
How to do a good job in running basic education "at the doorstep"? The Ministry of Education has made the latest arrangements


Half Moon talks about reporter Luo Fei

Recently, the 2024 annual key work deployment meeting of basic education will be held in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, relevant leaders of the Ministry of Education, leaders of Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Guizhou and other education authorities, and relevant education experts will focus on the central government's key requirements on vigorously promoting the implementation of basic education expansion and quality improvement projects, and discuss how to accelerate the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education, deepen the reform of the high school entrance examination, and how to pay close attention to the "double reduction" It aims to further build a high-quality basic education system and strive to run basic education at the "doorstep" of the masses.

At the deployment meeting, the Ministry of Education issued the "Key Points of the Work of the Department of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education in 2024", and the leaders of the education authorities in many places exchanged speeches one after another. In addition, the participants also discussed in groups how to promote the high-quality development of basic education.

Zou Lianke, director of the Guizhou Provincial Department of Education, focused on how Guizhou can promote the construction of a strong province with characteristic education, and emphasized two key words: "strong public office" and "promote balance".

In terms of "strengthening public schools", Zou Lianke said that more than 2,200 schools have been selected at the provincial level for a three-year follow-up and cultivation, and actively promote the plan of strengthening public schools. At the same time, the province will also vigorously implement the action plan for improving the quality of basic education in ethnic areas, and implement special actions to support the construction of high-quality characteristic schools for rural revitalization and high-quality development of primary and secondary schools in 52 project counties and more than 1,500 primary and secondary schools in ethnic areas.

When referring to "promoting balance", Zou Lianke said that the province has selected 12 counties with a good development foundation to carry out the work of creating a high-quality and balanced compulsory education. At the same time, the province has included the proportion of migrant children studying in public schools into the assessment indicators of high-quality economic and social development, and orderly diverted nearly 70,000 students to public schools.

In response to the increasing pressure on the supply of primary and secondary school places in large cities, Beijing proposes to adhere to the two-way force of "revitalizing the stock" and "expanding the increment", so that good schools can really run at the "doorstep". Wang Pan, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, said that the city adheres to the principle of "new construction is high-quality" and effectively expands the number of high-quality primary and secondary school degrees.

"Since 2021, the city has overcompleted the municipal government's important livelihood projects ahead of schedule for three consecutive years, with a total of 89 new, renovated, expanded and received supporting schools, and 112,000 new places. Wang Pan said that through the implementation of a new round of urban and rural schools "hand in hand" pairing action, covering all township compulsory education schools in the city, to promote the orderly flow of curriculum, teachers, teaching and research and other educational elements and high-quality resources, so that urban and rural students can share the fruits of educational reform and development.

During the speech, many people mentioned that it is not only necessary to ensure that students can go to school, but also to strive to make students study well. To this end, everyone said that they should work hard to comprehensively improve the quality of classroom teaching and promote the "double reduction".

Ming Jianping, director of the Tianjin Heping District Education Bureau, said that the classroom is the main channel for educating people, and improving the quality of classroom teaching is the fundamental policy for reducing the burden on students. "In order to improve the quality of classroom teaching, on the one hand, the district strengthens the internal coordination of group schools to promote the interconnection of curriculum education, and on the other hand, strengthens the school's high-quality teaching and research support and project-based scientific research assistance, so that teachers can take every class well. ”

In recent years, Heping District has actively promoted the development of the national curriculum, developed the characteristics of the school-based curriculum, and built a curriculum system that "focuses on core literacy, points to the future, has diversified content, and has distinctive regional characteristics". "With the help of resources inside and outside the school, more than 900 school-based courses are offered across the district. Ming Jianping said that through the integration of universities and scientific research institutes, science and technology venues, science and technology enterprises and other social forces, the school curriculum, after-school services and extracurricular practice activities are integrated design, which effectively improves the level of after-school services for students.

The reform of educational evaluation is the "bull's nose" of the reform of basic education, and the reform of the high school entrance examination plays an important guiding role in the comprehensive implementation of quality education.

Wu Yaoyun, director of the Education Bureau of Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, said frankly that in the evaluation of student development, there are long-term evaluation problems such as "only score theory" and "only promotion theory", and it is necessary to continuously optimize and reform the education evaluation system.

"It is very important to innovate and use the results of comprehensive quality evaluation. Since 2015, Jiaxing City has realized the combination of the 'soft index' of comprehensive quality evaluation and the 'hard linkage' of high school enrollment, which has effectively stimulated the enthusiasm of students to participate in sports, art and other activities. Wu Yaoyun said.

For five consecutive years, the overall myopia rate of students in Jiaxing City has decreased by more than 1 percentage point every year. At present, the participation rate of students in various quality activities has reached 100%. The pass rate of the city's student physical fitness test reached a record high of 98.36%.

Facing the new semester, focusing on the topics that everyone is concerned about, Wang Jiayi, Vice Minister of Education and Chief Inspector of the University, put forward several requirements on how to do a good job in basic education in 2024. "It is necessary to build a system of 'big ideological and political courses', coordinate social resources to strengthen practical teaching, educate students with words that students can understand, and improve the appeal and effectiveness of ideological and political courses. Wang Jiayi said.

In view of the current worrying physical and mental health of young people, the increase in the risk of small glasses, small chubby piers, depression, etc., Wang Jiayi proposed that it is necessary to further strengthen the education of physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor, ensure that the prescribed courses are fully opened, and return the "ten minutes between classes" to students, so that the simultaneous development of five educations will become the new normal of basic education rather than a slogan.

On the basis of an in-depth analysis of the current situation and problems faced by basic education, Wang Jiayi proposed that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the project of expanding and improving the quality of basic education, expand the "cake" of high-quality resources of basic education, and let the results of education development benefit all people more and more fairly. It is necessary to adhere to the red line of standardizing the running of schools, set 2024 as the "year of standardized management" for basic education, sort out and form a list of non-standard school-running behaviors, organize and carry out special rectification, and improve the level of education governance. It is necessary to improve the ability of secretaries and principals, and improve the ability level of primary and secondary school secretaries and principals in strengthening school party building, planning school development, organizing curriculum teaching, leading the growth of teachers, optimizing internal management, and adjusting to the external environment.

At the same time, Wang Jiayi stressed that it is necessary to creatively grasp the implementation, dare to get rid of the stereotype, dare to break the routine, strive to be an idealistic and responsible doer, and encourage all schools in all regions to actively explore and implement the most breakthrough, the most distinctive, and the most bright reform and development measures.

"It is necessary to deepen the reform of the high school entrance examination, adhere to the education-oriented, reflect fairness, and reflect suitability. It is necessary to carry out the reform of the high school running model, alleviate the social anxiety caused by the diversion of vocational education in the middle school entrance examination, effectively revitalize the use of idle school-running resources in secondary vocational schools, and cope with the peak enrollment of the school-age population at the high school stage. It is necessary to deepen the reform of curriculum teaching, reform and innovation in the implementation of new curricula and new teaching materials, and the promotion and application of excellent teaching achievements. Wang Jiayi said.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Editor: Li Li

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