
The best "menopause" for women was announced, and doctors reminded: the closer to this age, the healthier it may be

author:Yang Xuefei loves popular science

Introduction: Menstruation, a physiological phenomenon, plays a vital role in women's health, like a "barometer" reflecting women's health status, it is not only a simple physiological phenomenon, but also an important embodiment of women's fertility.

Whenever a woman enters puberty, between the ages of 14 and 17, the onset of menarche marks the beginning of a woman's reproductive period, which is a significant sign of the gradual maturity of a woman's body.

The best "menopause" for women was announced, and doctors reminded: the closer to this age, the healthier it may be

At this critical juncture, comprehensive physical education and personal psychological adjustment are essential to help girls better understand and accept this physiological change and prepare them for the rest of life.

The regularity of menstruation not only reflects a woman's fertility, but also is a "signal light" for a woman's physical health. Every woman wants her menstrual period to come as scheduled, because it not only means physical health, but also represents the continuation of youth to some extent.

Therefore, many women begin to feel signs of gradual decline in ovarian function after entering middle age, menstruation is irregular, and even finally menopause, they will feel a sense of loss and helplessness.

The best "menopause" for women was announced, and doctors reminded: the closer to this age, the healthier it may be

How important is it for women to have normal menstruation?

As a part of a woman's menstrual cycle, the normality of menstruation has a profound impact on women's physical health and mental health.

First of all, from a physiological point of view, regular menstruation is a manifestation of the health of the female reproductive system, and a normal menstrual cycle means that the reproductive organs such as the ovaries and uterus are working normally, and the harmonious relationship between them enables women to conceive and give birth smoothly.

Disorders in the menstrual cycle often mean that there may be some kind of physiological problem, such as endocrine disorders, uterine fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc., which require timely medical attention and treatment.

The best "menopause" for women was announced, and doctors reminded: the closer to this age, the healthier it may be

Secondly, normal menstruation is also closely related to women's mental health. Regular menstruation can help women maintain a good state of mind. Changes in the menstrual cycle can affect hormone levels in a woman's body, which in turn can affect a woman's mood, sleep, and appetite. Therefore, irregular menstruation can lead to problems such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc., affecting their quality of life.

In addition, normal menstruation is also an important factor for women to maintain their youthful vitality. As women age, their ovarian function gradually declines, and menstruation becomes irregular. Regular menstruation means good ovarian function, which helps women maintain their youthful vitality and delay aging.

The best "menopause" for women was announced, and doctors reminded: the closer to this age, the healthier it may be

What are the general symptoms of menopause in women?

Irregular menstrual periods

Before menopause, women's menstrual cycles may become irregular, and menstrual periods may be early, delayed, or heavier. This is because ovarian function is reduced, causing estrogen levels to fluctuate, which can affect the menstrual cycle. 、

Studies have shown that about 80% of women experience irregular menstrual periods before menopause.

Hot flashes and night sweats

Hot flashes are one of the most common symptoms of menopause and are characterized by a sudden onset of heat, facial flushing, and sweating. Night sweats are the phenomenon of sweating profusely during sleep at night. These symptoms are often associated with a decrease in estrogen levels.

According to statistics, about 75% of menopausal women will experience hot flashes and night sweats, and about half of them will last for more than 5 years.

The best "menopause" for women was announced, and doctors reminded: the closer to this age, the healthier it may be


Estrogen plays an important role in maintaining bone health, so a drop in estrogen levels may lead to an increased risk of osteoporosis. Menopausal women are prone to problems such as fractures, shortening of height, and hunched back.

Studies have shown that menopausal women have a more than 2 times higher risk of osteoporosis than premenopausal women.

Cardiovascular health issues

Estrogen has a protective effect on cardiovascular health, so a drop in estrogen levels may lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular health problems in menopausal women, such as high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, etc.

Studies have shown that menopausal women have a 20 to 40 percent higher risk of developing high blood pressure than premenopausal women. In addition, menopausal women are at relatively high risk of coronary heart disease.

Mood changes

Decreased estrogen levels can lead to mood swings, anxiety, depression, and other psychological problems in menopausal women. These symptoms can have a negative impact on a woman's quality of life and social relationships.

Studies have shown that about 30% of menopausal women experience symptoms of mood changes, and about half of them need to seek professional help.

The best "menopause" for women was announced, and doctors reminded: the closer to this age, the healthier it may be

The best "menopause" for women was announced, and doctors reminded: the closer to this age, the healthier it may be

With the deepening of medical research and the comprehensive analysis of global health data, the World Health Organization has conducted a comprehensive assessment of the physical fitness of women in various countries, and published the optimal age range for women, that is, 45 to 55 years old.

