
What is good for the elderly to eat for breakfast? Dietitians share 7 non-repetitive recipes a week From the perspective of nutrient absorption, the breakfast collocation of the elderly needs to be considered from three aspects: how much to eat, what to eat, and how to eat. Especially for the elderly, 7 different breakfasts are recommended, which is enough to not repeat the sample every day for a week.

author:Wen Jing's anti-cancer life circle

As the saying goes, eat well in the morning! For the elderly breakfast, how to make it good?

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > from the perspective of nutrient absorption, the breakfast collocation of the elderly needs to be considered from three aspects: how much to eat, what to eat, and how to eat. </h1>

What is good for the elderly to eat for breakfast? Dietitians share 7 non-repetitive recipes a week From the perspective of nutrient absorption, the breakfast collocation of the elderly needs to be considered from three aspects: how much to eat, what to eat, and how to eat. Especially for the elderly, 7 different breakfasts are recommended, which is enough to not repeat the sample every day for a week.

1. How much to eat?

The diet of the elderly we all recommend eating less and more meals, plus in the morning may be because just got up, the appetite is not very good, so the overall calories do not need too much, about 25% of the day can be, that is, we often say to eat until about 7 points full.

2. What to eat?

Although the caloric requirements for breakfast are not much, but the nutrients must be satisfied, high-quality protein, high-quality fats, high-quality carbohydrates and vitamins, minerals can not be less, so the principles to be followed in food matching are:

1. Mostly natural foods, eat less processed foods.

In terms of protein, it is recommended that eggs, milk, soy milk, soy milk, chicken breast, boneless fish, shrimp and other high-quality proteins are recommended.

In terms of carbohydrates, it is best to use whole grains, such as cereal, quinoa, buckwheat, corn, brown rice, etc.

Fat acquisition is recommended to use some oils rich in omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids, such as flaxseed oil, perilla seed oil, olive oil, grape seed, camellia oil and so on.

In terms of minerals, you can combine some seeds and nut foods, such as sesame seeds, walnuts, chia seeds, wheat germ, peanuts and beans.

In terms of vitamins, we must match some vegetables and fruits, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli, apples, kiwifruit, dragon fruit, etc., and choose seasonal fruits and vegetables according to the season.

2, reduce or avoid frying, frying and other too high temperature food, especially like fritters, fried oil cakes, etc. is the traditional diet of Chinese residents' breakfast, but now nutrition has found that these fried starch foods are one of the culprits of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which contain carcinogens, which are easy to cause chronic inflammation, obesity and metabolic abnormalities in the body.

3. Reduce sweets and mix with vegetables and fruits. Modern people have generally exceeded the sugar intake standard, so that more and more three highs, obesity and various chronic diseases occur; on the other hand, vitamins, minerals and other trace elements are generally lacking, so even in breakfast, there should be vegetables and fruits.

3. How to eat?

I have a colleague's father, because he lives alone, in order not to be so troublesome, eat two meals a day, breakfast is eaten at ninety o'clock, so that lunch can be eaten later, dinner does not have to eat.

But especially the meal time of the elderly should follow the operation time of the body's internal organs, after a night of repair and renewal, the small intestine begins to absorb nutrients at 7 to 9 o'clock in the morning, so it is necessary to use up breakfast before 9 o'clock, which can better promote the absorption rate of nutrients.

What is good for the elderly to eat for breakfast? Dietitians share 7 non-repetitive recipes a week From the perspective of nutrient absorption, the breakfast collocation of the elderly needs to be considered from three aspects: how much to eat, what to eat, and how to eat. Especially for the elderly, 7 different breakfasts are recommended, which is enough to not repeat the sample every day for a week.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > 7 different breakfasts are recommended for the elderly, enough to not repeat every day of the week. </h1>

Beef egg flower porridge with burritos

Ingredients: 50 grams of rice (porridge rice), 50 grams of diced beef (slices), 50 grams of fresh shiitake mushrooms, 1 egg, 1 piece of west wheat burritos, 1/2 cucumber, 3 to 4 shrimp, sesame salad dressing to taste.


