
Gulang cuisine - finger lamb

author:Look at the Gulang
Gulang cuisine - finger lamb

Gu Lang hand grasping mutton

A long history

It is named after the fact that large pieces of lamb are eaten directly by hand

Gulang cuisine - finger lamb

Choose the best Gulang grass lamb

Choose lamb loin ribs

Wash in clean water and soak for about an hour

Soak the blood and impurities in the meat

Gulang cuisine - finger lamb
Gulang cuisine - finger lamb

Put it in a pot of boiling water and bring to a boil

At the same time, add the pre-cooked peppercorns, pepper, grass fruits, ginger slices and other condiments

Add an appropriate amount of salt and green onion and simmer

Allow the lamb to fully absorb the aroma of these spices

Gulang cuisine - finger lamb

When the time is up, you can take it out

Chop into long strips or chunks two finger widths

Soft and tender

The lamb chops served on the table are fat and thin

It has an enticing scent

Gulang cuisine - finger lamb
Gulang cuisine - finger lamb

Dip in a fresh spicy sauce

Supplemented with garlic cloves


It's fun to eat big

Every bite

You can feel the thick texture and smooth juice

And with it

"Soul mate" colorful and fragrant gaiwan tea

Sweet and greasy

Delicious, unique

Gulang cuisine - finger lamb
Gulang cuisine - finger lamb
Gulang cuisine - finger lamb
Gulang cuisine - finger lamb

Reporter: Xu Jinian

Source: Gulang County Rong Media Center

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