This conclusion is based on an in-depth study of women's physiological health data around the world, aiming to provide a scientific reference for women's health.

It's important to note that menopause isn't always better. Although some women may wish to postpone menopause, delaying menopause too much may not be a good thing.

Doctors remind women to maintain good lifestyle habits, such as a balanced diet, moderate exercise, regular work and rest, etc., to maintain a healthy state of the body. In this way, women will be able to enter menopause at the right age and thus maintain their physical health.

The best "menopause" for women was announced, and doctors reminded: the closer to this age, the healthier it may be

Premature menopause can have adverse effects on a woman's health. Premature menopause can lead to an early onset of aging, leading to accelerated deterioration of ovarian function and disorders of hormone levels in the body.

This may not only trigger a series of menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, etc., but also may increase the chance of developing gynecological diseases, such as uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, etc. Therefore, women need to pay attention to their physical condition and adjust their lifestyle habits in time to delay the deterioration of ovarian function and maintain good health.

In conclusion, knowing the optimal age range for menopause for women and maintaining good lifestyle habits is essential for women's health. Women should pay attention to their physical condition and adjust their lifestyle in time to enter menopause at the right age and maintain their health.

The best "menopause" for women was announced, and doctors reminded: the closer to this age, the healthier it may be

Are menopause and amenorrhea the same thing?

Menopause and amenorrhea are not the same thing.

Amenorrhea usually refers to the cessation of menstruation for six months or more, it can be a pathological state or a temporary phenomenon in a physiological state that can occur at any age. Menopause, on the other hand, refers to the decline of women's ovarian function and the cessation of menstruation for more than 12 months, usually occurring around the age of 50, accompanied by the arrival of menopause, which is a natural physiological phenomenon.

In addition, the diagnostic criteria for amenorrhea and menopause are different. The diagnostic criteria for amenorrhea are stricter and require the exclusion of various pathological factors that may lead to the cessation of menstruation, while menopause is the result of the natural decline of ovarian function and does not need to rule out other pathological factors.

Therefore, while amenorrhea and menopause are both manifestations of menopause, they differ in cause, nature, age at which they occur, and treatments and should not be conflated. If you have symptoms of long-term amenorrhea or menopause, you should go to the hospital for examination and treatment in time.

The best "menopause" for women was announced, and doctors reminded: the closer to this age, the healthier it may be

Menopause is not necessarily a bad thing, 3 questions or goodbye!


Many women experience menstrual cramps during menstruation, which manifests as abdominal pain and discomfort. Dysmenorrhea is often associated with uterine contractions and changes in hormone levels.

With the onset of menopause, ovarian function gradually declines, hormone levels tend to stabilize, and the symptoms of dysmenorrhea may naturally resolve.

Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are common benign tumors in the female reproductive organs that are associated with high estrogen levels. After menopause, estrogen levels drop and the growth rate of fibroids may slow or stop, or even shrink gradually, which makes it possible for some women to find that fibroids no longer require surgery after menopause.


Endometriosis is a common gynaecological condition in which endometrial cells grow on the outside of the uterus, causing problems such as pain and infertility.

After menopause, ectopic endometrial tissue may gradually shrink and symptoms may be relieved due to a decrease in estrogen levels. Some people with mild endometriosis may not need to continue treatment after menopause.

The best "menopause" for women was announced, and doctors reminded: the closer to this age, the healthier it may be

How should women take care of their bodies during menopause?

Eat a balanced diet

Maintaining a balanced diet is very important for women's physical health. Foods rich in protein, vitamins and minerals such as fish, meat, eggs, milk, legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits should be eaten.

At the same time, it is important to control fat and sugar intake to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Exercise in moderation

Moderate exercise can help women maintain good health, enhance immunity, prevent osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease, etc.

It is recommended to choose an exercise method that suits you, such as walking, jogging, yoga, swimming, etc., and insist on 3-5 times a week for more than 30 minutes each time.

The best "menopause" for women was announced, and doctors reminded: the closer to this age, the healthier it may be

Maintain a good routine

Developing a good routine and getting enough sleep can help regulate endocrine and alleviate menopausal symptoms. It is recommended to get 7-8 hours of sleep per night and try to maintain a regular schedule.

Adjust your mindset

Menopause is an important stage in a woman's life and can be accompanied by some discomfort and symptoms. Women should maintain a positive mindset, regulate their emotions, and avoid excessive anxiety and depression. Some relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, etc., can be tried to relieve stress and anxiety.

Regular medical check-ups

Regular gynecological exams, breast exams, cardiovascular exams, etc., are performed to identify and treat potential health problems in a timely manner.

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