
As soon as Putin's calligraphy was exposed, it aroused heated discussions, and the orthodox Chinese flavor of pen and ink was very strong, but netizens suddenly realized it after reading it

author:A river with pot books

As soon as Putin's calligraphy was exposed, it aroused heated discussions, and the orthodox Chinese flavor of pen and ink was very strong, but netizens suddenly realized it after reading it

Xiaobian will talk to you about an interesting topic of pen and ink today. And the protagonist of our conversation is our friend Putin. First of all, many netizens were really surprised when they saw Putin's calligraphy for the first time. Unexpectedly, Putin's level of writing in calligraphy is even better than many people.

As soon as Putin's calligraphy was exposed, it aroused heated discussions, and the orthodox Chinese flavor of pen and ink was very strong, but netizens suddenly realized it after reading it


From Putin's pen and ink knots, it can be seen that Putin's pen and ink is still in the learning stage, and the body of his writing is also square regular script, but in the knots, it can be seen that Putin has a certain understanding of traditional Chinese calligraphy, and it is trained, and his line temperament makes people know his learning of Tang Kai.

As soon as Putin's calligraphy was exposed, it aroused heated discussions, and the orthodox Chinese flavor of pen and ink was very strong, but netizens suddenly realized it after reading it


Putin's calligraphy was exposed and aroused heated discussions, the orthodox Chinese taste of pen and ink is very full, and many friends are more and more curious about it, Putin is so passionate about Chinese calligraphy, which shows that Putin is interested in pursuing culture. In this way, everyone will also think that this Putin is of course the well-known Russian President Mr. Putin. Although President Putin has expressed this opinion on Chinese calligraphy, Chinese calligraphy is a unique art that expresses the thoughts and emotions of the author through strokes.

As soon as Putin's calligraphy was exposed, it aroused heated discussions, and the orthodox Chinese flavor of pen and ink was very strong, but netizens suddenly realized it after reading it


Xiaobian sold a pass in front, in fact, this so-called Putin friend who writes calligraphy is not President Putin, but a child in our China who wrote it, and the name is the same, which also creates a false impression for everyone, and a group of netizens, including Xiaobian, suddenly realized, so look at things or look at the essence through the surface.

As soon as Putin's calligraphy was exposed, it aroused heated discussions, and the orthodox Chinese flavor of pen and ink was very strong, but netizens suddenly realized it after reading it


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