
The tender and delicious scrambled eggs with shrimp are easy to learn and nutritious, and are loved by both adults and children

author:The taste is flowing for years


The tender and delicious scrambled eggs with shrimp are easy to learn and nutritious, and are loved by both adults and children

The tender and delicious scrambled eggs with shrimp are easy to learn and nutritious, and are loved by both adults and children

Scrambled eggs with shrimp, whether in a time-honored restaurant or an Internet celebrity store, is a highly regarded delicacy. It exudes a rich shrimp and egg aroma that attracts the eyes and taste buds of countless diners. Today, I'm going to tell you how to make this delicious dish with your own hands.

Speaking of scrambled eggs with shrimp, have you ever heard of the famous Longmen Restaurant, a long-established restaurant that has been famous for its traditional Cantonese cuisine since it opened. Its scrambled eggs with shrimp are not only delicious and fluffy, but also have enough sauce to whet people's appetites. Longmen Restaurant uses selected fresh shrimp and stir-fried them through unique cooking techniques to create a fresh and tender taste, colliding with wonderful sparks.

The tender and delicious scrambled eggs with shrimp are easy to learn and nutritious, and are loved by both adults and children

When you come to this online celebrity store "Global Shrimp Scrambled Eggs", you can see food lovers from all over the country gathering. The restaurant is known for its classic scrambled egg technique, but their scrambled eggs with shrimp have a special twist. The egg white is tender and smooth, the egg yolk stimulates a rich milky flavor, and the mellow shrimp aroma makes the taste very rich and mellow.

Let's start making scrambled eggs with shrimp! In order to make delicious scrambled eggs with shrimp, we need to prepare the following ingredients and seasonings:


  1. Shrimp: 250 grams
  2. Eggs: 4 pcs
  3. Shallots: To taste
  4. Green onions, ginger and garlic: to taste
  5. Cooking oil: to taste
  6. Salt: to taste
  7. Light soy sauce: to taste
  8. Cooking wine: to taste
The tender and delicious scrambled eggs with shrimp are easy to learn and nutritious, and are loved by both adults and children


  1. Wash the shrimp, marinate with salt and cooking wine for 10 minutes, then rinse with water and set aside.
  2. Crack in the eggs, add salt and stir well.
  3. Put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot, heat it, add green onions, ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.
  4. Pour the egg mixture into the pot, quickly make a circle with a spatula, stir-fry evenly until the egg mixture is slightly coagulated, and then pour it into a bowl for later use.
  5. Put oil back in the pan, add green onions and stir-fry until fragrant, then add shrimp and stir-fry.
  6. After the shrimp change color, add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce to taste, and then pour in the egg mixture that has just been scrambled.
  7. Stir-fry quickly until the shrimp are cooked through, and then serve.
  8. Finally, sprinkle with chopped green onions.
The tender and delicious scrambled eggs with shrimp are easy to learn and nutritious, and are loved by both adults and children

In the process of production, we can optimize some steps appropriately to further enhance the taste and beauty of scrambled eggs with shrimp. First of all, we can try to blanch the shrimp in boiling water to remove the fishy smell before marinating. Secondly, when scrambling eggs, you can add a small amount of milk and stir well to increase the soft taste and milky flavor of the eggs. Finally, don't fry the shrimp for too long, otherwise it will cause the shrimp to get old and taste worse.

The characteristics and highlights of scrambled eggs with shrimp are the combination of the deliciousness of the shrimp and the softness of the eggs, and the taste is rich and varied.

The tender and delicious scrambled eggs with shrimp are easy to learn and nutritious, and are loved by both adults and children

Pay attention to the taste of food, and take you to learn more about food-related knowledge and skills.

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