
Tianshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has opened a respiratory rehabilitation clinic!

author:Shanghai Changning

The respiratory rehabilitation clinic of Tianshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Changning District was opened recently, and comprehensive training was conducted for respiratory impairment caused by various diseases, trauma and functional loss, mainly by non-drug means, so that patients' respiratory function can gradually recover.

Mr. Lu is a fitness enthusiast, and in the recent fitness process, he found that with the increase of aerobic exercise and the increase of time, his body experienced shortness of breath and even difficulty breathing, and sometimes he was dizzy, dizzy, and blackened in front of his eyes.

Without any underlying diseases and in his early 30s, he discovered this problem while doing aerobic training, and Mr. Lu, who was confused, came to Tianshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and asked for help from a doctor.

Tianshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has opened a respiratory rehabilitation clinic!

"We evaluated the patient and found that he was suffering from spasmodic elevation of the diaphragm caused by rib valgus, which led to a decrease in inhalation of the chest cavity. After that, the therapist performed a special diaphragm release for the patient, relaxed all the intercostal muscles on his right side, let him establish a correct inhalation pattern, and insisted on 2~3 sets of abdominal breathing every day, so that the situation of his ribs valgus was slowly corrected. Wang Wen, a rehabilitation physician from the Department of Rehabilitation of Tianshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Changning District, said that after a series of treatments, Mr. Lu's breathing was much more stable during exercise, and his strength training was also much easier.

Wang Wen told reporters that in the outpatient clinic, some patients with coughing and wheezing, dizziness, nausea, and dizziness are often encountered for a long time, and even some people will feel chest tightness and discomfort after walking a few steps, but some of them are not heart disease and high blood pressure. "Their symptoms are actually caused by wrong breathing patterns and decreased lung function. Wang Wen said that the establishment of the respiratory rehabilitation clinic is precisely to solve the problems of these patients.

Wang Wen explained: "Respiratory rehabilitation is a comprehensive training for respiratory impairment caused by various diseases, trauma and functional loss, and respiratory rehabilitation is required if the patient's oxygen saturation is less than 95% (no oxygen) or there are symptoms such as shortness of breath and limited activity. If oxygen saturation is less than 88%, or if you have persistent hypotension or abnormal breathing patterns, seek medical attention. ”

The main objectives of respiratory rehabilitation include alleviating or controlling the acute symptoms and complications of respiratory diseases (cough, wheezing, suffocation, etc.), eliminating the functional impairments and psychological shadows left by the disease, carrying out respiratory and exercise exercises to tap the potential of respiratory function, improving quality of life, reducing the risk of hospitalization and reinfection, and helping patients strive for maximum activity in daily living activities.

Improve breathing exercises

Belly breathing

Tianshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has opened a respiratory rehabilitation clinic!


2. When exhaling, retract the abdomen and blow slowly for 4-6 seconds

3. Breathe deeply and slowly, with an inhalation-exhalation ratio of 1:2

4. Each time lasts 3-5 minutes, several times a day, and the practice time and frequency are extended as appropriate after proficiency

Lip breathing (whistling breathing)

Tianshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has opened a respiratory rehabilitation clinic!

1. Encourage the patient to relax the whole body

2. Inhale through your nose for 3 seconds and hold your breath for 2 seconds

3. Purse your lips and exhale slowly and completely for 6 seconds (the exhaled air flow can tilt the candle flame at a distance of 15-20 cm from the lips without extinguishing it)

Self-respiratory muscle group mobilization training

Tianshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has opened a respiratory rehabilitation clinic!

Six-character formula training

Tianshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has opened a respiratory rehabilitation clinic!

Outpatient information

Time: Wednesday 13:00-17:00 p.m

Address: No. 868, Loushanguan Road

Tianshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has opened a respiratory rehabilitation clinic!
Tianshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has opened a respiratory rehabilitation clinic!

Part of the picture comes from the Internet

Written by: Zhao Li

Editor: Bi Yangjing

Editor-in-charge: Yan Wenbin

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

Tianshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has opened a respiratory rehabilitation clinic!

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