
The doctor reminded: if you want to have good liver function, eat less "2 white and 1 yellow"

author:Yang Xuefei loves popular science

Introduction: The sheer number of patients with liver disease on the mainland is truly staggering. According to statistics, in 2021 alone, the number of patients with liver diseases, including chronic hepatitis, fatty liver, cirrhosis, etc., has reached a staggering 467 million.

This figure not only reveals the prevalence of liver disease, but also reflects the impact of modern lifestyles and eating habits on people's health.

With the improvement of living standards, our diet and lifestyle have undergone significant changes, and these changes are closely related to the increase in the incidence of liver disease.

The doctor reminded: if you want to have good liver function, eat less "2 white and 1 yellow"

As a nutritious food, walnuts are loved by the general public. It is rich in protein, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, potassium, calcium and other nutrients, and is known as "brain gold".

However, for patients with liver disease, whether walnuts can be eaten is a question worth exploring. As an important metabolic organ of the human body, the liver is responsible for breaking down and transforming nutrients in food.

For people with liver disease, the liver's function may have been impaired and it is unable to process certain food components effectively. Therefore, people with liver disease need to be especially cautious when choosing foods so as not to aggravate their condition.

The doctor reminded: if you want to have good liver function, eat less "2 white and 1 yellow"


5 processes of the development of liver disease

5 Processes of Liver Disease The development of liver disease is a complex and gradual process, it usually involves multiple stages, the following are the five main processes of liver disease development:

Fatty liver: This is the early stage of the development of liver disease and is mainly caused by unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise. At this stage, excess fat accumulates inside the cells of the liver, but these cells are not severely damaged. Fatty liver can be reversed if aggressive interventions are taken at this stage, such as improving diet and increasing exercise.

Hepatitis: When fatty liver disease progresses further, liver cells begin to be damaged and inflammation occurs, i.e., it enters the hepatitis stage. Hepatitis can be caused by a variety of causes, including viral infections, medication side effects, etc. At this stage, liver cells may begin to die and liver function declines.

The doctor reminded: if you want to have good liver function, eat less "2 white and 1 yellow"

Liver fibrosis: Hepatitis progresses and causes a large amount of fibrous tissue to grow in the liver tissue, a process called liver fibrosis. The proliferation of fibrous tissue disrupts the normal structure of the liver and affects its function. At this stage, if diagnosed and treated promptly, the fibrotic progression may be reversed.

Cirrhosis: Liver fibrosis progresses further, and liver tissue is replaced by a large amount of fibrous tissue to form a nodular structure, which is cirrhosis. In the cirrhosis stage, liver function is severely impaired, and symptoms such as ascites and jaundice may occur. Cirrhosis is an irreversible process, but its development can be controlled with treatment, reducing symptoms.

Liver cancer: Cirrhosis is a major risk factor for liver cancer. On the basis of liver cirrhosis, liver cells may undergo malignant transformation and form liver cancer. Liver cancer is a serious disease, and early detection and treatment are essential to improve survival.

The doctor reminded: if you want to have good liver function, eat less "2 white and 1 yellow"


Early symptoms of liver disease

Fatigue and weakness

Persistent fatigue and weakness are a common symptom of liver disease. People may feel that fatigue is difficult to get away no matter how long they rest. This is because damage to the liver can affect its metabolic and detoxification functions, resulting in a lack of energy supply.


Jaundice is a prominent symptom of liver disease and is characterized by yellowing of the skin and eyes. This is due to the inability of bilirubin to be metabolized and excreted properly after liver damage, causing it to accumulate in the body and cause jaundice.


In the early stages of liver disease, symptoms of dyspepsia such as loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting may occur. This is because liver damage can affect the secretion and excretion of bile, which affects the digestion and absorption of food.

The doctor reminded: if you want to have good liver function, eat less "2 white and 1 yellow"

Pain in the upper right abdomen

The liver is located in the upper right abdomen, so you may experience pain or discomfort in the upper right quadrant in the early stages of liver disease. The pain may be dull, tingling or bloating, and the specific sensation varies from person to person.

Changes in the color of urine and stool

When the liver is damaged, the urine may turn dark yellow or brown, and the stool may appear light or grayish-white. This is because the liver is unable to properly metabolize and remove waste products and toxins from the body.

Itchy skin and spider angiomas

Early in liver disease, itchy skin may occur, along with spider angiomas (a red, spider-web-like dilatation of blood vessels) on the skin. This is because damage to the liver can affect the balance of hormones in the body, causing the skin to dilate with blood vessels and itching.

The doctor reminded: if you want to have good liver function, eat less "2 white and 1 yellow"


Can't eat walnuts for liver disease?

People with liver disease do need special attention when it comes to their diet, but it is not entirely accurate to say that you can't eat walnuts with liver disease.

As a nutritious nut, walnuts are rich in protein, fat, fiber, and a variety of vitamins and minerals, and eating them in moderation is beneficial to your health.

However, patients with liver disease have impaired liver function and decreased metabolism and excretion capacity, so they need to avoid high-fat, high-cholesterol foods in their diet.

The doctor reminded: if you want to have good liver function, eat less "2 white and 1 yellow"

Walnuts are high in fat and are mainly unsaturated fatty acids, and although they are beneficial for cardiovascular health, excessive intake may increase the burden on the liver for people with liver disease. Therefore, patients with liver disease need to pay attention to the appropriate amount when eating walnuts and avoid excessive intake.

