
Eating ginger at night is better than arsenic? Can ginger prevent hair loss?

author:Sichuan Zhengdao culture

The older generation of people often say, "Eating ginger without peeling, eating wrong will harm you", the reason why there is such a saying, mainly because ginger is a kind of food that grows in the ground, and it will come into contact with a lot of bacteria in the soil for a long time, so people will think that when eating ginger, it should be peeled.

To eat ginger, should you peel it or not?

In fact, whether to peel ginger or not, is different from person to person, although the medicinal properties of ginger is relatively hot, but ginger peel is benign, beneficial to the effect of water swelling. Therefore, Chinese medicine believes that ginger is a product of the combination of yin and yang.

Peeling pros and cons:

1. For people with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold: because ginger skin is originally cold, if you don't peel it when eating ginger, it is easy to cause discomfort in the spleen and stomach, so people with spleen and stomach deficiency should remove the skin when eating ginger.

Eating ginger at night is better than arsenic? Can ginger prevent hair loss?

2. People who usually like to eat cold food: For example, they usually like to eat celery, seafood, bitter gourd and other cold foods, if they don't peel the ginger when they eat it, it will only make it worse. On the contrary, removing the ginger peel can make our body warmer.

3. People with fever and cold: If you are in the stage of fever and cold, it is best to remove the ginger peel when boiling ginger water to relieve the symptoms of cold and fever.

Pros and cons of peeling:

1. Stir-fry and cook: Generally, when cooking, everyone will use ginger for seasoning, do not remove the skin of ginger at this time, it can promote blood circulation and relax muscles after eating.

2. Eliminate body edema: The skin of ginger can play a role in diuresis and swelling. When our body is edema, eating ginger cannot remove the outer skin and is used to relieve the symptoms of edema.

3. Constipation: People who are troubled by constipation and have severe bad breath can eat ginger peel alone, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and help improve constipation.

4. Remove the fish: When cooking seafood or meat food, you can use ginger to remove the fish. In this case, the ginger skin does not need to be removed, because the skin can remove the fishy smell and improve the freshness of the food, and if the skin is removed, the effect will be much worse.

Eating ginger at night is better than arsenic? Can ginger prevent hair loss?

How to eat ginger healthier, and who is not suitable to eat it?

Eating ginger is also particular, eating ginger in the morning is the best, because Chinese medicine believes that the human body is divided into yin and yang, and the morning is when the yang energy has just risen.

Ginger can also be boiled into jujube tea, and brown sugar can be added appropriately according to personal preferences during the boiling process, and taking it together can have the effect of replenishing qi and blood, and will also alleviate the symptoms of cold and menstrual cramps.

Who is not suitable for ginger?

1. People with cold constitution: Yin deficiency is a hot and dry constitution, the main symptoms are hot palms and feet, people with sweaty palms love to drink water, dry eyes, dry mouth, dry skin, poor sleep quality, irritability, upset and other symptoms. Ginger is warm, and people with yin deficiency will aggravate their symptoms after eating it.

2. People with heavy internal heat: If there are symptoms such as lung heat and dry cough, bad breath, hemorrhoidal bleeding, etc., it is not suitable to eat ginger.

3. People with hepatitis: Hepatitis patients cannot eat ginger, because eating ginger will cause the liver to be hot. If you want to restrain the liver fire caused by eating ginger, you can choose some foods that regulate qi and soothe the liver, such as making tea with hawthorn and chrysanthemum, so that you can relieve the heat caused by eating ginger.

4 rumors about ginger, one by one for you to refute the rumors

1. Can ginger smear eyebrows thicken?

Many people believe that ginger can promote eyebrow growth and make eyebrows thicker, and studies have shown that ginger contains the active ingredient 6-gingerol, which can have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

When conducting research, 6-gingerol was used to treat hair follicles, and it was found that 6-gingerol can make hair follicle dermal papilla cells apoptosis and inhibit hair growth, and similar effects have been shown in animal experiments. Therefore, 6-gingerol is not only not conducive to hair growth, but also accelerates hair loss.

Eating ginger at night is better than arsenic? Can ginger prevent hair loss?

2. Eat ginger arsenic cream at night?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that during the day, the yang energy is vigorous, and the warm medicine can help the yang qi to grow, and at night, the yin qi is strong, and the yang qi is insufficient, if too much warm food is eaten, it will affect sleep and body metabolism, which is harmful to the body.

However, people's physique is divided into cold and hot, and people who are hot will have various symptoms of heat in their bodies, and it is not suitable to eat ginger during the day or at night, so they should eat more cold food. People who are cold are afraid of the cold, and eating ginger at night can drive away the cold, so it is not right to say "eat ginger arsenic at night".

3. Can ginger prevent hair loss?

Some people hear that ginger can play a role in preventing hair loss, so they like to slice ginger directly on the scalp, which is simple and affordable.

In fact, this will not only fail to prevent hair loss, but may also cause hair to fall out more and more. Because ginger is a pungent ingredient, studies have shown that using ginger to stimulate the scalp will affect the continued growth of hair.

4. Cola boiled ginger to cure colds?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that colds are divided into wind-cold colds and wind-heat colds, and not all colds can be prevented and treated by drinking ginger soup. For wind-heat cold, the body already feels the wind heat, if you take ginger soup at this time, it is undoubtedly a snow frost that will aggravate the symptoms of internal heat.

Is it better to peel or not peel these foods?

Tomatoes: Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which is fat-soluble, and lycopene has the effect of oxidizing. Most of the lycopene of tomatoes is on the skin, and if you don't eat the skin, then most of the lycopene of tomatoes has been lost, so when eating, make the tomatoes clear and clean, and try to eat them with the skin.

Eating ginger at night is better than arsenic? Can ginger prevent hair loss?

Eggplant: It is best not to peel when eating eggplant, because eggplant is rich in vitamins E and P, and most of these nutrients are in the eggplant skin, if the skin is removed, then the nutritional value of eggplant becomes very low.

Pears and apples: All kinds of fruits in daily life, such as apples and pears, have high nutritional value, and many people are entangled in whether to peel or not to peel when eating apples and pears.

In fact, the health effect of apple peel and pear peel is not bad, from the nutritional content of apple peel, the nutritional content of apple peel is higher than that of apples, especially apple peel contains a large amount of dietary fiber, anthocyanins and other nutrients.

The nutrition of pear peel is also very high, the main ingredient of autumn pear paste is pear peel, for the whole pear, the biggest benefit of pear is that there is more water, and there is very little nutrition left.

Summary: The question of whether to peel the food in life when eating is actually based on the situation, everyone's situation is different, and the way to deal with it is also different.

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