
Attention to diabetics: Do not eat the four types of food at the same time with hypoglycemic drugs, otherwise there is a risk!

author:Chinese Diabetes Companions

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that manifests itself primarily as elevated blood sugar levels. To control blood sugar, many people with diabetes need to take hypoglycemic drugs. But when should you take hypoglycemic drugs?

1. When the blood sugar level of diabetic patients is higher than normal, it is usually necessary to take hypoglycemic drugs. This is usually done after blood glucose monitoring and it is found that fasting, postprandial or random blood glucose is outside the target range recommended by the doctor. In these cases, the doctor may prescribe hypoglycemic medications to help the patient control their blood sugar levels.

Attention to diabetics: Do not eat the four types of food at the same time with hypoglycemic drugs, otherwise there is a risk!

2. When diabetic patients have diabetes-related symptoms, they also need to consider taking hypoglycemic drugs. For example, symptoms such as polyuria, thirst, fatigue, and blurred vision can all be signs of high blood sugar. If these symptoms occur, patients should seek medical attention promptly and consider using hypoglycemic drugs on the advice of their doctor.

3. For some diabetic patients, even if their blood sugar level is within the normal range, they need to take hypoglycemic drugs. This is usually because they have already been diagnosed with diabetes complications such as cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, or retinopathy, among others. In these cases, glucose-lowering drugs can help patients better control their blood sugar, which can slow the progression of complications.

The four ingredients cannot be combined with hypoglycemic drugs and are prone to danger

In daily life, diabetic patients must pay special attention to avoid consuming the following four ingredients at the same time when taking hypoglycemic drugs, otherwise it may bring potential dangers.

1. Do not drink alcohol during hypoglycemic drugs

The ethanol contained in it can inhibit the metabolic function of the liver and may even trigger a hypoglycemic reaction. If you drink alcohol while taking hypoglycemic drugs, your blood sugar level may drop dramatically, which can lead to life-threatening conditions such as coma in severe cases.

2. Do not take hypoglycemic drugs for tea

Especially strong tea, which is rich in tannic acid substances that can interfere with the absorption process of the drug. Even certain pharmaceutical ingredients, when combined with theophylline in tea, may enhance the toxicity of theophylline, causing uncomfortable symptoms such as palpitation, nausea, vomiting and so on.

3. Don't be jealous when taking hypoglycemic drugs

The acetic acid substance contained in it has a reducing effect on the efficacy of some hypoglycemic drugs. In particular, sulfonamides, which are excreted by the kidneys, tend to form crystals in the urethra in an acidic environment, causing difficulty urinating.

Attention to diabetics: Do not eat the four types of food at the same time with hypoglycemic drugs, otherwise there is a risk!

4. Don't eat American ginseng when taking hypoglycemic drugs

When this herb is used at the same time as hypoglycemic drugs, due to individual differences, it may lead to excessive blood sugar reduction in some patients, while other patients may have weakened drug efficacy and unstable blood sugar fluctuations.

Attention to diabetics: Do not eat the four types of food at the same time with hypoglycemic drugs, otherwise there is a risk!

Therefore, diabetic patients must carefully choose ingredients in their daily diet and ensure a safe distance between medication and food to maintain their own health.

In conclusion, diabetic patients need to use hypoglycemic drugs under the guidance of a doctor. Glucose-lowering medications may be needed in cases such as elevated blood sugar levels, diabetes-related symptoms, or if you have been diagnosed with diabetes complications. However, each patient's situation is different, so it is necessary to decide whether to use hypoglycemic drugs on a case-by-case basis and strictly follow the doctor's recommendations. At the same time, diabetic patients also need to pay attention to the management of diet and exercise to fully control blood sugar levels and maintain good health.

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