
Zhuangzi: Five classic stories, five great realms of life

author:It's also stop-and-go
Zhuangzi: Five classic stories, five great realms of life


Higashino defeated the horse

Original text of the story: Higashino Ji (jì) to see Zhuang Gong in the palace, advance and retreat in the middle rope, and rotate left and right in the middle of the rules. Zhuang Gong thought that Wen Fu was too much, so he hooked a hundred and reversed. When Yan 阖 (hé) met it, he saw it and said: "The horse of Ji will be defeated." "Silence should not be. Less, the result is the opposite. The public said: "How can the son know it?" and said: "Its horsepower is exhausted, and it is still begging, so it is said to be defeated." ”

Story interpretation: Higashino Ji was able to see Lu Zhuanggong because he was good at driving, and he was able to advance and retreat in a straight line, turning left and right to form a regular arc. Zhuang Gong felt that his driving skills would never surpass that of the Father, so he asked him to turn a hundred times and come back. When Yan Yan encountered this incident, he went inside to meet Zhuang Gong and said, "Dong Yeji's horse will definitely fall." Zhuang Gong was silent. Not long after, Higashino returned in defeat. Zhuang Gong asked, "Why did you know in advance that he would fail?" Yan Qi replied: "Dong Yeji's horse is exhausted, but he still forces it to run hard, so it is bound to fail." ”

Story insight: Everything in the world has a limit. If we do not seriously grasp this limit, we will only blindly act brutally or give blind commands, and when the time comes, we will only be self-defeating or hit the nail.

Higashino Mima is indeed highly skilled. However, his performance "failed" because Higashino's demands exceeded the limits of the horse's physical strength. The reason why many people fall into the quagmire of "failure" is not because they have no skills, nor because they do not contribute, but because they work too hard, and their subjective desires exceed the limits allowed by objective conditions. It is undeniable that doing our best is an excellent quality, but if we ignore the objective conditions and blindly drive at full speed, from the perspective of efficacy, we will not necessarily have good results. "Maxim Lianbi" said: "Things can not be done, words can not be exhausted, momentum can not be relied on, blessings can not be enjoyed", "Caigen Tan" also said: "Everything should be left room, five points will have no regrets", everything can not be done, know how to do everything, advance and retreat have a ruler, it will be beneficial.


Fenghu Wen Leopard

The original text of the story: Fufeng fox and leopard, inhabiting the mountains and forests, lying in the caves, quiet; walking at night and living in the day, abstaining; although hunger and thirst are faint, Yu Danxu neglects the rivers and lakes and begs for food, and is determined; and is not exempt from the trouble of snaring and refusing, what is the crime?

Interpretation of the story: The big fox with rich fur and the leopard with spotted patterns inhabit the deep mountains and old forests, lurking in caves and caves, which is meditation; acting at night and resting during the day, this is vigilance; even if they are hungry and thirsty, they are still stealth and lurking, or they are all foraging in the rivers and lakes far away from human life, which is to seek stability; but in the end they are not immune to the scourge of nets and institutions. What is the sin of these two animals? It is their own fur that brings disaster to them.

Story perception: The fable of the "Feng Fox" and "Wen Leopard" quietly inhabit and hide in the caves of the mountains, forests and caves, they lie day and night, very vigilant, even if they are hungry when they are hidden, they must be alone, foraging in no one's place, despite being cautious, they still can't avoid falling into people's nets, this is because their precious and gorgeous fur has caused disaster to them. This enlightens us, to be a man to keep the light and obscure, do not show too much edge, Lao Tzu said, "the husband is not fighting, so the world can not fight with it", the edge is too exposed, the sharp momentum is difficult to maintain for a long time, appropriately lower the posture, converge the edge, so it can be without contention with the world.

"Gu Jianming" has clouds" Use its mangs lightly, and there will be injuries when you move, which is a murder weapon. It is a sharp weapon to hide it and decide on the spot. "To be humble, introverted, and good at hiding your edge, a person's real things are exposed too much, but there is a danger of depreciation. Zeng Guofan spent 12 years to conquer Nanjing, with "the world's first merit" to pay homage to the marquis, but he chose to converge, chose not to take credit, he attributed the credit to Emperor Xianfeng and the then empress dowager, the little emperor, put himself down from the top of the wealth, and keep a safe distance from them, so as not to become the target of the public, and finally "with its indisputable, so the world can not fight with it".

