
Why do some people get gout, and how does it work?

author:Zhang Zhuo, a rheumatology and immunology expert

With the improvement of the standard of living, the flood of various cuisines, nightlife. With the change in the way of life and entertainment, more and more people are suffering from gout, which is related to many factors. Gout has gradually become one of the most common diseases among young people.

1. Causes of gout

1. Genetic factors: Some patients with gout have a genetic predisposition, that is, if there are gout patients in their parents or relatives, the risk of their own disease will also increase.

Why do some people get gout, and how does it work?

2. High-purine diet: Consuming too many purine-rich foods, such as meat, seafood, alcohol, etc., will increase the production of uric acid, thereby increasing the risk of gout.

Why do some people get gout, and how does it work?

3. Obesity and metabolic syndrome: Patients with obesity and metabolic syndrome are often predisposed to gout due to increased uric acid production and decreased excretion.

Why do some people get gout, and how does it work?

4. Hypertension and diabetes: These chronic diseases are related to uric acid metabolism disorders, which have a certain impact on the excretion of uric acid and easily aggravate the risk of elevated uric acid levels.

Why do some people get gout, and how does it work?

5. Drug factors: Long-term use of certain drugs, such as diuretics, aspirin, etc., may affect uric acid metabolism and increase the risk of gout.

Why do some people get gout, and how does it work?

2. The mechanism of elevated uric acid

Uric acid is one of the body's metabolites and is normally produced by purine metabolism. Elevated uric acid levels can be affected by a number of factors, including increased uric acid production or decreased uric acid excretion.

1. Increased production of uric acid: When you consume too many purine foods, it will increase the production of uric acid, such as meat, seafood, alcohol, etc. Uric acid may also be produced in the metabolism of some endogenous cells, resulting in the accumulation of uric acid.

Why do some people get gout, and how does it work?

2. Decreased excretion of uric acid: Most of the uric acid is excreted through the kidneys, and if the kidney function is impaired or affected by certain medications, the decrease in uric acid excretion will lead to an increase in uric acid levels.

3. The harm of gout

The main harm of gout is reflected in two aspects: pain and chronic lesions.

1. Pain: In an acute attack of gout, the patient suffers severe pain in the joints, accompanied by swelling and fever, which seriously affects the quality of life.

Why do some people get gout, and how does it work?

2. Chronic lesions: Long-term uncontrolled gout can easily lead to joint lesions, form tophi, and affect joint function. In addition, high uric acid levels may also cause kidney disease, cardiovascular disease and other related diseases.

4. Treatment of gout

1. Drug treatment: including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, colchicine, etc., for the treatment of acute attacks. In addition, when the pain is relieved, it is necessary to carry out uric acid-lowering treatment, drugs that inhibit uric acid production such as febuxostat, allopurinol, etc., or drugs that promote uric acid excretion: benzbromarone, etc.

Why do some people get gout, and how does it work?

2. Dietary regulation: limit the intake of high-purine foods, moderate protein intake, eat more fruits and vegetables, and avoid alcohol.

Why do some people get gout, and how does it work?

3. Lifestyle changes: Controlling weight, exercising moderately, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, and getting enough sleep are conducive to improving metabolism.

Why do some people get gout, and how does it work?

4. Prevention: early detection of hyperuricemia, regular monitoring of uric acid levels, and active intervention to prevent the occurrence of gout.

Why do some people get gout, and how does it work?

For the treatment of gout, early intervention, reasonable drug treatment, lifestyle and dietary adjustment are all crucial. Proper treatment and prevention of gout is essential for the health of patients.

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