
From Fun to Athleticism: The Early Dramatic Changes in Human Leisure Life: A Case Study of Ancient Greece

From Fun to Athleticism: The Early Dramatic Changes in Human Leisure Life: A Case Study of Ancient Greece

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This article is an original article on China's national history 

Article source: "National History of China" three issues of three picks

Leisure is a non-productive recreational activity based on the physical and mental needs of people. In ancient Greece, Aristotle discussed "leisure" for the first time, which was originally an ordinary thing in daily life, but was regarded by Aristotle as a major event related to the rise and fall of a country. Aristotle despised Sparta because he believed that Spartans did not know leisure, and blindly trained and exercised, and he once said that the physique of athletes was not suitable for citizens, which contained his opposition to the Spartan way of life. Aristotle was a great admirer of the Athenian way of life, believing that the Athenians had a good arrangement of labor and leisure. However, the later Romans hated the Athenian way of life very much, and the old Cato, Livy and others in Rome criticized the Athenian way of life, and even blamed the turmoil and chaos of the late Roman Republic on learning too much from the Greeks, so that Roman society formed a social trend of advocating extravagance, unwilling to endure hardship, and unwilling to sacrifice for the interests of the Roman state. Thus, in ancient Greece, two ideas formed around the issue of leisure, one that admired the Athenian way of life and the other that of Sparta. They actually put the Athenian and Spartan ways of life in diametrically opposed pairs, the Spartan way of life was to unconditionally give everything to the country, in Plutarch's words, the Spartans were like worker bees who were busy for the good of the country all the time, did not know leisure, knew about training, training, war, war, war, and war all day long. The Athenian way of life was one of thrilling the senses, rhetoric, idleness, and pleasure.

Aristotle actually has a certain truth in saying that leisure is a problem that needs to be solved in any society, and everyone needs leisure and cannot work all the time. The ancient Greeks began leisure very early, and many of the cultural and sports activities in ancient Greece as we know them now were leisure and entertainment activities for their own life in the early days.

One of the most basic leisure activities of the ancient Greeks was feasting and drinking. This seems to be a kind of leisure that people at home and abroad like in ancient and modern times. Represented by the Athenians, the citizens of Athens loved to drink and eat, especially the male citizens. Many wealthy families in Athens had small two-story buildings with a dedicated room downstairs, and the name of the room literally means "man". As you can imagine, the house was reserved for men, with seven or eight stools and a long dining table. Men drink, eat, and brag in this room. In addition to their homes, there are also a number of taverns, which are also frequented by men.

Feasting was very popular in ancient Greece, and the aristocracy and wealthy often frequented restaurants and hotels. There are many works about feasting or named after ancient Greece, such as Plato, who wrote "The Feast", and Xenophon also wrote the work of the same name. From these works, we can see the ancient Greeks' habit of feasting, and their meals were similar to those of today, but there were some aspects that were more special. The ancient Greeks loved to drink wine, especially wine. The alcohol is not high, but because it is relatively poor, and the wine is more precious, the ancient Greeks usually added water, and there was a special cooking table at the door of their dining room, which was a special place to mix wine, and the Western culture likes to drink cocktails may have originated from this. The containers used when drinking are different from ours, we now use small wine glasses, wine dispensers, etc., and the ancient Greeks used goblets similar to tall plates when they drank wine, and the mouth of the cup was very large.

There were not many dishes at the banquet, there were four or five dishes, and the ancient Greeks ate very little fish, for which fish was a luxury. The Greek peninsula is predominantly hilly, the rivers on land are not too deep, and there are not many freshwater fish. Although the ancient Greeks relied on the sea, it was dangerous to catch marine fish, so only the rich could afford to eat marine fish.

From Fun to Athleticism: The Early Dramatic Changes in Human Leisure Life: A Case Study of Ancient Greece

