?

In order to unite the forces in Burma, Aung San brought together the leaders of the ethnic minorities, who signed the Panglong Agreement in February 1947.

In uniting the forces of Myanmar's ethnic minorities, the agreement also stipulates some rights and interests of ethnic minorities, that is, people in ethnic minority areas have all the rights that citizens can have.

From leading the Asian economy to warlordism, Myanmar has only taken 30 years, what have they done?

However, only six months after the agreement was signed, Aung San died in the assassination of Aung San, and after his death, Myanmar officially left the control of the British Commonwealth and ushered in independence.

The time of Burma's independence was in January 1948, after the British withdrew from Burma, U Nu became the first leader of Burma.

From leading the Asian economy to warlordism, Myanmar has only taken 30 years, what have they done?

When Wu Nu came to power, he adopted a relatively liberal way of rule, and if there were no interference from some internal and external factors, such a way of ruling could be regarded as a very enlightened way of rule.

However, at that time, Myanmar was facing a more difficult situation, as we mentioned above, Myanmar is a multi-ethnic country, and the main ethnic group in Myanmar, the Burmese, accounts for about 60% of the entire country's population.

From leading the Asian economy to warlordism, Myanmar has only taken 30 years, what have they done?

Other ethnic groups account for about 40 percent, which means that the main ethnic groups in Myanmar cannot form a crushing situation against other ethnic minorities by numbers alone.

What's more, when Myanmar became independent, these ethnic minorities also contributed a lot of strength, and after Myanmar's independence, many ethnic minorities wanted to do it alone, and they also wanted to use force and force, and they wanted to be united and united.

From leading the Asian economy to warlordism, Myanmar has only taken 30 years, what have they done?

Faced with such a situation, the Burmese government naturally did not agree, so the Burmese government wanted to solve such a problem by force.

The government thought that although there were some tricky problems to solve, the results were always good, and what they did not expect was that the ethnic minorities in Myanmar were too capable of fighting.

From leading the Asian economy to warlordism, Myanmar has only taken 30 years, what have they done?

One of the more interesting things is that when the national army was defeated in the country, it retreated to Burma, and the Burmese team was naturally unkind.

In the first battle, the Burmese side sent 20,000 people, and the national army at that time was only about 3,000 people, that is, under such circumstances, the Burmese army was defeated, and the second time although there were fewer people, it still ended in failure.

From leading the Asian economy to warlordism, Myanmar has only taken 30 years, what have they done?

In such a chaotic situation, without two brushes, it is indeed difficult for civilian forces to stabilize the situation, and more importantly, in order to stabilize the situation, the Myanmar government has to delegate power to its military.

After a long time, the power of the military began to grow, and Myanmar wanted to close its home in order to solve its domestic problems as soon as possible.

From leading the Asian economy to warlordism, Myanmar has only taken 30 years, what have they done?

Wait until a series of things are resolved, and then talk about other things, and Myanmar did this, after all, their national development at that time was quite good.

But what they didn't expect was that during the decades when Myanmar was closed, the outside world was ushering in a period of rapid development, and many countries had ushered in huge development opportunities in these decades.

From leading the Asian economy to warlordism, Myanmar has only taken 30 years, what have they done?

As for Myanmar, it has been busy dealing with its own internal affairs, and the key point is that not only has they not solved the matter, but on the contrary, they have further intensified the contradictions within their own country.

Their country, because of the missed golden development opportunity, has become what it is today, and Myanmar has been labeled as "one of the least developed countries in the world" internationally.

From leading the Asian economy to warlordism, Myanmar has only taken 30 years, what have they done?

Not only that, but today's Myanmar is facing the situation of warlord secession and war, and when the warlords begin to grow, some gray industries begin to grow.

However, when Myanmar is faced with such a situation, it seems a little helpless, after all, it is not so simple to unite the forces of the whole Myanmar.

From leading the Asian economy to warlordism, Myanmar has only taken 30 years, what have they done?

However, Myanmar's geographical location is undeniable, no matter how chaotic it is, and the superior coastline allows Myanmar to have relatively abundant marine resources.

Myanmar is a country that is close to the mainland, and for the vast majority of countries in the world, our country has a vast market.

From leading the Asian economy to warlordism, Myanmar has only taken 30 years, what have they done?

However, all of this needs to be built under a unified regime, and Myanmar's former glory has been wiped out in just 30 years.

All this is not embarrassing, in stark contrast to Myanmar is the original Singapore, the original development of Singapore, but far less than Myanmar.

From leading the Asian economy to warlordism, Myanmar has only taken 30 years, what have they done?

When Singapore was developing, it even said that it would learn from Myanmar at that time, and in just 40 years, Singapore has seen it.

Singapore has gone from being a poor country to one of the "Four Little Tigers" in Asia, and more importantly, the geographical location of Singapore is completely inferior to that of Myanmar.

From leading the Asian economy to warlordism, Myanmar has only taken 30 years, what have they done?

Singapore's natural resources are very scarce, but Singapore has taken a series of actions to enable the country to develop.

Since the country's capital is not enough, it is necessary to attract foreign capital to carry out construction, in addition to this, industrial modernization is also very important, and there are other constructive measures.

From leading the Asian economy to warlordism, Myanmar has only taken 30 years, what have they done?

After years of construction, Singapore has become a developed country, he has already surpassed Vietnam, for these two countries, with 30 years of Hedong, 30 years of Hexi to describe it is not an exaggeration......

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