1: After the rice is washed, add an appropriate amount of water and cook for about 20 minutes, add the sliced shiitake mushrooms and beef slices, and boil on high heat for 10 minutes;

2. Beat an egg into egg liquid and mix it into the beef to form an egg flower, and finally add an appropriate amount of salt, sesame oil, seasoning, sprinkle with green onion;

3: Heat the cichliff microwave for 20 seconds, cut the cucumber into coarse strips, add the shrimp, squeeze in the appropriate amount of sesame salad dressing and roll it up.

What is good for the elderly to eat for breakfast? Dietitians share 7 non-repetitive recipes a week From the perspective of nutrient absorption, the breakfast collocation of the elderly needs to be considered from three aspects: how much to eat, what to eat, and how to eat. Especially for the elderly, 7 different breakfasts are recommended, which is enough to not repeat the sample every day for a week.

Assorted cereal

Ingredients: 3 to 4 tbsp of original oatmeal, 1 tbsp of chia seeds, 1 tbsp of wheat germ, 200 to 300 ml of milk, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, kiwifruit, blueberries, cranberries, oranges and other fruits, nuts to taste.

1. Pour oatmeal, chia seeds and wheat germ into a bowl;

2. Heat the milk slightly to about 80 degrees, pour it into a bowl and stir all the ingredients well and let it sit for 5 minutes;

3. After the swell with cereal and chia seeds, add the remaining nuts, fruits and other ingredients to eat.

PS: This is one of the simplest, fastest and most nutritious breakfasts, and the ingredients can be mixed according to your own taste.

What is good for the elderly to eat for breakfast? Dietitians share 7 non-repetitive recipes a week From the perspective of nutrient absorption, the breakfast collocation of the elderly needs to be considered from three aspects: how much to eat, what to eat, and how to eat. Especially for the elderly, 7 different breakfasts are recommended, which is enough to not repeat the sample every day for a week.

Egg noodles with seasonal vegetables

Ingredients: 1 packet of egg ramen (150~200 grams), 1 egg, 1/2 carrot, black fungus to taste, soy sauce, steamed fish soy sauce, perilla seed oil to taste.

1. Wash the carrots and soaked black fungus and cut them into strips;

2. Blanch in boiling water for 1 to 2 minutes and then remove and set aside;

3. Stir-fry the eggs after beating, or you can also fry a poached egg;

4. Mix soy sauce (I like to use June fresh), steamed fish soy sauce and perilla seed oil, add an appropriate amount of boiling water (better with broth) to adjust the soup;

5: Boil the ramen with eggs, cook for about 2 minutes and add to the soup, with the prepared eggs, carrots, black fungus shreds, and finally sprinkle with green onions.

What is good for the elderly to eat for breakfast? Dietitians share 7 non-repetitive recipes a week From the perspective of nutrient absorption, the breakfast collocation of the elderly needs to be considered from three aspects: how much to eat, what to eat, and how to eat. Especially for the elderly, 7 different breakfasts are recommended, which is enough to not repeat the sample every day for a week.

Bread with milk jam

Ingredients: 1 to 2 slices of sliced bread, broccoli, a small amount of corn, blueberry sauce (strawberry jam is also available), a quarter of the red dragon fruit, salad dressing, 300 ml of milk.

1. Wash the broccoli, change the knife and blanch it in boiling water for 1 minute and set aside;

2. Corn kernels are also blanched in boiling water and fished out for use;

3. Mix the prepared broccoli and corn with an appropriate amount of salad dressing;

4. Change the bread into small pieces and smear with jam;

5. Heat the milk and enjoy with dragon fruit.

What is good for the elderly to eat for breakfast? Dietitians share 7 non-repetitive recipes a week From the perspective of nutrient absorption, the breakfast collocation of the elderly needs to be considered from three aspects: how much to eat, what to eat, and how to eat. Especially for the elderly, 7 different breakfasts are recommended, which is enough to not repeat the sample every day for a week.