Fig.1 Ancient Greek theater

The ancient Greeks were very talkative, and banquets were often the best place to talk about the world, and everyone talked about the mountains together, and the range of conversation was very wide and the time was very long, which could be carried out from the afternoon to the middle of the night. This can be seen in Plato's works, where they often discuss seemingly inconsequential issues during meals. For example, the banquet recorded by Plato talks about abstract issues such as the relationship between men and women, the nature of men and women, and the nature of love. Plato recorded a saying in his works: it turns out that men and women are one person, because men and women are matched, yin and yang are combined, so this kind of people are particularly energetic, and finally one day, they try to get rid of the control of God, so God splits people, puts the skin around the profile together, and then ties the skin together with a rope to form a knot, this knot is our navel eye, half of the person who splits it is a man, and the other half is a woman, so the man and the woman are originally one person, and the man in reality, Women have their other half, they are constantly looking for their other half, they all have to come together in the end, men and women who come together are highly consistent in spirit, they become a real complete person in the form of a family, so this relationship between the sexes and the relationship of love is innate. Xenophon's Feast also records a discussion of the relationship between the sexes, but it seems to be more pornographic and explicit. The Romans also learned from the Greeks' way of indulging in feasting and drinking, and there was a writer named Athenius in Rome who wrote a book called "The Feast of the Wise", which recorded a lot of conversations between people during the feast, and also provided conversation information for people who were preparing to participate in the banquet. Banquets in ancient Greece were similar to today's banquets in this respect, and people loved to talk to the gods.

There are also various activities at the banquet, which are a little different from when we eat now, in ancient Greece there were all kinds of performances when eating, which can be seen in the preserved ancient works, such as playing the flute, playing the guitar, dancing, juggling, such as dancing girls will jump from the hoop, as well as improvisational poetry, the famous poets of ancient Greece, Pindar, Arcaios, often appear at the banquets of princes and nobles. There are also female attendants at the banquet, who either perform for the diners, or accompany the diners to eat and drink, or even sell their bodies. It can be said that feasting was a very important leisure activity for ancient Greece.

The second leisure activity is cultural performances, and to put it more broadly, it is to watch a theater. Watching drama is not a strict leisure method, because drama is formed after the emergence of the city-state and after it has been transformed by the life of the city-state. Early plays were mainly warm-up performances before the worship of the gods, known as goat plays, in which performers dressed as the goat god Sadir for performances. In addition to the plays, there are also a large number of troubadour's performances. The poets and performers of ancient Greece tended to be a single person. Homer was a troubadour, and also wrote the epic "Homer", and there was also a writer named Hesiod in ancient Greece, who wrote a work called "The Time of the Farmer", which taught people how to live and how to make money, and he said at the beginning that he had won a prize in a poetry competition, and his performance and creation were guided by the goddess of art. Odysseus as we know it is adrift

10 years

Later, when he returned home, a group of suitors were eating and drinking in his house, and there was a troubadour on the scene. This kind of cultural performance is not only seen at banquets, but also at some family celebrations, and many famous poets are invited by the royal nobles to compose and sing poems in their homes, such as Pindar, and most of the poems he left behind are such "Goethe" works composed in response to the occasion. These poets are often highly skilled in their performances. Arion, the court poet of Corinth, is said to have participated in a Sicilian music contest and returned aboard a merchant ship bound for Corinth, where the sailors on board tried to kill for money. Arion asks for permission to sing a song before he dies. He sang a song on the bow of the boat, which attracted many dolphins, and when he had finished singing, he jumped into the sea, but was rescued by the dolphins and carried to Corinth. When the pirates arrived in Corinth and were lying to Arion who unfortunately fell overboard, Arion appeared in the clothes he had worn when he jumped into the sea, and the pirates were forced to confess their crimes and receive the punishment they deserved. From this story, it can be seen that the performance level of the poets is also superb.

From Fun to Athleticism: The Early Dramatic Changes in Human Leisure Life: A Case Study of Ancient Greece

Fig.2 Social banquets in ancient Greece

From Fun to Athleticism: The Early Dramatic Changes in Human Leisure Life: A Case Study of Ancient Greece

Fig.3 Greek woman playing with sheep crutches

Another leisure activity is sports. We all now know that the ancient Greeks had a strong preference for sports. What exactly the origin of sports in ancient Greece is not very clear to us. One theory is that the ancient Greeks, in order to express themselves, proved to the gods that they were very suitable for the requirements of the gods through sports, and by showing the strength and development of their physical functions, and prayed for the blessings of the gods. Whether this statement is accurate or not is unknown, but what is certain is that the ancient Greeks really loved sports, and they held sports events on many occasions. For example, they will hold sports activities such as worship to the gods and funerals, and they will also hold a sports competition when the guests come, and even invite the guests to play together. Most typically, Odysseus came to Feex, and the locals, in order to entertain him, specially gathered young people to hold a sports event. Sports activities include weightlifting, javelin, discus throwing, wrestling, etc., and the young people who participate in the competition show Odysseus one by one, and Odysseus, because he is a descendant of God, also performs on the field, and behaves better than the others, winning the respect of the young people. Not only that, sports activities are also held when someone dies, the more representative is the "Homeric Epic", Achilles' close friend Patroclus died, Achilles killed Acator to avenge his funeral, and at the same time held a large-scale sports competition, including racing, boxing, wrestling, running, gun fighting, discus, archery, gun throwing, etc., each event has prizes of different value.

