
When will cucumbers, winter melons, and zucchini be planted? Don't plant them until this time

author:The old peasant said something

The mainland, rich in vegetable varieties and resources, has a long history of cultivation and planting, and is a big country for growing and consuming vegetables.

In particular, in recent years, the consumer demand for melons and vegetables has been expanding day by day due to their different quality and flavor, refreshing taste and rich nutritional value.

At the same time, the planting area has been increased, and the willingness of grassroots vegetable farmers to plant has risen sharply, like mushrooms after a rain, all over the country, and the output has doubled year by year.

Such vegetables, such as cucumber, winter melon and zucchini, are vegetables with both vegetative and reproductive growth, and the yield is closely related to the amount of fruit and the weight of a single fruit.

In order to popularize the technology and economic benefits of melon and vegetable planting, it is necessary to choose a reasonable time for planting, improve the daily operation and management level of the field, and form a scientific and reasonable management plan.

When will cucumbers, winter melons, and zucchini be planted? Don't plant them until this time


Cucumbers, native to India, have been cultivated and domesticated to form different types of varieties, which can be eaten raw, cooked, and pickled, with various types of cooking methods.

Breed selection. Cucumbers cultivated in the open field must withstand the low temperature of spring and the high temperature of summer, and in order to obtain high yield, it is necessary to choose cucumber varieties with strong adaptability and growth ability, low temperature resistance, resistance to diseases and pests, and early maturity.

Cultivation time. Cucumber is a temperature-loving vegetable, the suitable growth temperature is 18-32 °C, can achieve four seasons of cultivation, spring and winter is greenhouse cultivation, spring and autumn is open cultivation.

Cucumbers are planted in spring when the ground temperature reaches 13°C in mid to late April, and they can be harvested from early June to the end of July.

Nutrient management. Before planting, in order to create a suitable environment for the cucumber root system, it is necessary to use fully decomposed farmhouse fertilizer as base fertilizer, so that the soil can be loose and breathable, retain water, fertilizer and heat preservation.

In the early stage of melon formation, the first key topdressing is carried out, and urea, farmhouse fertilizer, grass ash, etc. are selected, which can promote the vigorous growth of stems, leaves and plants.

In the peak period of melon setting, the vegetative and reproductive growth of the plant enter the peak stage, depending on the seedling condition and fertilizer condition, apply ammonium sulfate or manure fertilizer in a cycle of 7-10 days, and apply potassium dihydrogen phosphate foliar fertilizer.

Pest and disease control. Common diseases of cucumber include downy mildew, powdery mildew, anthracnose, etc., and insect pests include whitefly, spotted fly, aphid, etc.

Prevention and control should choose the right medicine, accurately standardize the use of medicine, purchase drugs from formal institutions or stores, not only be greedy for cheap, deceived by counterfeiters and sellers, but also be able to remove the diseased strains in time, bury and burn the diseased strains in a timely manner, so as to prevent the spread of germs.

When will cucumbers, winter melons, and zucchini be planted? Don't plant them until this time

wax gourd

Winter melon has a strong root system, developed fibrous roots, likes warmth and humidity, has strong adaptability, and is resistant to heat, storage and transportation.

Cultivation time. Normal seedlings are raised from the end of March to the beginning of April, and planted from the end of April to the beginning of May.

It should be noted that when the winter melon seedlings are 30-40 days old and have 3-4 true leaves, they can be transplanted and planted with soil mounds.

Nutrient management. The growth period of winter melon is as long as 3-4 months, and the peak period of fertilizer absorption is also long, so we should pay attention to the base fertilizer, depending on the soil fertilizer, and select fully decomposed farmhouse fertilizer, superphosphate and plant ash as the base fertilizer.

The number of true leaves of the plant grows to 5-6 pieces, and the first fertilizer is applied to promote the vine pumping, which is conducive to sitting melons, and the fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, with an appropriate amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, so as to avoid partial application of nitrogen fertilizer and cause the plant to grow;

After the female flowers bloom, it is necessary to control the water and fertilizer to avoid the excessive growth of stems and leaves, and the problem of melon turning into melons;

Plant adjustments. By adjusting the plants of winter melon, the relationship between plant growth and fruit can be properly handled, and the yield of winter melon can be promoted.

The specific measures are: disc vine, which can control the flow of nutrients in the plant, inhibit growth, and promote flowering, and press the vine, which can make the melon vine evenly distributed, increase the number of adventitious roots, and expand the absorption area of the root system.

Harvest management. Different varieties have different ripening times, flowering to maturity time is roughly 40-50 days, small winter melons should be harvested with maturity, large winter melons should be harvested after aging.

In the process of harvesting and transporting winter melons, it is necessary to be cautious and meticulous, and store them in batches according to the quality to prevent the crushing collision between the fruits, resulting in damage to the quality, so as to facilitate the storage and transportation of the fruits.

When will cucumbers, winter melons, and zucchini be planted? Don't plant them until this time


Zucchini, also known as vegetable melon, bear melon, etc., is an annual vine herb native to the Americas and rich in nutrients.

Breed selection. To cultivate zucchini in the open field in spring, it is necessary to choose high-efficiency varieties with strong cold resistance and disease resistance, high yield, and low management level requirements.

Cultivation time. Zucchini likes light, and the seedling stage and melon setting stage need sufficient light, which can flower and bear fruit early, and the light is insufficient at the melon setting stage, and the soil moisture is too high, which is easy to melt melon.

In mid-April, on a sunny day with a ground temperature of more than 10 °C in 10 cm in the field, the seedlings with soil mounds can be transplanted, watered 1-2 times to slow the seedlings, and hoeed in time.

Nutrient management. Before planting, apply well-rotted high-quality farmhouse fertilizer and urea as the base fertilizer, the fertilizer effect of farmhouse fertilizer is released slowly, and the fertilizer efficiency of urea is released quickly, which can ensure the supply of nutrients in the growth cycle.

During the growth period, according to the growth situation, increase the application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, normally speaking, the growth of stems and leaves in the early stage of growth, the amount of nitrogen is large, the demand for phosphorus and potassium fertilizers increases after setting melons, and the maximum melon period reaches the maximum.

Pest and disease control. Common diseases of zucchini include vine blight, stem base soft rot, powdery mildew, and common insect pests are aphids, whiteflies and leaf miners.

In the process of prevention and control, we should adhere to the principle of prevention first, prevention and control combined, and select pesticides according to the corresponding types of pests and diseases, use drugs symptomatically, reasonably control the dosage and concentration of pesticides, and avoid excessive use of drugs and pesticide damage.

Harvest management. During the fruit growth period, it is necessary to avoid long-term sun exposure to ensure that the gourd fruit does not rot and deteriorate.

When harvesting, do not roll and throw to avoid mechanical damage and rotten fruit, do not damage the peel of zucchini, handle it gently, and harvest, pack and transport it in grading.

Finally, the water and heat conditions in different regions are different, and the planting time should be flexibly adjusted according to the local conditions, and it is necessary to pay attention to water and fertilizer, pest and weed control, plant adjustment, etc., so as to provide a comprehensive and high-quality guarantee for the growth of vegetables.

When will cucumbers, winter melons, and zucchini be planted? Don't plant them until this time

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