
How did Li Bai "come" to the Spring Festival Gala→?

author:Jingyuan release

This year's Spring Festival Gala in Xi'an, Shaanxi

The "opening method" of "Mountains and Rivers Poem Chang'an"

It's a sight to behold

How did Li Bai "come" to the Spring Festival Gala→?

The audience follows the animated character Li Bai

Through the millennium to see the past and the present

Recreate the magnificent scene of poetic Chang'an

The welcome door in Xi'an - Yongning Gate

Li Bai and thousands of people recited "Will Enter the Wine"

Bold and free, full of energy

It inspires the pride of the sons and daughters of China

Many viewers were shocked by this dreamy scene

Curious how Li Bai achieved "crossing"?

Zhang Min, chief director of the Xi'an branch of Shaanxi Province, introduced

The creative concept of the show is:

Let Li Bai travel through the millennium to the present

Through his perspective, he sees the present and Xi'an

How did Li Bai "come" to the Spring Festival Gala→?

Through the form of animated AR

Let Li Bai appear on the stage

The whole show is in accordance with

Storyboards and filming

Frame by frame debugging

The combination of theatrical programs and scientific and technological means

Show the poetic side of Xi'an

How did Li Bai "come" to the Spring Festival Gala→?

Animated character Li Bai

Interaction with actor Zhang Ruoyun

It is the stage of the Spring Festival Gala

For the first time, live-action and animation interactions were realized

How did Li Bai "come" to the Spring Festival Gala→?

Visual director Jiang Yuhao said

In the video of Li Bai entering the city gate

Two actions that add up to less than 5 seconds

The animation team filmed from early in the morning until 7 a.m

"How many meters does Li Bai walk at each step and how he needs to walk

When you're done, turn your head and laugh at the first few steps

And that's all in the four or five hours we've had

A little bit of it is calculated, a little bit of it is run out"

How did Li Bai "come" to the Spring Festival Gala→?
How did Li Bai "come" to the Spring Festival Gala→?

Footage of Li Bai's parade at the end

The director team spent nearly 60 days

Just to get this shot

There is a better presentation

The director team of Datang never sleeps

Two kilometers of frontage buildings were scanned one by one

Tens of thousands of textures were used

Only then did the animation Li Bai be realized

Wander over the city that never sleeps

How did Li Bai "come" to the Spring Festival Gala→?
How did Li Bai "come" to the Spring Festival Gala→?

Animation director Gao Yulei said

"Because it can only be scanned during the day

We present a night view

In order to look a little more red-hot

We use a three-dimensional and post-production approach

All the buildings were repainted

Then light up each building and hang lanterns."

Actor Zhang Ruoyun said

"It used to be through screens, through books

to learn about our traditional culture

It is now possible to use very novel technology

Feel the charm of traditional culture more intuitively"

How did Li Bai "come" to the Spring Festival Gala→?

In the singing and harmony of the whole people

In one poem after another

There is a glorious past of Chang'an

There is also the vitality of Xi'an today

Thumbs up!


Editors of this issue: Shi Lei, Fang Ziyi

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