In addition, patients with liver disease should also follow the principle of "three highs and one low" in their diet, that is, high calorie, high protein, high vitamin, and low fat.

When choosing food, you should choose foods that are easy to digest and nutritious, such as lean meats, fish, eggs, milk, legumes, etc. At the same time, you should also avoid alcohol and avoid the intake of spicy and irritating foods to avoid aggravating liver damage.

The doctor reminded: if you want to have good liver function, eat less "2 white and 1 yellow"


Doctor reminds: If you want to have good liver function, eat less "2 white and 1 yellow"

"2 White"

1. Sugar

When the liver is damaged, its metabolic function is affected and it is unable to process large amounts of sugar efficiently. This can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels, further burdening the liver and even leading to complications such as diabetes.

In addition, white sugar may also cause abnormal fat metabolism in patients with liver disease. The liver is the main site of fat metabolism, and when liver function is impaired, the breakdown and metabolism of fats are affected. Excessive intake of white sugar will lead to the accumulation of fat in the body, which will further increase the burden on the liver and even cause diseases such as fatty liver.

Therefore, patients with liver disease should try to avoid consuming white sugar in their daily life, including high-sugar foods such as candy and sweet drinks.

The doctor reminded: if you want to have good liver function, eat less "2 white and 1 yellow"

2. Liquor

The liver is the main organ for alcohol metabolism, and when alcohol is ingested, the liver needs to break down and metabolize this alcohol, converting it into harmless substances and excreting it from the body. However, in patients with liver disease whose liver function is already impaired, this metabolic process can be severely affected, increasing the burden on the liver and even leading to worsening of the condition.

The metabolism of alcohol in the liver produces an intermediate product called acetaldehyde, which is highly toxic and can directly damage liver cells, leading to liver cell necrosis and fibrosis. For people with liver disease, their livers are already in a damaged state and cannot effectively process this toxic substance, increasing the risk of liver damage.

Secondly, alcohol can also interfere with the metabolism of other nutrients in the liver, such as proteins, fats, and vitamins. This can lead to problems such as malnutrition, fatty liver, etc., which can further aggravate the condition of patients with liver disease.

The doctor reminded: if you want to have good liver function, eat less "2 white and 1 yellow"

"1 Yellow"

1. Fried food

Fried food, as a delicious and tasty food, is loved by people. However, for people with liver disease, caution is required. Why is that?

Fried foods are usually high in fats and calories, which increase the burden on the liver during metabolism. The liver is an important metabolic organ in the human body, responsible for breaking down fats and converting energy. When the liver is damaged, its metabolic capacity decreases, and if too much fat and calories are consumed, it will further increase the metabolic burden on the liver, thus aggravating the condition.

Secondly, the oil in fried food will oxidize at high temperatures to produce harmful substances such as free radicals, which are harmful to human health and even worse for the liver. Free radicals can damage cell membranes and DNA, leading to cell damage and mutations, which can increase the risk of liver disease.

The doctor reminded: if you want to have good liver function, eat less "2 white and 1 yellow"


5 habits in "secretly" hurting the liver, how many have you done?

Excessive alcohol consumption

Alcohol is one of the main enemies of the liver. Long-term heavy alcohol consumption can lead to an overburden on the liver, leading to alcoholic liver disease, and may even develop cirrhosis and liver cancer. Therefore, moderate alcohol consumption or complete abstinence from alcohol is an important measure to protect liver health.

Irregular diet

Poor eating habits such as frequent skipping meals, overeating, and preference for high-calorie foods can all cause damage to the liver. The liver is the body's main metabolic organ and is responsible for processing the food we ingest. Irregular eating habits may cause the liver to increase its burden and affect its normal function.

The doctor reminded: if you want to have good liver function, eat less "2 white and 1 yellow"

Lack of exercise

Long-term lack of exercise not only leads to a decline in physical function, but may also pose a threat to liver health. Proper exercise can help increase metabolism, promote the detoxification function of the liver, and help maintain liver health.

drug abuse

Whether prescription or over-the-counter, drug abuse can cause liver damage. Many drugs need to be metabolized by the liver, and long-term or large amounts of use may increase the burden on the liver and even cause drug-induced liver disease.

Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep can cause organs in the body, including the liver, to not get enough rest. The liver does a lot of detoxification and repair work at night, and if you don't get enough sleep, it can affect the normal function of the liver.

The doctor reminded: if you want to have good liver function, eat less "2 white and 1 yellow"


Read more: Unfortunately I have liver cancer, how long can I live?

The survival period of liver cancer patients varies depending on a variety of factors, such as individual differences, severity of the disease, treatment, and care. In general, the survival period of liver cancer patients can range from months to years.

Patients with early-stage liver cancer, especially those who are able to receive timely surgical resection and effective treatment, have the potential to achieve a longer survival. Some patients can even survive for more than 5 years or more with aggressive treatment and good care.

The doctor reminded: if you want to have good liver function, eat less "2 white and 1 yellow"

However, patients with advanced liver cancer, especially those who have developed extensive metastases or severely impaired liver function, may have a shorter survival period. Such patients may require palliative care to reduce symptoms, control disease progression, improve quality of life, and prolong survival.

It should be noted that the survival period of liver cancer patients not only depends on the condition and treatment plan, but also is affected by various factors such as the patient's own immunity, nutritional status, and psychological state.

Therefore, liver cancer patients should actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment suggestions and maintain a good attitude and lifestyle habits during the treatment process to improve the quality of life and prolong the survival time.

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