Zhuangzi: Five classic stories, five great realms of life


The squirrel drinks the river

The original text of the story: Yao let the world Yu Xu You, saying: "The sun and the moon rise, and the bonfire does not stop; it is also difficult in the light! When the rain falls, it is still soaked; it is also in Ze, and it is also laborious! The master is established and the world is governed, and I am still a corpse, I think I am lacking, please send it to the world." Xu You said: "The son rules the world, and the world has been governed; and I am still a son, I will be the famous one, and the real guest; I will be the guest of the wren's nest in the deep forest, but one branch; the rat drinks the river, but the stomach is full." Returning to the king, to the useless world! Although the people are not cured, the corpse will not be replaced by the bottle!"

Interpretation of the story: Yao planned to give up the world to Xu You, saying: "The sun and the moon have come out, and the little torch has not yet been extinguished, isn't it too difficult to compare its brightness with the sun and the moon? Xu You said: "You have ruled the world, and the world has been governed, and if I succeed you, am I not here for the name? Name, but it is an appendage attached to the real, should I be a nominal and non-real appendage? The wren builds a nest in the deep forest, and only needs a branch; the mole drinks the water of the river as long as its stomach is full." Please go back, what is the use of the world to me! Although the cook does not cook, the person who presides over the priest should not exceed his authority and do the work of the cook. ”

Story insight: Xu You is unwilling to bear the false name of a king under the condition of the great rule of the world, he would rather build a nest in the forest like a wren, only occupy a branch, like a mole to the river to drink, but drink a full stomach, Xu You can be said to be a free person who is unwilling to be bound by things outside his body. We may not be able to do the realm of Xu You, but we can pursue "contentment and happiness", but in life, many people often seek troubles for themselves, put shackles on themselves, and have too many desires, gains and losses in their hearts, and can't let go, and are affected by it everywhere. Wang Yangming said in "Biography": "To reduce a point of human desire is to regain a point of heavenly reason." Get rid of the "redundancy" of burden, return to your own heart, and you will live a brisk and free life.

There is a story about a young man who went to a Zen monastery and saw an interesting thing on the way, and he wanted to test the old Zen monks in the monastery. When they came to the Zen monastery, the two sat down to drink tea, and he asked coldly: "What is Tuan Tuan Zhuan?" The old Zen man immediately replied: "It's all because the rope is not broken." The latter was taken aback and thought that the old Zen man was not a prophet. The old Zen man asked, "What surprised you so much?" and the latter said, "You actually have the art of immortals, and on the way here today, I saw a cow with its nose pierced by a rope and tied to a tree, and the cow wanted to leave the tree and go to the grass to graze, but it turned around and could not get out." I thought that since Master didn't see it, he would definitely not be able to answer, but I didn't know that Master would answer correctly when he said it. ”

The old Zen man smiled and said, "I didn't know that you had seen this, you were asking about things, I was answering about reason, you were asking about cattle being bound by ropes and not being able to be freed, and I was answering that the heart was entangled by desires and could not be detached." Now that I know about this, let's summarize it with this, in fact, sentient beings are like the cow, bound by a rope of many troubles and pains, and cannot be liberated from life and death. And if the cow had no rope to tie it up, it would have been happy. Therefore, reducing that rope is to reduce the entanglement of desires, and you can be happy and free. ”

In real life, it is a pity that most of us like the cow, like to tie a rope of desire to our noses, we think it is a pursuit, but in fact it is just a desire that cannot be satisfied in our hearts. The pursuit of life needs to be had, but the desire of life must be learned to "reduce", so as to be "content and happy".


Monkeys are reckless

Original text of the story: King Wu floated in the river and climbed the sniper mountain. When the snipers saw it, they abandoned and fled, fleeing to the depths. There is a sniper, and the snake grabs and scratches, and the king is coincidental. Wang shoots, Min gives Bojie arrow. The king's order is to shoot, and the sniper is dead. Wang Gu said that his friend Yan did not doubt it: "The sniper is also." Cutting its skill, relying on its convenience, to Ao Yu, so that it is also killed. "Yan does not doubt returning, and the teacher Dong Wu, to help his color, to show his words; three years, and the people of the country call it. (Zhuangzi Xu Wu Ghost)

Story interpretation: King Wu took a boat to play in the river and climbed a monkey mountain. When a group of monkeys saw this, they all fled in panic and hid in the thorn bushes, but there was only one monkey that jumped up and down triumphantly, deliberately showing off its dexterity in front of King Wu. King Wu picked up his bow and shot at it, and the monkey caught the flying arrow with agility. King Wu ordered the attendants on the left and right to fire arrows together, and the monkey was shot to death. King Wu turned back to his friend Yan Budo and said, "This monkey boasted of his dexterity, relied on his agility, and showed pride in my presence, so that he died like this. Be vigilant! Don't use your status to be proud of others!" After Yan Budo went back, he worshipped the sage Dong Wu as his teacher, tried his best to overcome his arrogance, stayed away from beautiful vocal music, and no longer showed his face. After three years, the whole country praised him.

