
Jia Ling's next work will be launched immediately, Zhang Xiaofei, Yang Zi, and Wang Xiao will help, and after reading the theme, I can't help but sigh that it is about to explode again

Jia Ling's next work will be launched immediately, Zhang Xiaofei, Yang Zi, and Wang Xiao will help, and after reading the theme, I can't help but sigh that it is about to explode again

Although the Spring Festival holiday is coming to an end, the movie-watching craze of "Hot and Hot" has not subsided. 电影‬上映‬8天‬,票房‬突破‬26亿‬,更是‬首部‬春节档‬票房‬超过‬20亿‬的‬电影‬。 ranked first at the box office during the Spring Festival, and the Douban score rose from 7.9 points to 8.0 points, which can be regarded as a double harvest at the box office.

Jia Ling's next work will be launched immediately, Zhang Xiaofei, Yang Zi, and Wang Xiao will help, and after reading the theme, I can't help but sigh that it is about to explode again

Jia Ling once became a god overnight with a "Hello, Li Huanying", winning a box office of 5.4 billion in one fell swoop, becoming the highest-grossing female director in the world. Now he is directing his second film, and it has been a huge success. 2部电影累计票房已经80亿,这部《热辣滚烫》预测‬票房‬将‬超过‬44亿‬。 继《你好,李焕英》后,贾玲算是又创造了一个票房神话,确实‬让人‬佩服‬。

There are 2 movies in life, one to my mother and one to myself, and they all won the game. Jia Ling not only made her career climb to new heights, but also made her personal image look new because of her weight loss. It became the object of worship of everyone, and began to become the driving force for motivating himself to lose weight in the New Year.

Jia Ling's next work will be launched immediately, Zhang Xiaofei, Yang Zi, and Wang Xiao will help, and after reading the theme, I can't help but sigh that it is about to explode again

There were many netizens who said before that Jia Ling had lost weight, her joy was gone, and how would she act in sketches in the future, and if she appeared in "Ace vs. Ace", her fortune would be reduced. In fact, it's completely overwhelmed! After losing weight, Jia Ling has become the new favorite of luxury brands, and all kinds of outfits for the roadshow are basically from first-line big names, and she has even appeared in fashion magazines and entered the fashion industry, so she can make a lot of money, right?

Jia Ling's next work will be launched immediately, Zhang Xiaofei, Yang Zi, and Wang Xiao will help, and after reading the theme, I can't help but sigh that it is about to explode again

What's more, she hasn't stopped making movies, the high box office results of this movie have not yet been capped, and the next movie is about to start again. And when this movie sees the synopsis and subject matter, I can't help but sigh that this movie is likely to explode again.

When the movie was recorded, it was called "The Battle of Light", and later renamed "Turning Thoughts and Flowers", which is more literary and warm. The chief director is still Jia Ling, and the director is Sun Jibin, that is, the same production team of "Hello Li Huanying" and "Hot and Hot". The photography and art directors have all filmed "I Am Not the God of Medicine", and the representative works of the styling director are "The Crowd" and "The Wandering Earth", and the production team is very strong.

Jia Ling's next work will be launched immediately, Zhang Xiaofei, Yang Zi, and Wang Xiao will help, and after reading the theme, I can't help but sigh that it is about to explode again

The movie tells the story of Shan Yuan (played by Jia Ling), as the eldest sister in the family, who is eager to get ahead, and listens to the words of Li Yunlai, who operates the "Zhonglan Trade", and goes south to make money, but mistakenly enters a pyramid scheme. Eight years later, Shan Yuan turned into an anti-pyramid warrior, rescuing ordinary people trapped in pyramid schemes, while looking for Li Yunlai, determined to redeem the life that had been stolen.

Looking at this introduction, I think it's very exciting, "anti-pyramid schemes" are still relatively novel in the form of movies, and this theme is unique. Such a theme that reflects reality can bring a lot of inspiration to people and has profound practical significance. 目前‬这类‬题材‬是‬红海‬,参考‬去年‬暑期‬档‬的‬《孤注一掷‬》和‬《消失的‬她‬》票房‬都‬不错‬,就‬知道‬这部‬电影‬题材‬有‬多‬讨巧‬了‬。

Jia Ling's next work will be launched immediately, Zhang Xiaofei, Yang Zi, and Wang Xiao will help, and after reading the theme, I can't help but sigh that it is about to explode again

The film has already been filmed, in addition to Jia Ling, Zhang Xiaofei and Wang Xiao also participated. Jia Ling was a guest in "Blue Feather Lounge", Jia Ling commented on Yang Zi's acting skills: "Very good, she has already been asked for the next movie." 也有‬消息‬透露‬,杨紫‬将‬继续‬在‬这部‬电影‬中‬客串‬。

Jia Ling's next work will be launched immediately, Zhang Xiaofei, Yang Zi, and Wang Xiao will help, and after reading the theme, I can't help but sigh that it is about to explode again

No one once thought that "Hello Li Huanying" could make Jia Ling earn so much, but "Hot and Hot" has become a high-grossing movie in this Spring Festival.

used to act in sketches and became a household name, but now he has switched to making movies, and he is even more famous. I have to say that Jia Ling is really powerful, committed to creating real female film works, both an actress and a female director, fighting a bloody way in the market monopolized by men, while fulfilling her dreams, she did not forget to pull her sister Zhang Xiaofei!

Jia Ling's next work will be launched immediately, Zhang Xiaofei, Yang Zi, and Wang Xiao will help, and after reading the theme, I can't help but sigh that it is about to explode again
Jia Ling's next work will be launched immediately, Zhang Xiaofei, Yang Zi, and Wang Xiao will help, and after reading the theme, I can't help but sigh that it is about to explode again

Text/Entertainment Jun Falling Galaxy (The picture comes from the Internet, contact invasion and deletion)

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