
Wutongliang Community, Sanliping Street, Dachuan District: Little Security Officer Wutong Guardian

author:Look at Dazhou every day

In order to ensure the safety and stability of the jurisdiction and the civilization and harmony of the community during the Spring Festival, Wutongliang Community, Sanliping Street, Dachuan District, in addition to the regular online and offline publicity, organized a unique "Little Safety Officer" street safety publicity activity on February 7, which injected new vitality into the safety prevention work of the community. The purpose of this activity is to further enhance the safety awareness and self-protection ability of community residents through the participation of young people, and jointly create a "firewall" of community security.

Wutongliang Community, Sanliping Street, Dachuan District: Little Security Officer Wutong Guardian

This group of "little safety officers" is composed of teenagers and children in the community, teenagers and children are an important force in community safety prevention work, through the "little safety officers" to participate in community safety work, become safety propagandists, communicators, can not only enhance the awareness and self-protection ability of young people from an early age to understand that "safety responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai", but also allow them to enhance the sense of social responsibility of "guarding life, starting from me", but also can play a role in "small hands hold big hands, take home safely" In addition, the little safety officers can also use their creativity and imagination to put forward more useful suggestions and opinions for the safety and prevention work of the community.

Wutongliang Community, Sanliping Street, Dachuan District: Little Security Officer Wutong Guardian

In the course of the activity, the "civilized little speaker" composed of "little safety officers" was deeply liked by residents and friends, and the small team walked the streets and alleys to set off a safety publicity boom, and residents and friends praised the "little safety officers", and even simply interacted with the little angels on the spot, taking group photos, forming the most beautiful scenery before the festival.

Wutongliang Community, Sanliping Street, Dachuan District: Little Security Officer Wutong Guardian

After the event, the "little safety officers" asked to continue to participate in such activities in the future, and said that they would take the safety knowledge home to promote safety knowledge to parents, so that guarding safety has become the conscious awareness and action of every family member.

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