Story insight: In the eighth year of Xianfeng, Zeng Guofan said in a letter to Zeng Guoquan: "In ancient times, there were about two ends of the fierce virtue that led to the defeat: long and proud, and many words. Dan Zhu is not good, and he is proud of the lawsuit, that is, he has many words. After looking at the famous princes and giants, most of them lost their lives at both ends. Here Zeng Guofan points out two major virtues and weaknesses of ordinary people: arrogance and talkativeness. Once a person has a proud heart, he will inevitably relax his vigilance in all aspects, and disasters and failures will inevitably follow. Pride is the way to self-destruction, so the ancients said that arrogant soldiers will be defeated. In the West, Shakespeare once said, "A proud man always ends up destroying himself in pride." "No matter how great your skills are, you should not be proud of them. Being modest and prudent is the way to behave in the world.

Zhuangzi: Five classic stories, five great realms of life


The form is incomprehensible, and the heart is inconsistent

The original text of the story: Yan Yu asked Fu Weiling, the eldest son, and asked Yu Boyu and said: "If someone is here, his virtue will be killed." If there is no way to deal with it, it will endanger our country, and if there is a way to do it, it will endanger my body. Its knowledge is enough to know the mistakes of people, but it does not know the reasons for its mistakes. If so, what can I do?"

Yu Boyu said: "Good questioning, precaution, the body of a woman is also good! The shape is not good, and the heart is not harmonious." Although, there is a problem with both. They do not want to enter or go out. The form enters, and it is upside down and extinction, and it is collapsed for the collapse. The heart comes out in harmony, and it is famous for the reputation, and the demon is evil. He is a baby, and he is a baby, and he is a town, and he is a town, and he is a non-cliff, and he is a non-cliff. Reach it, enter into the flawless. You don't know how the praying mantis is, you are angry with its arms to be ruts, you don't know that it is incompetent, and it is the beauty of its talent. Caution! Accumulate and beautify those who commit it, a few of them. Thou hast not thou shalt not use a creature to kill him, nor shall thou dare to use all things with him to determine his wrath, and shall not be fed with his hunger and reach his wrath. The tiger is different from others and flatters himself, and he is obedient, so he who kills is also rebellious. The husband loves horses, with a basket full of arrows, with a drowning. There are suitable mosquitoes and flies, and from time to time, they will lack the title and destroy the head and broken chest. Meaning is there and love is dead, but you can't be careful!"

Story interpretation: When Yan Qi was about to become the master of the prince of Weiguo, he came to ask Wei Guoxian's doctor Lan Boyu for advice: "There is such a person, his virtue is very poor. If I teach him in a way that ignores the law and etiquette, it will be harmful to our country, and if I strictly require him to obey the law and respect the etiquette, it will endanger myself. His intellect is good enough to discern the faults of others, but not enough to recognize the reasons for the mistakes of others. What should I do with someone like that?"

You need to be prepared for such a person, be careful, and maintain your own integrity first. It is best to accommodate him in attitude and understand him in your heart. Even so, there are concerns about both. Accommodating him in attitude but not fully agreeing, understanding him in the heart but not applying it to action. If you fully agree with him, you will do things that turn black and white upside down, lose morality, and incur the fate of ruin and destruction. If you support him in action, you will do weird and even evil things in pursuit of prestige and fame.

If he is like a naïve child, you teach him as a baby, if he is like a poor man who has nothing, you teach him as if he were a poor man, and if he is like a man who is not restrained in words and deeds, you teach him as if he were a willful person. When you reach this state, you will be able to do it without calamity. Haven't you heard the story of the praying mantis, which is a typical example of overestimating one's own abilities by opening one's arms to block the path of a vehicle without realizing that it simply has the strength to do so. Be prepared and be careful!"

The story inspires: "The form is incomprehensible, the heart is incomprehensible", people live in a specific social environment, and the social environment is not subject to human will. Therefore, in the external environment, it is necessary to have its own definite mind, maintain the integrity and strength of the inner character, and the external should be soft and round, soft on the outside and rigid on the inside, square on the inside, and round on the outside. To be upright, but also to be peaceful and round, to adhere to the principle of doing things, but also to be flexible. Hong Yingming's "Caigen Tan" has a cloud: "It is appropriate to govern the world, to be round in troubled times, and to use it in the world of Shuji", Confucius also said that "deep is strong, shallow is revealed", when the river is deep, it will wade through with clothes, and when the water is shallow, it will be washed over, and in the face of turbidity, ungraspable external environment, we must deal with it in a flexible way, in order to live in harmony and wait for time.

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