
Wang Yangming said: People must grind in things, so that they can stand still, and only then can they be static and stable, and they can move steadily

author:Yan Yifan



Wang Yangming said: People must grind in things, so that they can stand still, and only then can they be static and stable, and they can move steadily

Do you often feel that life is full of frustration and uncertainty, and it is difficult to grasp the direction of the future?

And Wang Yangming said: "People must grind on things, so that they can stand still, and only then can they be calm and stable, and they can move steadily." ”

Wang Yangming's words may provide us with some inspiration and direction in life.

Life is a spiritual journey, and only after experiencing the tempering of things can we become more determined on the road of life.

Whether it is facing a calm time or a life journey with ups and downs, you can move forward calmly and calmly.

Knowing the laws of the world and seeing the fire is the quality that a truly wise person should have.


Wang Yangming said: People must grind in things, so that they can stand still, and only then can they be static and stable, and they can move steadily

The journey of life is full of ups and downs and uncertainties.

In this long journey, we need to continue to move forward and grow in order to reach the other side of the ideal.

People must temper themselves in doing things in order to stand firm, and at the same time, they can have inner peace and composure.

This is because it is only through continuous training and practice that we can achieve true growth and progress.

In the face of setbacks and difficulties in life, don't focus too much on the results.

Instead, we should pay attention to the process of doing things, so that we can improve our ability, realm and quality in the continuous tempering.

When we truly understand the laws of things in the world, we can see the fire.

We are more calm, more confident and calm to meet the ups and downs and challenges of life.


Wang Yangming said: People must grind in things, so that they can stand still, and only then can they be static and stable, and they can move steadily

On the path of spiritual cultivation in life, we need to persevere and constantly pursue progress and perfection.

Whether it's calm or stormy, we need to maintain inner peace and confidence.

So that you can be comfortable with various situations and challenges.

Because, only by tempering ourselves in doing things, can we smoothly move forward in the ideal direction and meet a better future.

Let's calm our minds together, examine our hearts, and hone ourselves.

On the path of life's cultivation, no matter what kind of wind and waves lie ahead, we must join hands and move forward together towards the other side of the ideal.


Wang Yangming said: People must grind in things, so that they can stand still, and only then can they be static and stable, and they can move steadily

Therefore, in the face of setbacks and difficulties in life, we do not need to be overly obsessed with the results.

Instead, we should focus on the process of doing things, so as to improve our abilities and cultivation in the process of continuous training.

At the same time, we also need to look at ourselves and adjust our inner state.

Let the inner peace and calmness become a strong support for us to move towards our ideals.

Only by honing in doing things will the mentality be more firm and peaceful, and the laws of things in the world will be clearer and clearer.

From now on, let's continue to hone ourselves and strive to grow and progress in what we do.

As long as we always believe in ourselves, no matter what difficulties and setbacks we face, we can reach the other side of the ideal!

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