
Is it good or bad for the elderly to take folic acid every day? Doctor: Take it safely, keep in mind 3 points

author:Dr. Leah

Folic acid, the name may not be unfamiliar to many people, plays an integral role in our human health as a water-soluble vitamin.

In many cases, we don't need to seek the help of medication or supplements, but only a small adjustment in our daily diet can ensure that our body is getting enough folic acid, as well as other essential nutrients.

However, there are two sides to everything, and folic acid is no exception. If you consume too much, not only will it not bring additional benefits to the body, but it may become an "accomplice" to some diseases.

For example, excess folic acid may mask the early symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, which are often closely linked to serious health problems such as peripheral neuropathy and megaloblastic anemia.

Is it good or bad for the elderly to take folic acid every day? Doctor: Take it safely, keep in mind 3 points


Why does excessive folic acid supplementation mask the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency?

The reason why too much folic acid supplementation can mask the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency is that folic acid and vitamin B12 are jointly involved in methylation, which is a key process in maintaining the normal function of the nervous system and the production of red blood cells. Under normal circumstances, the synergistic effect of folic acid and vitamin B12 ensures that the methylation reaction proceeds smoothly.

However, when vitamin B12 is deficient, the methylation reaction is hindered, which can lead to problems such as nervous system damage and anemia.

Since folic acid is also involved in this reaction, increasing folic acid intake in the setting of vitamin B12 deficiency may temporarily alleviate the deficiency of methylation reactions, thus masking the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency.

This masking may lead to vitamin B12 deficiency not being diagnosed and treated in a timely manner. Long-term vitamin B12 deficiency may lead to more serious health problems such as neurological disorders, anemia, cognitive decline, etc.

Is it good or bad for the elderly to take folic acid every day? Doctor: Take it safely, keep in mind 3 points

Therefore, excessive folic acid supplementation can lead to the misconception that you are getting enough vitamin B12 and overlook the underlying vitamin B12 deficiency.

To avoid this, it is advisable to pay attention to vitamin B12 intake along with folic acid supplementation. When supplementing nutrients, the principle of appropriate and balanced should be followed, and excessive intake of any one nutrient should be avoided to avoid adverse consequences.


Who is susceptible to folic acid deficiency in life?

First of all, pregnant women are at high risk of folate deficiency. During pregnancy, fetal development requires large amounts of folic acid to support, and the pregnant woman's own metabolism also increases the need for folic acid.

If a pregnant woman's diet does not consume enough folic acid, it will lead to folate deficiency, which may lead to anemia, fetal neural tube defects and other problems.

Is it good or bad for the elderly to take folic acid every day? Doctor: Take it safely, keep in mind 3 points

Secondly, the elderly are also susceptible to folate deficiency. As we age, the body's absorption capacity gradually decreases, and the absorption of folic acid is no exception. In addition, the dietary habits of the elderly are often relatively simple, which can easily lead to insufficient folic acid intake.

In addition, patients with chronic diseases such as chronic kidney disease and chronic hepatitis will have a reduced metabolic capacity due to the impact of the disease, and the absorption and utilization of folic acid will also be affected. This group of people often needs to pay more attention to the intake of folic acid.

In addition, there are some special groups of people who are also prone to folic acid deficiency, such as alcoholics, vegetarians, and people who have been taking certain drugs for a long time (such as antiepileptic drugs, methotrexate, etc.). Due to various reasons, these groups of people have insufficient folic acid intake or impaired absorption and utilization, and thus are prone to fall into the dilemma of folic acid deficiency.


Is it good or bad for the elderly to eat folic acid every day?

Folic acid supplementation in the elderly, in moderation and as directed by a doctor, will undoubtedly reap multiple health benefits. First of all, the protective effect of folic acid on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health should not be underestimated.

Is it good or bad for the elderly to take folic acid every day? Doctor: Take it safely, keep in mind 3 points

Scientific studies have shown that appropriate folic acid supplementation can effectively reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as stroke and heart disease, in the elderly. Secondly, folic acid also helps prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease.

By maintaining the health of the nervous system, folic acid can delay the decline of cognitive function and enable older adults to maintain clearer thinking and memory. Finally, folic acid also ensures the proper functioning of the body, providing a solid foundation of health for the elderly.

However, long-term excessive folic acid supplementation can also bring harm that cannot be ignored. When folic acid intake exceeds the body's needs, it affects the metabolism of the trace element zinc, leading to zinc deficiency.

In this case, older people may experience zinc deficiency symptoms such as anorexia and weakened immunity. In addition, excessive folic acid supplementation may interfere with the diagnosis of diseases, particularly vitamin B12 anemia.

Is it good or bad for the elderly to take folic acid every day? Doctor: Take it safely, keep in mind 3 points

Because folic acid behaves similarly to vitamin B12 in the blood, excessive intake of folic acid may mask vitamin B12 deficiency and thus affect the doctor's correct judgment of the type of anemia.

Therefore, for the elderly, the key to long-term folic acid supplementation lies in how to supplement it scientifically and reasonably. It is best to develop a supplementation regimen under the guidance of a doctor to ensure that the daily intake of folic acid is neither too much nor too little.


Doctor: Take it safely, keep in mind 3 points

Focus on dose selection

Folic acid is a member of the water-soluble B vitamin complex, which plays a vital role in the human body, such as participating in DNA synthesis and maintaining red blood cell health.

Therefore, choosing the right dosage is crucial. In general, the daily requirement of folic acid for adults is 400 mcg. However, for certain populations such as pregnant and breastfeeding women, doctors may recommend increasing folic acid intake due to their increased physiological needs.

Is it good or bad for the elderly to take folic acid every day? Doctor: Take it safely, keep in mind 3 points

When choosing a folic acid supplement, it's important to follow your doctor's or dietitian's advice to ensure that you're getting the right amount of folic acid to avoid the potential risks of too much or too little.

Focus on the interaction of folic acid with other drugs

In some cases, folic acid may interact with other medications, which can affect the effectiveness of the medications. For example, folic acid may increase the efficacy of certain anti-epileptic drugs, causing patients to experience adverse effects.

Therefore, if you need to take other medications while taking folic acid, it is important to consult your doctor or pharmacist to understand the interactions between the drugs and avoid potential risks.

Eat appropriately

Food is an important source of folic acid, and by combining food properly, we can consume enough folic acid while satisfying taste needs.

Is it good or bad for the elderly to take folic acid every day? Doctor: Take it safely, keep in mind 3 points

Foods rich in folate include green vegetables, legumes, nuts, etc. It is advisable to increase the intake of these foods in the daily diet to ensure that the body is getting enough folic acid.

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