In addition, the Greeks also recruited relatives through sports activities, just as in ancient China, such as the more famous Pelops as we now know him, who went into exile in the Peloponnese, where he participated in the motor race set up by the Eris kings for his daughters. King Eris was so fond of his beautiful daughter that he did not want her to be married, and demanded that all suitors compete with the king in his best car, and that all those who lost to the king should be killed. Therefore, the Greeks also held sports activities when they proposed.

Most of the sports activities held on these occasions are a form of entertainment, although there may be economic factors, and people also observe people through such entertainment. There was a very famous reformer in ancient Athens named Cleisthenes, who actually got his name from his maternal grandfather. His father had participated in the marriage proposal of Princess Sision, who had lived in the palace for some time. According to the daily life of the suitors gathered in Odysseus's house as described in the Odyssey, there is no shortage of physical activities. King Sion determined the son-in-law by observing the suitor's performance at feasts, sports, and other activities. In the end, it was Christini's father who won.

There was a lot of entertainment in ancient Greece, but these activities often ended up being competitions. By the time of classical times, these once leisure activities were marked with the character of competition. Burckhardt, a well-known Swiss historian, proposed that the culture of ancient Greece was a competitive culture, and almost every leisure activity turned into a competition. Athens in the classical period, in addition to the sports competitions that we are accustomed to today, cultural events also became a kind of competition, such as the famous theatrical performances, mainly tragic performances, also became a kind of competition, and most of the tragic works that have been handed down to this day are those that won the competition. Cultural events at religious festivals also turn into competitions, and the winners are called poet laureates. It is said that in a vote, all the generals who voted considered themselves the best, and the Athenian general Themistocles was the second, and in the end the generals each voted for themselves and Themistocles, so Themistocles became the person with the most votes. In ancient Greece, officials were elected by election, which turned the selection of officials into a political competition.

The key to turning leisure into competition is the emergence of the city-state. The city-state is a social organization of a national nature, and after the establishment of the city-state, it penetrates into people's daily life and people's leisure life, so that people's self-congratulatory entertainment activities become competitive activities, we can see all kinds of different competitions, and see the city-state's efforts to control society through the manipulation of leisure.

There are two main ways to control it. The first is to revise the content of leisure, such as the concentration of sports competitions on events directly related to war, and then the so-called pentathlon, that is, running, horseback riding, chariot races, boxing, and wrestling, the adjustment of such competition events is relatively open and direct. There are also indirect and obscure ways, such as theatrical works, where the venue for theatrical performances is moved to the theater, and citizens do not need to pay money to watch the play, and later they can also receive a theater allowance. Even more obscure is the adjustment of the content of the script, which begins to reflect the collective requirements of the city-state. There were many tragedies in ancient Greece, and literary historians have interpreted the script in many dimensions. In fact, drama has become the "national reader" of the city-state, carrying the function of civic education. Therefore, most of the works that have been handed down to this day reflect the ideological feelings of collectivism and patriotism. To cite one example, the vast majority of scholars believe that the famous tragedy "Oedipus the King" embodies the free will of human beings in constant struggle against fate. In fact, this tragedy is to create a glorious image of a character who does not hesitate to sacrifice everything for the collective interests of the country, including his own reputation and life. "The Persians" depicts the courage of the citizens of Athens to forge ahead in the face of national difficulties. There are many others, such as the famous tragedy "Antigone", which shows the conflict between personal warmth and the laws of the country, and depicts the collapse of the state for the sake of brotherhood and sisterhood. Another example is "Antigone in Port Aurius", which portrays a glorious image of a woman who is willing to sacrifice herself for the sake of Greek interests.

