
It's so hearty that the toast song of the Hani people, you drink it too, I drink it too, everyone drinks it together! An An sends everyone seven joys, the joy of heaven, the joy of the earth, the joy of karma, the joy of wealth, the joy of family, the joy of things, and the joy of people. Everything

author:The best float

It's so heartfelt

The toast song of the Hani people, you drink it too, I drink it too, everyone drink it together!

An An sent seven joys to everyone, heavenly happiness, earth happiness, karma happiness, wealth happiness, family happiness, event happiness, and people's happiness.

Everything is happy, and the stars are always shining

Seven Joy has been received, I wish you a long rainbow with Hui all the way!

It's so hearty that the toast song of the Hani people, you drink it too, I drink it too, everyone drinks it together! An An sends everyone seven joys, the joy of heaven, the joy of the earth, the joy of karma, the joy of wealth, the joy of family, the joy of things, and the joy of people. Everything
It's so hearty that the toast song of the Hani people, you drink it too, I drink it too, everyone drinks it together! An An sends everyone seven joys, the joy of heaven, the joy of the earth, the joy of karma, the joy of wealth, the joy of family, the joy of things, and the joy of people. Everything
It's so hearty that the toast song of the Hani people, you drink it too, I drink it too, everyone drinks it together! An An sends everyone seven joys, the joy of heaven, the joy of the earth, the joy of karma, the joy of wealth, the joy of family, the joy of things, and the joy of people. Everything

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