
The pastry chef teaches you to make "home-cooked potato pie", with a thin skin and nutritious filling, and a soft outside and a soft taste

author:First Chef

Hello everyone, I am Zhang Dalei, the first chef, pay attention to us, there will be more food for your reference, so that your life is more delicious.

Don't eat bun fritters for breakfast, teach you a lazy potato pie method, save time and effort and worry, make it once for three days, both nutritious and delicious.

Today I will share with you a home-cooked potato pie, the so-called pie, that is, the cake wrapped in the middle of the filling. Thin skin filling, rich in nutrition, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, the more you eat the more fragrant, like it together to try it.

The pastry chef teaches you to make "home-cooked potato pie", with a thin skin and nutritious filling, and a soft outside and a soft taste

See our operation for details:

Prepare a small pot, pour 300 grams of medium gluten flour, add a spoonful of salt and stir well, half blanch the noodles with boiling water, half with cold water and noodles, stir into the dough, add a little vegetable oil, add vegetable oil to make the dough soft and delicate.

The pastry chef teaches you to make "home-cooked potato pie", with a thin skin and nutritious filling, and a soft outside and a soft taste

Knead into a softer dough, brush with a layer of vegetable oil to lock in the moisture inside the dough, cover with plastic wrap and let the dough rise for 10 minutes.

The pastry chef teaches you to make "home-cooked potato pie", with a thin skin and nutritious filling, and a soft outside and a soft taste

Let's start preparing the filling

Two eggs, add a spoonful of salt into the bottom flavor of the egg, add a little white vinegar to fishy, stir and beat well, heat the wok, pour in a little cooking oil, when the oil is 40% hot, pour in the egg liquid, stir continuously with a spatula, turn off the heat after frying the eggs and set aside.

The pastry chef teaches you to make "home-cooked potato pie", with a thin skin and nutritious filling, and a soft outside and a soft taste

Prepare a peeled potato, first cut into thin slices, then cut into thin strips, and soak in a basin of water to avoid oxidation and blackening of the potatoes.

The pastry chef teaches you to make "home-cooked potato pie", with a thin skin and nutritious filling, and a soft outside and a soft taste

Boil water in the pot, wait for the water to boil, add a spoonful of salt, pour in the shredded potatoes, flip a few times with chopsticks, heat the potatoes evenly, after a minute you can fish out the controlled water and pull it cold, and then put it on the cutting board and chop it into the basin.

The pastry chef teaches you to make "home-cooked potato pie", with a thin skin and nutritious filling, and a soft outside and a soft taste

Half a red pepper is cut into strips and then into red peppercorns; a small handful of soaked black fungus is chopped; a handful of spring onions are cut into green onions; and then pour in the cold egg crushed.

The pastry chef teaches you to make "home-cooked potato pie", with a thin skin and nutritious filling, and a soft outside and a soft taste

Add salt, pepper, thirteen spices, oyster sauce and sesame oil to the pot, stir with chopsticks to even out the seasoning.

The pastry chef teaches you to make "home-cooked potato pie", with a thin skin and nutritious filling, and a soft outside and a soft taste

Brush the board with a layer of cooking oil, take out the awakened dough, knead the long strips first, then cut into 5 equal dough seeds, knead into a round dough in turn, and spread it on the board to form a thinner dough.

The pastry chef teaches you to make "home-cooked potato pie", with a thin skin and nutritious filling, and a soft outside and a soft taste

Then dig in the filling, press the filling with your left hand, pinch the index finger and thumb of your right hand forward to make the shape of a bun, put the seal down on the board, gently flatten it with your hands, and then wrap the rest of the dough in this way.

The pastry chef teaches you to make "home-cooked potato pie", with a thin skin and nutritious filling, and a soft outside and a soft taste

Heat the pancake, brush it with a layer of cooking oil, put in the prepared pie embryo, cover the pot, burn for about 1 minute, fry until one side is yellow, turn over and fry the other side, so that the noodles are turned several times, and the pie is cooked, the process is about 3 to 5 minutes.

The pastry chef teaches you to make "home-cooked potato pie", with a thin skin and nutritious filling, and a soft outside and a soft taste

Remove the plate and the tender potato pie on the outside is ready. Freshly fried potato cake, golden skin, crispy taste, thin skin filling, take advantage of the hot air bite by bite into the mouth, really eat one and want to take another one.

Because the eggs and potatoes are cooked in advance, fried in the pan, more soft and delicate, easy to digest and absorb, so it is more suitable for the elderly and children to eat.

Collect it for your family, let your family also taste your craftsmanship, a good day starts with breakfast pie, with rice porridge or soy milk, eat a good and hearty breakfast, good health, work and life can be better.

The pastry chef teaches you to make "home-cooked potato pie", with a thin skin and nutritious filling, and a soft outside and a soft taste

Here are the ingredients and spices used:

Ingredients: flour, potatoes, red pepper, black fungus, shallots, eggs

Seasoning: salt, pepper, thirteen spices, oyster sauce, sesame oil, white vinegar

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