The second is to change the original purely personal leisure into a competition dominated by the city-state. Leisure in Greece originally included the element of competition, but competition was to enhance the effect of leisure, so the number of competition prizes in leisure activities was generally small, and even some prizes were not practical, such as flower crowns made of laurel branches, and of course there were some practical prizes, but the number was relatively small. As mentioned above at the funeral of Patroclus, Achilles set the first prize for the racers, a slave girl who is skilled in various crafts and a sheng

22 litres of three-legged tripod with ears, and the prize for second place is a pregnant person who has not been yoke

6 year old mare, the prize for third place is a mouthful

4 litres of delicate large iron pots, the fourth prize is two tarrants of gold, and the fifth prize is a brand new amphora. Ancient Greek Homeric gold was used only for decoration, not as a hard currency, so it was not as valuable as it is understood today. Homer emphasized that the clay pot for the fifth prize was brand new, and that Achilles was a famous general in the Greek army, and that if it were a regular event, the clay pot that might have been used would also be used as a prize. Let's take a look at the compensation that Agamemnon gave in order to reconcile with Achilles, which can also be counted as a kind of prize:

7 new tripods,

10 ingots of gold,

20 large shiny iron pots,

12 strong horses,

7 female prisoners of war with dexterous hands and feet,

20 Greek maids with beautiful faces,

7 densely populated cities, and Agamemnon's daughter. Agamemnon was the commander-in-chief of the allied Greek forces, and the prize given was actually a reconciliation of the entire country towards him. In contrast, it can be seen that the prizes of funeral events are commonplace.

Entering the era of the city-state, the city-state gradually participated in people's daily leisure, and the competitions in leisure activities were gradually controlled by the city-state, and the organizers of the competition became the city-state, such as Pisistratus organized the Pan-Athenaeum Festival in Athens, and held a recitation contest of the Homeric Epic at the festival, and Athens also set up special officials to organize various theatrical performances and select excellent plays.

From Fun to Athleticism: The Early Dramatic Changes in Human Leisure Life: A Case Study of Ancient Greece

Fig.4 Sprint scene carved on a vase from the 6th century BC

The prizes for the contest were mainly provided by the city-states. With the city-state as a backing, the types and quantities of prizes increased, not only material, but also spiritual, such as the grand welcome of the Olympic champion back to his hometown, the best place reserved in the theater, and the poetry of the Olympic champion composed and sung in public, many of Pinda's poems are of this type. The Olympics will also be held in the Olympia Temple District

The three-time champion of the winner's statue, many of the artists who created the winner's statue were the most prominent and greatest sculptors of ancient Greece. Material prizes also increased, such as the city-states providing free meals for the Olympic champions for a period of time, exempting them from all taxes and being supported by the state for life, and even directly providing them with a large number of prizes, which are said to have increased to one point

9 cows, the standard of property of the third estate of Athenian society at that time was domestic ownership

2 cows,

9 cows are equivalent to

All the property of 4 ordinary families shows the richness of their prizes.

The mechanism of competition in leisure life is also used in other areas of national life in the Greek states. For example, the Greek city-states set up a competition mechanism in the war. Herodotus, describing the Battle of Salamis, portrayed the scene of the battle as a contest in which the Persian navy tried to show its bravery in front of the Persian king. Herodotus does not give a detailed account of the course of the war itself, but rather talks about which city-state and which people were braver. After the war, the Greek army used to evaluate the city-states, generals and warriors who participated in the war, of course, the process of evaluation was not necessarily fair, for example, the Corinthian city-state thought that it was very brave, but the final result of the evaluation was that Ekina was the first, Athens was the second, and the bravest warriors were of course from these two city-states. And Themistocles' title of "General with the Most Contribution" was a complete windfall.

From Fun to Athleticism: The Early Dramatic Changes in Human Leisure Life: A Case Study of Ancient Greece

Fig.5 Ancient Greek ceramic art

Athenian politics also slowly turned into competition. People voted in the citizens' assemblies and courts not according to the principle of maximizing the interests of the state and the merits of the event, but completely according to the speaker's oratorical ability and the effect of the speech. Fairness and justice and self-entertainment, but to win the competition and obtain political and economic gains.

Leisure has changed from a purely "self-hilarious" style of self-entertainment and self-relaxation to a politicized city-state public activity. This kind of political leisure actually takes advantage of the weakness of human nature to induce the people to accept the way of life required by the city-state, showing the all-round control of the city-state over citizens and citizens, and from the perspective of the historical development of leisure itself, leisure is no longer a pure individual behavior of members of society, but a public activity related to social stability and the rise and fall of the country.

(This article only represents the author's point of view and does not represent the position of this number)

From Fun to Athleticism: The Early Dramatic Changes in Human Leisure Life: A Case Study of Ancient Greece

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