
The battery life test results of the official version of iOS17.4.1 are here, and some models have a longer battery life

The battery life test results of the official version of iOS17.4.1 are here, and some models have a longer battery life

The battery life test results of the official version of iOS17.4.1 are here, and some models have a longer battery life

iOS17.4.1 续航测试

Apple's iOS 17.4.1 official version has been available for more than a week, and today our old friend iAppleBytes routinely tested the battery life level of this latest official version of the system.

As before, for budget reasons, the tested devices are the iPhone 15 basic version, iPhone 13, iPhone 12, iPhone 11, iPhone XR and iPhone SE 2, other models can be referred to.

The battery life test results of the official version of iOS17.4.1 are here, and some models have a longer battery life

The test method is to disable the auto-brightness function, adjust the uniform brightness to 25%, and then use the test battery life feature that comes with GeekBench 4 to test the overall battery life. 

Here's what @iAppleBytes measured because the iPhone 15 is a new test device with only two system tests.

The battery life test results of the official version of iOS17.4.1 are here, and some models have a longer battery life

Because this is only tested with GeekBench software, this kind of data does not represent the daily use battery life of the iPhone, so you can just take it for reference.

Judging from the data, iPhone15 comes with iOS17 system optimization, so the battery life level is very good, and the battery life of iPhone15 is indeed longer than that of old devices.

From the previous system comparison, iOS17.4.1 has changed on various old devices, such as iPhone13 battery life has been significantly improved, while iPhone11 has seen a significant decline.

The battery life test results of the official version of iOS17.4.1 are here, and some models have a longer battery life

Overall, iOS17.4.1 My upgrade suggestion still has no special needs, no need to upgrade for battery life, from my own experience, the iOS system is indeed getting worse the more you upgrade.

You don't have to ask yourself which iPhone system is the best, this kind of question is pointless.

Because iPhone, unlike Android, can't be upgraded and downgraded at will, even if you know that iOS17.2.1 or iOS17.1 has the longest battery life, but you can't downgrade back.

In general, if there are no major vulnerabilities and problems, and if there is no need for new features, then your current system is the best.

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