
watched the boy who was on the hot search with "a cup of milk tea", and had an epiphany about what is the greatest wealth in middle age

author:Do you know uncle

In the past two days, there has been a video that has swept the whole network and touched countless netizens.

A 14-year-old boy in Jiaxing, Zhejiang, his father was on a business trip, and when his mother was sick, the boy accompanied his mother to the hospital to see a doctor.

Registration, medicine, infusion...

He did it all alone.

Halfway through the infusion, my mother fell asleep.

The boy remembered that his schoolbag was still at home, so he went to the nurse's station and asked the nurse to help take care of his mother.

On the other hand, he pedaled his bicycle and went home as fast as he could to pick up his schoolbag and prepare for his homework.

Before looking for a nurse, he ordered a cup of milk tea for the nurse out of politeness and thoughtfulness...

When he returned to the hospital, he sat on the floor next to a stool in the hospital hallway, preparing for the lesson while waiting for his mother to wake up.

watched the boy who was on the hot search with "a cup of milk tea", and had an epiphany about what is the greatest wealth in middle age

When his mother woke up, she asked him why he wanted to go home and get his school bag, and he was embarrassed to say:

"Because I'm going to spend the night with you, I'm sure I'll be sleepy when I go to school tomorrow, so I want to preview tomorrow's lesson. ”

Without waiting for the mother to speak, the boy said:

"Mom, I know you're afraid that Dad will worry, so I didn't call Daddy. ”

watched the boy who was on the hot search with "a cup of milk tea", and had an epiphany about what is the greatest wealth in middle age

This scene in the ward was filmed and spread on the Internet, and it instantly became a hit.

Many parents praise the boy for his high emotional intelligence, strong ability to take the initiative to learn and self-discipline, and even more filial piety to accompany his mother to take a drip, this child has a bright future!

watched the boy who was on the hot search with "a cup of milk tea", and had an epiphany about what is the greatest wealth in middle age

Yes, whoever has such a child will feel happy.

Although he is young, he can take care of his mother as much as he can;

Although he is young, he understands the world quite well;

Although he is young, he has a thoughtful and attentive ...

In fact, the good quality of children is inseparable from the teachings and careful guidance of parents in daily life.

Only those wise parents can raise excellent children.

watched the boy who was on the hot search with "a cup of milk tea", and had an epiphany about what is the greatest wealth in middle age

Some time ago, I also saw such a heartwarming video.

There is a dad who invites friends to dinner.

Suddenly hugged and cried at the checkout, and the guests present felt strange.

But when everyone learned the truth, they were very moved.

watched the boy who was on the hot search with "a cup of milk tea", and had an epiphany about what is the greatest wealth in middle age

It turned out that the father had just divorced, and he owed foreign debts due to business problems, so he had to ask his friends for help.

On this day, he took his son, who had just finished school, to invite friends to a restaurant for dinner.

At the dinner table, he kept laughing with his friends, and his son on the side was eating rice quietly.

Towards the end of the meal, the child quietly walked to the cashier while his father was not paying attention.

He took out his New Year's money from his pocket and asked in a low voice:

"Auntie, how much is my dad's table?"

Although he is young, he does not understand nothing.

He knew that his father was divorced from his mother, and he also knew that his father was in debt outside...

He felt sorry for his father, so he wanted to use his New Year's money to share his worries for his father.

Seeing the teenage children come to pay, the proprietress praised him for being sensible.

After accounting the accounts, the proprietress also gave the boy a bottle of drink in a good mood.

watched the boy who was on the hot search with "a cup of milk tea", and had an epiphany about what is the greatest wealth in middle age

After thanking the proprietress of thanks, the boy returned to his father as if nothing had happened.

When the dinner was over, the friend left, and the father was ready to settle the bill, but was told by the proprietress that the account for the table had been settled.

Dad was puzzled and asked the proprietress if it was a friend's account.

The proprietress shook her head and said, it was your son who paid for it.

Hearing this answer, the father was stunned and turned to look to the side.

But it was empty.

Only then did he realize that when he went to check out the bill just now, his son said that he was going to the bathroom.

Father, who understood it, immediately bent down and cried.

He felt guilty that he had not been able to give his son a better life, and he was even more guilty that his son had lost his mother's love at a young age.

watched the boy who was on the hot search with "a cup of milk tea", and had an epiphany about what is the greatest wealth in middle age

But along with the guilt, there is a lot of emotion.

With such a sensible and filial child, what is he not satisfied with?

The son who came out of the bathroom saw his father lying on the stool crying, and hurriedly ran forward to ask with concern.

But the father wiped away his tears, touched his son's head and said: Let's go, let's go home!

watched the boy who was on the hot search with "a cup of milk tea", and had an epiphany about what is the greatest wealth in middle age

This video has made countless people teary-eyed.

Many people say that don't be sluggish, having such a sensible son by your side is the most worthwhile.

