
Dandelion can destroy 98% of cancer cells and eliminate nodules?

author:Dr. Leah

The rich value and unique charm of dandelion are described in detail in the "Shangyi Materia Medica". It's not just an ordinary vegetable that grows in the wild, its buds, roots, and leaves can all be used smartly.

Eaten raw, stir-fried or made in soup, dandelions can show their unique taste and nutritional value. What's even more amazing is that it is also a precious Chinese herbal medicine, and the whole herb can be used as medicine, which has a wide range of medicinal properties.

Dandelion has multiple effects such as diuresis and swelling, heat clearing and detoxification, and dispersing knots and drenching, which makes it occupy an important position in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine.

Dandelion can destroy 98% of cancer cells and eliminate nodules?

For those who suffer from hot drenching pain, liver inflammation, cradle carbuncle and other diseases, dandelion is a good medicine. Soaking in water is not only simple and easy, but also can effectively alleviate the condition, showing the characteristics of dandelion as a treasure all over the body.

Not only that, dandelion is also rich in a variety of nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, which play an important role in maintaining human health and promoting metabolism.

Dandelion can eliminate 98% of cancer cells and eliminate nodules?

In 2016, a professor at the University of Windsor, Canada, published a study. He claimed that when the extract of dandelion root came into contact with cancer cells, there was a large area of cancer cell death.

Dandelion can destroy 98% of cancer cells and eliminate nodules?

This finding seems to indicate that dandelion has a powerful anti-cancer ability, which is said to kill up to 98% of cancer cells in just 48 hours. However, this conclusion has been controversial.

First of all, there is a significant difference between dandelion root extract and dandelion tea that is consumed daily. Dandelion tea may contain some health benefits, but it is difficult to achieve the anti-cancer effect mentioned in the study just by drinking it daily. After all, the concentration of active ingredients in tea and the purity of the extract are two very different concepts.

Second, there is a huge difference in the difficulty of killing cancer cells in the experimental environment and cancer cells in the human body. Laboratory research tends to be conducted in a highly controlled environment, while the environment inside the human body is much more complex. Therefore, the killing effect of dandelion root extract on cancer cells in the test tube cannot be directly equated with the effect in the human body.

Dandelion can destroy 98% of cancer cells and eliminate nodules?

In addition, there is still a long way to go from cell experiments to practical clinical applications. There is no conclusive evidence that dandelion root extract is effective in killing cancer cells in the human body.

Therefore, blindly believing in the anti-cancer benefits of dandelion tea can be disappointing. Especially for cancer patients, drinking dandelion tea at will may bring unnecessary burden to the body and even increase health risks.

In addition to this, there is a claim that dandelion can eliminate nodules, which has made many people interested in it. So, do dandelions really have such magical effects?

Dandelion can destroy 98% of cancer cells and eliminate nodules?

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" has a detailed record of the medicinal properties of dandelion: "Dandelion is mainly used to treat women's cradle carbuncles, boiled juice and sealed for immediate elimination. Detoxify, dissipate stagnant qi, clear heat and toxin, dissolve food toxin, eliminate malignancy, tuberculosis and boils. ”

In the theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine, the concepts of "cradle carbuncle" and "loose knot" do not fully correspond to the "nodules" mentioned in Western medicine. It refers more to the condition that a woman feels breast pain due to liver qi stagnation.

At this time, the role of dandelion in draining, reducing swelling and reducing fire is particularly important. If inflammation is caused by milk blockage, dandelion also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Dandelion can destroy 98% of cancer cells and eliminate nodules?

However, in the practice of Western medicine, dandelion is used relatively rarely. At present, the use of dandelion in medicine is mainly in the experimental stage of extraction, and there is no definite precedent for the treatment of nodules.

Despite this, dandelion is rich in vitamins and is still a good choice to eat cold or as a drink to clear the heat.

When drinking dandelion water, you need to pay attention to 3 points


Some people regard dandelion as a miracle elixir and drink it in large quantities in the hope that it will quickly solve certain problems in the body. However, this approach can be counterproductive.

Dandelion can destroy 98% of cancer cells and eliminate nodules?

No matter how miraculous the effects of dandelion are, we should uphold the principle of moderation and avoid blind overdose. Because, once many things are excessive, the damage to the body often outweighs the benefits.

Excessive consumption of dandelion water is like injecting too much cold into the body, which may bring unnecessary burden and damage to the stomach and intestines. We need to be vigilant at all times and reasonably control the intake of dandelion water.

Do not drink for a long time

Whether it is for health preservation or to help solve physical problems, long-term drinking may bring unnecessary harm to the body. On the one hand, long-term large ingestion may cause damage to the stomach and intestines;

Dandelion can destroy 98% of cancer cells and eliminate nodules?

On the other hand, excessive water intake can also put a strain on the kidneys, especially when the kidneys are unable to drain all the excess water.

For drinking

While dandelion water may bring some benefits to the body, it is not suitable for everyone. Everyone's physical condition is unique, and some people may not be suitable for drinking dandelion water because of their special constitution.

For example, if you have frequent diarrhea, drinking too much may worsen your diarrhea symptoms, and if you are chronically ill, drinking dandelion water may also make your body weaker.

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