
General steps in cotton planting

author:Tian family compound Tian Sannong

Cotton planting is a complex process, which needs to consider many factors such as land selection and soil management, timely sowing, fertilization and watering, and pest control. Here are the general steps for cotton farming:

1. Land selection and soil management: Choose well-drained, deep, and fertile soils. Soil conditions are the most important and require a deep active soil layer, moderate drought and alkali tolerance, and good air permeability. Soil quality can be improved by deep tillage, rotary tillage, etc., and sufficient organic fertilizer can be applied before sowing to ensure soil fertility.

General steps in cotton planting

2. Timely sowing: The seeds are generally seeded around April 15, and the cotton sowing time in Xinjiang is also around April 1. The sowing time is determined according to the local climatic conditions and variety characteristics, and the average daily temperature is generally required to be greater than or equal to 25 degrees. Seeds need to be screened and treated before sowing to improve germination and survival.

3. Fertilization and watering: After sowing, black mulch can be covered to maintain soil moisture and speed up the growth of cotton seedlings. When the seedling water emerges, the amount of irrigation should be determined according to the weather and soil conditions, generally 10-15 squares, the seed hole can be dripped on, and the upper part of the soil covering soil does not collapse is appropriate. Fertilizer should be applied in time at the cotton seedling stage, budding stage and flowering and boll stage, and reasonable watering should be carried out according to the different water requirements of different growth stages to ensure the nutrients and water required for cotton growth.

General steps in cotton planting

4. Prevention and control of pests and diseases: Cotton planting needs to control pests and diseases, such as cotton aphid, cotton whitefly, cotton bollworm, cotton blind bug, cotton wilt, cotton anthracnose, cotton root rot, etc. According to the local pest situation and control methods, timely prevention and control should be carried out to avoid affecting the growth of cotton.

5. Timely harvesting: Cotton should be harvested in time after maturity so as not to affect the quality and yield. Mechanical harvesting can be used to reduce labor costs and labor intensity.

General steps in cotton planting

In short, cotton planting needs to be based on local climate and soil conditions, reasonable selection of varieties and planting methods, and fine management to ensure the quality and yield of cotton. At the same time, it is also necessary to take into account the problems of diseases, insects and weeds in order to carry out effective control.

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