Sesame white earring with golden spinach roll

Ingredients: about 20 grams of cooked white sesame seeds, a small white fungus, a handful of goji berries, sugar, 2 eggs, 100 grams of spinach, salt, perilla seed oil, seaweed.

1. Soak the white fungus in advance, and blanch it in boiling water for 2 minutes, drain the water and set aside;

2. Add 300 to 400 ml of boiling water to the blender, add white fungus, sesame seeds, goji berries and an appropriate amount of sugar (according to your own taste), mix all the ingredients and stir for 2 to 3 minutes;

3. Brush a little oil in a hot pan, pour in the egg liquid to spread the egg skin, golden brown, then take it out and cool it for use;

4. After washing the spinach, blanch in boiling water for 30 seconds, drain the water and chop it, add an appropriate amount of salt and perilla seed oil to taste and mix well;

5: Spread the egg skin flat, add a layer of seaweed, then add the seasoned spinach roll to form a long strip, and then change the knife to a small section.

What is good for the elderly to eat for breakfast? Dietitians share 7 non-repetitive recipes a week From the perspective of nutrient absorption, the breakfast collocation of the elderly needs to be considered from three aspects: how much to eat, what to eat, and how to eat. Especially for the elderly, 7 different breakfasts are recommended, which is enough to not repeat the sample every day for a week.

Tomato beef noodle set

Ingredients: 500 grams of beef brisket, 2 to 3 large tomatoes, tomato sauce to taste, egg noodles (buckwheat noodles) 100 to 150 grams, walnuts, hollandaise beans, purple cabbage to taste, salt, perilla seed oil to taste.

1. After washing the brisket, the water is removed from the blood, and the tomato is washed and cut into large pieces for use;

2: Add an appropriate amount of oil and green onion and ginger to a hot pot and stir-fry until fragrant, add beef and stir-fry for 2 minutes, then add tomatoes and stir-fry to make the juice;

3. Add the appropriate amount of tomato sauce to make the color, add boiling water to boil, change the heat to simmer for about 1 hour;

4. Add an appropriate amount of salt to taste and set aside (tomato brisket can be prepared one day in advance);

5, Dutch beans, purple cabbage after washing, cut and match, boil in boiling water for 1 to 2 minutes to fish out, add an appropriate amount of raw walnut meat, salt and perilla seed oil and mix well to taste;

6: Add noodles in boiling water, cook for about 2 minutes and fish out, with tomato brisket soup base.

What is good for the elderly to eat for breakfast? Dietitians share 7 non-repetitive recipes a week From the perspective of nutrient absorption, the breakfast collocation of the elderly needs to be considered from three aspects: how much to eat, what to eat, and how to eat. Especially for the elderly, 7 different breakfasts are recommended, which is enough to not repeat the sample every day for a week.

Dragon fruit shrimp set

Ingredients: 100 g of shrimp, a quarter of the white heart dragon fruit, 1 to 2 slices of sliced bread or whole wheat bread, 300 ml of milk or soy milk, sesame salad dressing to taste.

1. Remove the head and shrimp line from the base, wash and open the back;

2. Blanch the shrimp in boiling water and fish out;

3. Change the dragon fruit to a small piece, together with the shrimp, add an appropriate amount of sesame salad sauce and mix well;

4. Heat the milk and serve with bread.

What is good for the elderly to eat for breakfast? Dietitians share 7 non-repetitive recipes a week From the perspective of nutrient absorption, the breakfast collocation of the elderly needs to be considered from three aspects: how much to eat, what to eat, and how to eat. Especially for the elderly, 7 different breakfasts are recommended, which is enough to not repeat the sample every day for a week.

Tips: When scalding any vegetable, it is best to add a few drops of cooking oil to the water to keep the color of the vegetables bright.

The recipes of the previous week are simple to make, the nutrition is reasonable, and the elderly can try to do it. Remember that if you want to have a rich and comprehensive nutritional intake, it is best to change the food mix frequently, and do not use porridge, steamed buns, fritters, and soy milk every day. Now that our living conditions are better and all materials are very convenient, the elderly should also try more new things to make themselves live younger.

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