
The black soldier fly recycling industry chain of Kemera three-dimensional circular agriculture

author:The father of the insect industry

The black soldier fly plays an important role in circular agriculture by efficiently converting organic waste into high-value animal protein, resulting in a sustainable agro-ecosystem. Black soldier fly larvae can consume a variety of organic materials such as kitchen waste, livestock and poultry manure, and crop residues, and convert them into their own high-protein tissues. This conversion process not only reduces the environmental pollution caused by organic waste, but also provides a high-quality feed protein source that can replace traditional fishmeal and soybean meal for aquaculture and poultry animal husbandry.

The black soldier fly recycling industry chain of Kemera three-dimensional circular agriculture

The Black Soldier Fly Chain Circular Agriculture model typically includes the following key steps:

1. Organic waste collection: Collect organic waste from urban, agricultural and animal husbandry as a food source for the black soldier fly.

The black soldier fly recycling industry chain of Kemera three-dimensional circular agriculture

2. Black soldier fly breeding: Breed black soldier fly larvae under controlled conditions, make them eat organic waste, and convert them into protein-rich biomass.

3. Product extraction and processing: harvest the flies, dry them and make them into powder, which can be used as animal feed or further processed into other products.

4. By-product recovery: The growth process of the black soldier fly will produce excrement and undigested organic residues, which can be reused as fertilizer in farmland to increase soil fertility.

The black soldier fly recycling industry chain of Kemera three-dimensional circular agriculture

5. System closed-loop: By converting organic waste into feed and fertilizer, a closed-loop system is formed, which reduces the dependence on chemical fertilizers and feed, and reduces the carbon footprint of agricultural production.

The black soldier fly recycling industry chain of Kemera three-dimensional circular agriculture

Black Soldier Fly Chain Circular Agriculture not only improves the recycling rate of resources, but also helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance the resilience and sustainability of agricultural systems. In this way, the greening and ecology of agricultural production can be realized, and the harmonious development of agricultural economy and ecological environment can be promoted at the same time.

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