
#战争史上那些事#当年楚相争霸之时, Xiang Yu once proposed to fight solo with Liu Bang to decide the winner in order to reduce greater casualties! Many people, including me, feel about this period of history

author:After learning the sky

#战争史上那些事# When Chu was fighting for hegemony, Xiang Yu once proposed to fight with Liu Bang alone to determine the victory or defeat in order to reduce greater casualties! Many people, including me, felt that Xiang Yu was very naïve about this period of history, until I read a history of ancient Rome, and I realized that Xiang Yu's method of solving problems had happened in the West, and it worked well.

During the establishment of the republican system in ancient Rome, there were wars with neighboring countries. Avoiding mass bloodshed, the two sides agreed to choose three warriors to fight each other, and the winner decided the ownership of the rule, and as a result, the three brothers of the Horace family were chosen to represent the Roman side in the fight, and won the final victory.

The three brothers' solemn oath when they received the weapons: "Either you will return victoriously or die on the battlefield!" The slogan had a far-reaching impact. David, a famous painter during the French Revolution, created the world-famous painting "The Oath of the Horace Brothers" based on this story.

#战争史上那些事#当年楚相争霸之时, Xiang Yu once proposed to fight solo with Liu Bang to decide the winner in order to reduce greater casualties! Many people, including me, feel about this period of history
#战争史上那些事#当年楚相争霸之时, Xiang Yu once proposed to fight solo with Liu Bang to decide the winner in order to reduce greater casualties! Many people, including me, feel about this period of history
#战争史上那些事#当年楚相争霸之时, Xiang Yu once proposed to fight solo with Liu Bang to decide the winner in order to reduce greater casualties! Many people, including me, feel about this period of history

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