
"Thirty Thousand Miles of Chang'an" Gao Shi persuaded Li Bai not to get into trouble, why did Meng Haoran support Li Bai to get into the money?

author:Wonsan movie

在《长安三万里》播出以前‬,相信,在全世界范围内,喜欢李白的人是远远多于高适的。 李白之名,海內皆知,反而是‬高‬适‬,在东亚以外,知道高适的人估计少之又少。

"Thirty Thousand Miles of Chang'an" Gao Shi persuaded Li Bai not to get into trouble, why did Meng Haoran support Li Bai to get into the money?

However, since the release of "Thirty Thousand Miles of Chang'an", many people have begun to dislike Li Bai, at least not as much as they did before, but many viewers and friends like Gao Shi in the film very much.

"Thirty Thousand Miles of Chang'an" Gao Shi persuaded Li Bai not to get into trouble, why did Meng Haoran support Li Bai to get into the money?


"Thirty Thousand Miles of Chang'an" Gao Shi persuaded Li Bai not to get into trouble, why did Meng Haoran support Li Bai to get into the money?

As a result, many viewers raised a question: At the critical moment of whether Li Bai was in the red, when he asked his friend Meng Haoran for his opinion, why did Meng Haoran give a "dang" opinion in favor of the rich. Meng Haoran is also a literati, how could he support his most trusted friend Li Bai?

"Thirty Thousand Miles of Chang'an" Gao Shi persuaded Li Bai not to get into trouble, why did Meng Haoran support Li Bai to get into the money?

To answer this question, let's first put aside Li Bai and start with Meng Haoran's background and experience.

Meng Haoran was born in the Tang Dynasty, he did not have the talent and luck of his contemporaries Cui Hao, although he had ambitions in his early years, but he was repeatedly frustrated in his career, until he was nearly forty years old when he entered Chang'an and should be a jinshi. Judging from his experience, although he is not affected by his background and his talent is not bad, he has not had a good future for many years.

"Thirty Thousand Miles of Chang'an" Gao Shi persuaded Li Bai not to get into trouble, why did Meng Haoran support Li Bai to get into the money?

李白就是否入赘的问题在征询孟然的意见时,孟‬浩然已经三十多岁,对世事多有参悟的他给了李白支持的意见,这并不意外。 孟浩然自己的经历和现实生活中的不尽如人意,使得他认为出身商人之家,性格放荡不拘的李白,如果走正常的仕途是很难的,如果通过入赘,改变了出身,有了许‬相国家族的支持,或许李白可以达成他的人生愿望。 In Meng Haoran's opinion, Li Bai has lost since birth, so Meng Haoran thinks that he is right to persuade Li Bai to join the army, and if he takes the career path, he has to get rid of his business status to have a chance to take the exam.

"Thirty Thousand Miles of Chang'an" Gao Shi persuaded Li Bai not to get into trouble, why did Meng Haoran support Li Bai to get into the money?

As for Li Bai himself, from the bottom of his heart, he is also reluctant to get rich, because there is also the problem of getting rich, just as Gao Shi said, "Going into money is the most disdainful choice for a man in my Tang Dynasty." Moreover, after entering the family, Li Bai's life trajectory will also be changed, and if he can't adapt, there will still be no good results. 所以,在入赘之事上,李白是犹豫不决的,见了高‬适的态度后,他更有退缩之意,但又不完全甘心,于是他就让高适陪同他去征询他“最信任的朋友”孟浩然的意见。

"Thirty Thousand Miles of Chang'an" Gao Shi persuaded Li Bai not to get into trouble, why did Meng Haoran support Li Bai to get into the money?

At this time, Meng Haoran's opinion is very critical: if Meng Haoran also opposes, then Li Bai will just give up, if Meng Haoran supports it, Li Bai is a little reluctant in his heart, but he is also willing to accept his fate. So after Meng Haoran gave his opinion in support of his involvement, Li Bai was not relieved, but was melancholy in his heart and used wine to dispel his sorrows.

"Thirty Thousand Miles of Chang'an" Gao Shi persuaded Li Bai not to get into trouble, why did Meng Haoran support Li Bai to get into the money?

Of course, this is not to say that Meng Haoran did not do well in supporting Li Bai's accession, but to emphasize: When people make key choices, the opinions of people they trust will play a great role, especially for people with a character like Li Bai, if he is replaced by Gao Shi, with his personality and style of doing things, he will not listen to the opinions of others when he makes any big life decisions.

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