
Super game, double overtime, Curry 40+, Lao Zhan triple-double free throw stunt I never thought that this season's Lakers and Warriors could dedicate such a game to fans that can be recorded in history, more

author:Robben commented on the ball

Super game, double overtime, Curry 40+, Lao Zhan triple double free throws

I never thought that this season's Lakers and Warriors would be able to dedicate such a game to fans that can be recorded in history, let alone that the 40-year-old comrades could fight the "Splash Brothers" to the end, ten years later, you are still so powerful.

In this 145-144 double overtime, it was not by shooting to score points, but that both teams took out all their weapons. Splash's three-pointer, James' breakaway, Green's passing, Davis' interior advantage, and even Russell didn't drop the chain in a game like this. The last penalty was the final penalty that decided the game, and it was spectacular.

It's really hard to imagine that James can still take away games with super stats of 36+20+12 at the age of forty, you can dislike him, but you can't deny that no player in history can get such stats at this age and at this level of play.

I also have to admire Curry, whether he is 25 or 35 years old, he is the most reliable projection point in that desperate moment.

From a short guard with obvious physical weaknesses at the age of 25 to an absolute core with good body and physical fitness, his career may also create another legend like James

Cherish it! James VS Curry is a classic matchup, watch one less game.

#James triple-double# #Lakers double-overtime win over Warriors# #斯蒂芬 Curry#

Super game, double overtime, Curry 40+, Lao Zhan triple-double free throw stunt I never thought that this season's Lakers and Warriors could dedicate such a game to fans that can be recorded in history, more
Super game, double overtime, Curry 40+, Lao Zhan triple-double free throw stunt I never thought that this season's Lakers and Warriors could dedicate such a game to fans that can be recorded in history, more
Super game, double overtime, Curry 40+, Lao Zhan triple-double free throw stunt I never thought that this season's Lakers and Warriors could dedicate such a game to fans that can be recorded in history, more

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