
Yesterday was a day of low pressure. It may be the effect of side effects after multiple chemotherapy treatments, or it may be the blessing of a cold, in short, the mood is very bad, and I don't want to say anything, so people who have been sick for a long time are irritable and irritable

author:It turned out to be a meeting in Pingshui

Yesterday was a day of low pressure. It may be the effect of side effects after multiple chemotherapy treatments, or it may be the blessing of a cold, in short, the mood is very bad, and I don't want to say anything, so people who have been sick for a long time, irritability and irritability are very common symptoms, and they are also terrible and dangerous.

It's a little better today. I went to maintain the PICC in the morning, I had a cold for a few days, I had a bad appetite, I didn't eat anything, and maybe the white blood cells were also minimized, so I walked like stepping on cotton, hey~ I feel like an old person.

I hope this state can bottom out and give me a new look!

Yesterday was a day of low pressure. It may be the effect of side effects after multiple chemotherapy treatments, or it may be the blessing of a cold, in short, the mood is very bad, and I don't want to say anything, so people who have been sick for a long time are irritable and irritable
Yesterday was a day of low pressure. It may be the effect of side effects after multiple chemotherapy treatments, or it may be the blessing of a cold, in short, the mood is very bad, and I don't want to say anything, so people who have been sick for a long time are irritable and irritable
Yesterday was a day of low pressure. It may be the effect of side effects after multiple chemotherapy treatments, or it may be the blessing of a cold, in short, the mood is very bad, and I don't want to say anything, so people who have been sick for a long time are irritable and irritable

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