
#Start Keeping a Diary #1590 Go home and eat a bowl of fried sauce noodles

author:Keping Dong drinks notes

2021/06/06 Sunday Beijing

It was very hot in Beijing, and I cleaned up the shelves and sweated. It is rare to be at home, always have to do some housework, clean up the bookshelf can be used as exercise, sweating through is also good for the body.

Since I started buying books in college, the shelves at home have been unable to fit down. Only a third of these books have been read, and some have not even opened the plastic seals. When buying books, I am very anxious, and I always want to take time to read these books, but in fact, there is not much time to actually read books. Sometimes I dream that after retirement, my life is to read books, read a lot of books, buy books by myself, and books in the library. These are all excuses for not reading, Teacher Chen Xiaoqing can take seven or eight books on a business trip, if you can do what Teacher Chen did, you can still increase a lot of knowledge in a year. Retirement is not yet known, but reading is an urgent matter, and it will take more time to read books by sorting out the bookshelves this time.

Tired, eat bowls of fried sauce noodles at home. In the hot summer, make something simple and delicious.

#Start Keeping a Diary #1590 Go home and eat a bowl of fried sauce noodles

Beijingers like to eat fried sauce noodles, eat pot picks in winter, and eat water in summer. Noodles are best rolled noodles, hand rolled noodles can also be, really not good to save time, buy some cut noodles, cook some noodles can also be. Although the noodles are not much, the key is in the fried sauce, the sauce is fried, and this bowl of noodles is mostly successful. Over the years, I have eaten fried sauce noodles in different places many times, and the best thing to eat is the bowl that my grandmother made for us.

I didn't want to cook at night, so I asked Zhao Bin to go to The Wangfujing Store in Dongpo, Meizhou to eat. Just in time for the 25th anniversary of meizhou dongpo, the atmosphere in the store is happy. Remembering that year in the Wukesong Gymnasium to participate in the Meizhou Dongpo 18th Anniversary Ceremony, the entire gymnasium was full of people, and seven years have passed, Meizhou Dongpo is getting better and better, and it can be said that it is the most popular Sichuan restaurant in Beijing at the same price. After eating for so many years, I have always liked it.

Ordered a few dishes and also tried a few new ones. I still like the traditional dishes, and the new dishes must be tempered and tempered.

Brine platter: cuttlefish and tofu. Cuttlefish is very good, tofu is a bit sweet.

#Start Keeping a Diary #1590 Go home and eat a bowl of fried sauce noodles

Forgot the name, but it was delicious.

#Start Keeping a Diary #1590 Go home and eat a bowl of fried sauce noodles

Kung Pao Chicken Cubes. It would be better to sell it more regularly.

#Start Keeping a Diary #1590 Go home and eat a bowl of fried sauce noodles

Oil residue lotus white. Zhu Zhu's favorite vegetarian dish, I also like.

#Start Keeping a Diary #1590 Go home and eat a bowl of fried sauce noodles

Hairy blood.

#Start Keeping a Diary #1590 Go home and eat a bowl of fried sauce noodles

Lily vermicelli steamed river dumplings. Junqin likes to eat, and I use juice to mix rice, which is also delicious.

#Start Keeping a Diary #1590 Go home and eat a bowl of fried sauce noodles

Sand pot baked bamboo shoots, love the dry and crispy tenderness of this dish.

#Start Keeping a Diary #1590 Go home and eat a bowl of fried sauce noodles

Stir-fried bamboo shoots with asparagus. A dish that didn't feel anything.

#Start Keeping a Diary #1590 Go home and eat a bowl of fried sauce noodles

Two groups were built in the evening, both related to eating. From this month to the beginning of next month, several meals will be organized, there are ingredient exchange themes, there are also chef exchange themes, and there is a visit to the place of origin, and after these meals and activities are done, it is time to enter the second half of the year. Time really can't help but pass, can't help but sigh "the dead like Si". Time is gone, the world changes quickly, there is sincerity, do not hide, do things in a down-to-earth manner, do your duty, and you can also be worthy of friends and worthy of yourself. Be a person with feelings and work hard to do what you think is right.

No matter the wind and waves, it is like a leisurely stroll.

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