
When the joint examination of the nine provinces came out, a bunch of people commented, do you know why they commented? Because from the perspective of interests, who said that the examination would be immutable, could it be that it was necessary to return to the Baguwen of the Manchu Qing Dynasty?

author:Parent Awareness Classroom

The joint examination of the nine provinces came out, and a bunch of people commented, do you know why they commented?

Because it is different from the perspective of interests

Who said that the exam is set in stone, is it difficult to return to the Manchu Baguwen?

The examination cannot be innovated, and the college entrance examination cannot be reformed?

In fact, it can be changed, the knowledge is changed like this, those who brush the questions, those who charge the questions, and those who rely on the college entrance examination to teach and train teachers, have no second kills.

I don't have a grip, I don't know where to start, I used to be able to fool parents and students, at least the exam is based on this.

Now that the joint examination of the nine provinces is out, the pulse is not accurate.

Originally, the experience summarized for several years, I wanted to eat it for a lifetime, but now it is good, I can't eat it, and I need to summarize it again, and anyone will oppose it.

I'm the same, I'll object to it later.

Just like the Yongzheng reform, the cheese of the inherent interest group will definitely bite back.

The college entrance examination is originally to screen talents.

It must be a distance, screening useful people, people who can think independently, not a machine for exams, no thinking, no brains, no innovation. #Affectionate Chinese New Year##Bring Spring Festival couplets to greet the New Year##天南地北大拜年#

When the joint examination of the nine provinces came out, a bunch of people commented, do you know why they commented? Because from the perspective of interests, who said that the examination would be immutable, could it be that it was necessary to return to the Baguwen of the Manchu Qing Dynasty?
When the joint examination of the nine provinces came out, a bunch of people commented, do you know why they commented? Because from the perspective of interests, who said that the examination would be immutable, could it be that it was necessary to return to the Baguwen of the Manchu Qing Dynasty?
When the joint examination of the nine provinces came out, a bunch of people commented, do you know why they commented? Because from the perspective of interests, who said that the examination would be immutable, could it be that it was necessary to return to the Baguwen of the Manchu Qing Dynasty?

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