In the future, it will definitely get better.

I feel the same way.

If there is no filial son in the family, the wealth of the family is in vain;

If there is a filial son in the family, the burrow can also shine.

watched the boy who was on the hot search with "a cup of milk tea", and had an epiphany about what is the greatest wealth in middle age

In November last year, such a scene occurred in Yan'an, Shaanxi:

The mother who is paralyzed in the lower limbs accidentally fell at home and was unable to climb into the wheelchair.

watched the boy who was on the hot search with "a cup of milk tea", and had an epiphany about what is the greatest wealth in middle age

When the 4-year-old son saw it, he helped his mother to the wheelchair and asked with concern:

"Mom, didn't you fall painfully, did you?"

watched the boy who was on the hot search with "a cup of milk tea", and had an epiphany about what is the greatest wealth in middle age

The mother shook her head and said that it didn't hurt, but the little boy was anxious that he couldn't help his mother for a long time.

He cried out anxiously: I don't believe it!

I didn't trust my own strength and couldn't lift my mother into a wheelchair.

Through repeated efforts, he finally helped his mother get into a wheelchair.

watched the boy who was on the hot search with "a cup of milk tea", and had an epiphany about what is the greatest wealth in middle age

The moment he helped up, the mother smiled, and the son also smiled.

Netizens off-screen were in tears.

They all said: "Mom didn't give you a pain", "I don't believe it" instantly burst into tears, what a good child.

There is also such a video:

A grandmother climbed a ladder and as soon as she climbed the wall with her hands, the ladder fell.

Grandma's whole body was suspended in mid-air, which was very dangerous.

When the 4-year-old grandson saw this scene, he rushed to the ladder without thinking about it, trying to lift it up.

watched the boy who was on the hot search with "a cup of milk tea", and had an epiphany about what is the greatest wealth in middle age

But the ladder is three meters high, how can a 4-year-old child do it?

Sure enough, he couldn't lift the ladder up after several attempts.

The little boy looked at his grandmother, who was begging for help, and his eyes were red.

Even if he is weak, he is unwilling to give up saving his grandmother.

Once, twice, five times...

Eventually, he burst out with strength that didn't belong to his age and lifted the ladder up!

watched the boy who was on the hot search with "a cup of milk tea", and had an epiphany about what is the greatest wealth in middle age

Grandma took the opportunity to hook the ladder with her foot to save herself from a difficult situation.

Seeing this, my heart is also full of emotion.

These children with excellent character are not growing up accidentally, but there are parents who have worked hard and silently behind them.

watched the boy who was on the hot search with "a cup of milk tea", and had an epiphany about what is the greatest wealth in middle age

Did you find a problem?

The children in the above videos all have one thing in common:

Parents seem to be not only strong, but also vulnerable.

On the contrary, the children have exercised a strong survival skills in such an environment.

On the other hand, it is difficult for those families whose parents have a lot of money to raise such children.

I once saw a topic on Weibo:

Why is it that parents in society now worry about their children, while more and more children complain more about their parents and less gratitude?

I think such parents have a common problem -

Dote on your own children.

When your child lives a life of food and clothing, they will take it for granted.

If one day you have more than enough heart and not enough strength, he will blame you in turn, and even resent.

Many times, parents give everything they have to satisfy and please their children, and those who think they love will only make their children more dependent on their parents.

And those sensible, filial, strong and brave children often have parents who will show weakness behind them.

But in real life, there are many parents who are always accustomed to bearing all the pain silently alone, and will do their best to rush in front of their children to shield them from thousands of storms.

What they don't know is that one day children will have to face the world alone.

When these children step out of the illusory world that their parents have worked so hard to create, they realize that there is a huge difference between reality and unreality.

The sudden reality is like a monster, and they haven't learned any skills to deal with monsters, and they only have hatred for their parents.

Without personal experience, there can be no gratitude.

And the lack of gratitude education will one day be severely punished on parents.

As said in "Zengguang Xianwen": Since ancient times, heroes have come out of purgatory, and they have never been rich and noble.

Those who don't have umbrellas know that they have to learn to run in order to gain a foothold in society.

And I hope that those parents who have the ability to hold an umbrella for their children will learn to exercise their children's running ability.

The essence of education is not to do everything, let alone control children's lives, but to awaken the motivation of children's independent learning.

It is also necessary to learn to show weakness appropriately, so that the child can become a person with sound character.

Children will eventually grow up, and parents will inevitably leave.

Every fall is an opportunity to grow;

Every adversity inspires infinite possibilities.

Parents should be like lamps to their children, not crutches.

Learning to show weakness, learning to let go, and letting children face the truth of life alone is the greatest wisdom of parents.

Finally, I hope that every child can use their own excellence to open up a territory.

They work hard and sow seeds on that territory of their own, and when they come next year, they will surely become what they want to be.

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