
Rabbit breeding technology and methods

author:Tian family compound Tian Sannong

Rabbit breeding technology and methods:

1. Selection of breeding site: It is necessary to keep the breeding environment dry, ventilated, quiet, hygienic and spacious, and the temperature is between 5-28 degrees. You can choose a professional rabbit farm, or you can choose some idle farmhouses to breed rabbits.

2. Breeding equipment: Rabbit farms need to have special rabbit cages, feed troughs, drinking troughs and other breeding equipment. Rabbit cages need to be selected based on the size and number of rabbits, and they need to be cleaned and disinfected regularly to prevent rabbits from contracting diseases.

Rabbit breeding technology and methods

3. Feed selection: Rabbits need different levels of nutrients and feed types, and need to choose the right feed according to the physiological stage of rabbits, such as energy feed, protein feed, crude fiber feed, minerals and vitamins are important feed types. It can also be fed with professional rabbit food or with dry pasture.

4. Reproduction: When breeding rabbits, it is necessary to select healthy female rabbits and male rabbits, and breed in the middle and late stages of estrus, and the breeding method should put the estrus female rabbits into the male rabbit cage and check the health status of the male rabbit. Compounding is required after mating to ensure pregnancy and prevent false pregnancy.

Rabbit breeding technology and methods

5. Feeding management: Rabbit feeding management is very important, to maintain the hygiene of the rabbit house, and to pay close attention to the physical condition of the rabbit, timely detection and treatment of rabbit diseases. Put food regularly and quantitatively, and do not feed fruits and vegetables, so as not to cause indigestion or poisoning in rabbits.

6. Disease prevention: Disease prevention in rabbits is very important, and it is necessary to vaccinate rabbits regularly, and detect and deal with rabbits' diseases in a timely manner. At the same time, parents should also put clean and sufficient drinking water for rabbits in time to keep the environment dry and ventilated to avoid rabbits from catching colds.

7. Daily management: Rabbit farms need professional management personnel to carry out daily management, such as regular feeding, cleaning rabbit cages, and inspecting the growth of rabbits.

Rabbit breeding technology and methods

The above is the technology and method of rabbit breeding, breeding rabbits need to be based on rabbit food and dry pasture, provide clean and sufficient drinking water, rabbit cages should pay attention to ventilation and ventilation. At the same time, during the breeding process, it is necessary to pay attention to preventing rabbit diseases and maintaining the hygiene and safety of rabbits.

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