
"If you eat ginger without peeling, you will suffer from a lifelong disease if you eat the wrong one"? Should you peel ginger or not? This article tells you the answer

author:Dr. Yi popularized science

Among the many spices, ginger is undoubtedly an indispensable role. It not only stimulates appetite and increases the taste of food, but also has a unique pharmacological effect to escort people's health.

As a master seasoner, ginger is used in a wide range of culinary applications. It can be paired with a variety of ingredients, such as meat, vegetables, seafood, etc., to add a unique flavor to the dish.

In addition to its application in cooking, ginger also has certain medicinal properties. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, ginger is believed to have the effects of dissipating cold in the middle of the temperature and returning to the yang and clearing the pulse.

"If you eat ginger without peeling, you will suffer from a lifelong disease if you eat the wrong one"? Should you peel ginger or not? This article tells you the answer

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What are the effects of eating ginger correctly?

First of all, ginger has a good cold repelling effect, and has a certain relieving effect on the initial symptoms of colds such as runny nose and sneezing. This is because ginger contains gingerene, which stimulates blood circulation and accelerates metabolism, thereby helping the body to expel cold.

Secondly, ginger also helps to enhance digestive function. It can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, and relieve stomach distension, indigestion and other problems. For some people who have a loss of appetite or a cold stomach, proper consumption of ginger can play a certain role in conditioning.

In addition, ginger also has a certain antibacterial effect. It has a certain inhibitory effect on some common bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella, etc., and can help prevent food poisoning and other problems. At the same time, the gingerol component in ginger also has an antioxidant effect, which can scavenge free radicals, delay aging, and maintain healthy skin.

"If you eat ginger without peeling, you will suffer from a lifelong disease if you eat the wrong one"? Should you peel ginger or not? This article tells you the answer

In addition to the above benefits, ginger also helps to reduce symptoms such as motion sickness and seasickness, as well as relieve problems such as migraines and toothaches. However, it should be noted that ginger is not a panacea, and it is still necessary to seek medical attention in time for some serious disease symptoms. In addition, ginger is also particular about how to eat, so it is recommended to add it to dishes as a condiment in moderation, or to make tea to drink, and it is not recommended to eat too much or eat too much raw.

In conclusion, proper consumption of ginger has a variety of health benefits and can be used as one of the health foods in daily life. However, it is necessary to pay attention to moderate consumption to avoid unnecessary side effects.

"If you eat ginger without peeling, you will suffer from a lifelong disease if you eat the wrong one"? Should you peel ginger or not? This article tells you the answer

In fact, whether ginger needs to be peeled or not depends on what effect you want to achieve. Because the effects of ginger peel and ginger are opposite, ginger peel belongs to coolness, while ginger is warm. According to the records of "Chinese Materia Medica", ginger peel has the effect of reducing swelling with water, and is mainly used to treat symptoms such as the initial onset of edema and unfavorable urination. The "Compendium of Medical Forestry" pointed out that ginger peel can stop perspiration because of its slightly cold properties.

"If you eat ginger without peeling, you will suffer from a lifelong disease if you eat the wrong one"? Should you peel ginger or not? This article tells you the answer

In contrast, ginger is described in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia as having the effects of dissolving cold, relieving vomiting in warmth, dissolving phlegm and relieving cough, and is suitable for symptoms such as wind chill cold, stomach cold vomiting and cold phlegm cough. It can be seen that the medicinal properties of ginger peel and ginger are completely opposite. One can stop sweating, the other can sweat, one is cool, the other is warm. Therefore, if it is used incorrectly, it will not only fail to achieve the desired effect, but may also have the opposite effect.

Therefore, if you want to give full play to the medicinal effects of ginger, you must choose whether to peel it or not according to your personal needs. In this way, the unique value of birth ginger in traditional Chinese medicine can be truly brought into play.

When using ginger in the following situations, it is best to peel it before using it

Let's be clear: the skin and flesh of ginger are different in nature. The crust often has some special flavor and texture, which may affect the overall taste and texture of the dish. Therefore, peeling is a necessary step in certain dishes in order to achieve the desired taste and texture.

"If you eat ginger without peeling, you will suffer from a lifelong disease if you eat the wrong one"? Should you peel ginger or not? This article tells you the answer

For example, when we want to make desserts or beverages, peeled ginger can better highlight its sweetness and delicate taste. In addition, for dishes that require precise control of the flavor of the ingredients, such as haute French cooking or Japanese cuisine, peeling is also a key step to ensure the consistency of the ingredients.

In addition, in addition to taste and texture considerations, peeled ginger also helps to ensure hygiene and safety when consumed. This is because ginger peel may have pesticide or germ residues, and peeling can reduce the risk of this.

You should also be particular about eating ginger, and the 3 types of people should eat less

1. People with internal heat should eat less ginger

Ginger is a spicy food, which can easily cause internal heat, resulting in sores on the mouth and tongue, constipation and other problems. For this group of people, excessive intake of ginger may aggravate the heat in the body and affect health.

"If you eat ginger without peeling, you will suffer from a lifelong disease if you eat the wrong one"? Should you peel ginger or not? This article tells you the answer

2. People with stomach ulcers should also eat less ginger

The spicy ingredients in ginger can irritate the gastric mucosa, aggravate the symptoms of gastric ulcers, and are not conducive to the recovery of the disease. For people with stomach ulcers, ginger should be avoided in large quantities in meals or alternatives such as ginger powder should be chosen.

3. People with allergies also need to pay special attention

For some people who are allergic to ginger, ingesting ginger may trigger allergic reactions such as rashes, shortness of breath, and other symptoms. Therefore, such people should avoid consuming foods containing ginger to ensure their own safety.

In conclusion, despite the many benefits of ginger, different people's physique and health conditions are different, and for some specific groups, ginger should be consumed in moderation or avoided. In cooking, we can also reasonably match the amount of ginger according to the characteristics of the ingredients and dishes to achieve better taste and nutritional effects. At the same time, if there are any concerns or special circumstances, it is best to make dietary arrangements under the guidance of a doctor or dietitian.

"If you eat ginger without peeling, you will suffer from a lifelong disease if you eat the wrong one"? Should you peel ginger or not? This article tells you the answer

Is it better to eat ginger at night than arsenic?

The source and basis for this claim are unclear and lack scientific support. In fact, ginger, as a common condiment and Chinese herbal medicine, is rich in nutrients and medicinal properties. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, ginger is believed to have the effects of dissipating cold in the middle of the temperature and dissipating cold on the surface, and is often used to treat symptoms such as colds and stomach pain.

So, why is there a saying that "eating ginger at night is better than arsenic"?

One possible explanation is that the body's yang energy is astringent at night, and it is not suitable to eat excessively stimulating foods. As a spicy ingredient, ginger may irritate the body and affect the quality of sleep. But this does not mean that ginger itself is harmful, but it needs to be consumed in moderation according to the individual's physique and situation.

"If you eat ginger without peeling, you will suffer from a lifelong disease if you eat the wrong one"? Should you peel ginger or not? This article tells you the answer

Also, it is important to note that some people may be allergic to ginger or should not consume ginger. For example, people suffering from diseases such as gastritis, gastric ulcers, and special populations such as pregnant and lactating women, should decide whether to consume ginger or not based on the advice of their doctors.

To sum up, eating ginger at night is not the same as arsenic-like harm. Ginger is good for your health when consumed in moderation, but you need to choose the time and amount you need to eat it according to your individual situation. At the same time, for those who are allergic to ginger or are not suitable to consume ginger, it should be avoided. In daily life, we should maintain a balanced diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, and reduce the intake of greasy and spicy foods to maintain good health.

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