
Everyone wants to rub the popularity of Xiaomi, but Cadillac is the most explosive, and the brand tonality is gone?

author:51qc I want car network

XiaomiSU7It's too explosive,Especially in the days before and after the launch on March 28,Content related to it on various platforms can easily get good traffic,Even friends have taken the initiative to rub against XiaomiSU7,I hope to share this wave of traffic,Increase your attention。

For example, "return to China next week" Jia Yueting posted a Weibo, first praising Xiaomi SU7 for reflecting the huge advantages of China's new energy vehicle industry chain, as well as Xiaomi's execution and marketing capabilities in making cars, but then insinuated that Xiaomi will only follow, copycat, take shortcuts, and cannot bring fundamental technological innovation, so what about your car, Mr. Jia?

Everyone wants to rub the popularity of Xiaomi, but Cadillac is the most explosive, and the brand tonality is gone?

Liu Tao, CEO of Zhiji, who has always loved hot spots, also posted on Weibo that Xiaomi has brought unprecedented attention to the automotive industry, but Zhiji is better at using disruptive technology to promote industry change, which seems to imply that Xiaomi has no real technological innovation, and it will advertise its so-called solid-state battery in turn. Regarding whether it is a real solid-state battery, 51 Jun also wrote a few days ago (add link here).

Everyone wants to rub the popularity of Xiaomi, but Cadillac is the most explosive, and the brand tonality is gone?

There are also Geely Galaxy, Beijing Hyundai, Leap and other car companies have specially made posters, without naming names, but everyone knows that cue is Xiaomi, even if the model on the poster is not necessarily a direct competitor of SU7, just want to rub the heat.

Everyone wants to rub the popularity of Xiaomi, but Cadillac is the most explosive, and the brand tonality is gone?

But the most explosive in the heat, 51 Jun thinks it has to be Cadillac.

Two days after the Xiaomi SU7 went on sale, Cadillac released eight posters on Xiaohongshu with artwork similar to coconut palm brand coconut water. Everyone knows the style of the coconut tree brand, with a large font and a seemingly unrefined color matching, which is quite simple and crude, but also quite brainwashing.

The theme of the poster is to shout Xiaomi, to promote the new pure electric SUV Aoge that was unveiled in April, specifically to highlight the highlight configuration of Aoge through the yin and yang weird Xiaomi SU7 Some pain points in the configuration.

For example, mocking Xiaomi for buying a separate sunroof awning and inventing the "option" of spending money to install physical buttons on the touch screen, no bells and whistles inverted battery technology but providing a lifetime warranty for the three-electric system, having its own original design instead of copying Porsche, the whole system is equipped with 800V high-voltage fast charging instead of high configuration, etc.

Everyone wants to rub the popularity of Xiaomi, but Cadillac is the most explosive, and the brand tonality is gone?
Everyone wants to rub the popularity of Xiaomi, but Cadillac is the most explosive, and the brand tonality is gone?

By using non-mainstream expressions, and the words really hit the pain points of Xiaomi SU7, Cadillac's wave of publicity has indeed achieved good results, with 2100 likes and 2000 comments within 3 days of release. But traffic isn't always positive, and two diametrically opposed opinions appear in the comments:

Some people think that Cadillac has no brand baggage, and there is a new style of "post-00s have embarked on a propaganda post", which can help Cadillac win the favor of more young users.

But more people think that Cadillac has no pattern, not to mention that the price of Ruige must be much more expensive than Xiaomi SU7, and the configuration is better.

Although there are relatively many negative reviews, Cadillac's Little Red Book account still retains this content and even pins it to the top, indicating that the official still approves of this kind of publicity.

Everyone wants to rub the popularity of Xiaomi, but Cadillac is the most explosive, and the brand tonality is gone?

From Cadillac's point of view, it is understandable to use out-of-the-box propaganda techniques, unlike Mr. Lei's words, there are thousands of responses to rice noodles, Cadillac is far less popular than Xiaomi, and the propaganda department naturally has to rack its brains to come up with eye-catching propaganda methods.

And Cadillac's sales have dropped from more than 230,000 units in 2021 to more than 180,000 units in 2023, so it is even more necessary to put more effort into publicity, especially to strive for young people with strong consumption power.

We all know that Cadillac can only be sold by relying on relatively large terminal discounts, which means that its brand tonality is weak among luxury brands, not to mention that Cadillac is still a brand with its own color (bath king).

Brand tonality is the moat of luxury brands, as important as the chastity of men and women, in order to resonate with the young group, you can properly let go of yourself, but the scale must be grasped, and the long-term use of propaganda methods that disgust most people will sooner or later consume the remaining brand tonality.

Everyone wants to rub the popularity of Xiaomi, but Cadillac is the most explosive, and the brand tonality is gone?

Looking at Volvo, which is also a second-tier luxury brand, although it also relies on huge discounts to attract consumers, Volvo's brand tonality has been very good, inviting senior intellectuals or stars with a positive image to serve as brand spokespersons, producing very sophisticated and stylish advertisements, and rarely rubbing the heat, so Volvo's image in the hearts of consumers is relatively good.

Everyone wants to rub the popularity of Xiaomi, but Cadillac is the most explosive, and the brand tonality is gone?

The advertising of the coconut tree brand is easy to be reminiscent of rubbing the edges and popularity, and it can indeed produce a viral effect among the public, and there is no problem with the coconut water as a civilian thing, but Cadillac has always been a luxury brand with a certain height, does imitating the coconut tree mean agreeing with vulgar values, so as to add a bad stereotype to the users of this brand?

On the other hand, when an international luxury brand meets a Chinese brand, it has already lost, which shows Cadillac's lack of confidence in the field of new energy. Ten years ago, why did these luxury brands care about how well Chinese brands were doing?

It's a good thing to try a new style, and Cadillac can be used as an attempt to test consumers' acceptance of this type of publicity, and if everyone is more disgusted, even if they want to rub the heat next time, do you want to choose a way that is more beneficial to your brand?

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