
Deng Ziqi, who amazed the Chinese orchestra with "Bubble" ten years ago, how is his singing skills?

author:Braids for pigtails


Fan asked: How is Deng Ziqi's singing skills?

A: Excellent. In 2014, the early Xiuqiang mixed voice was epoch-making, with two octaves + four degrees in the vocal range, and the A4-D5 golden sound area was of extremely high quality, perfect support, intonation, and it was a pity to bite the words

Deng Ziqi, who amazed the Chinese orchestra with "Bubble" ten years ago, how is his singing skills?

Deng Ziqi, the peak musician born in the 90s born in 1991, is currently the strongest comprehensive ability singer among the post-90s after Jay Chou, with top talents in vocal music, composition, lyrics, and music production. His own peak creations of phenomenal songs such as "Bubble" and "Light Years Away" are amazing works in Chinese. In terms of vocal music alone, Deng Ziqi is also extremely good. In terms of the understanding of the strength and weakness of pitch, rhythm and music style, Deng Ziqi has a very high aesthetic expansion ability for the public.

In terms of singing skills as a whole, Deng Ziqi belongs to the level of Chinese T1, and she is the earliest post-90s mixed singing peak singer in Chinese music. In 2014, ten years ago in "I Am a Singer", Deng Ziqi announced with "Bubble" that she was only 23 years old at the time and completed the Chinese music vocal avenue in the next ten years - the mixed sound system. The commercial market of popular traditional lyrical female singers who completely revolutionized the true and false vocal system has allowed the entire business to see the beauty of vocal music, and has a role in promoting the entire Chinese language to enter the era of mixed singing.

Deng Ziqi, who amazed the Chinese orchestra with "Bubble" ten years ago, how is his singing skills?

Timbre-wise, Deng Ziqi's CD timbre is a standard remix technique timbre. Timbre recognition is mainly composed of three points:

The first point: the extremely solid vocal cord closure to reflect the natural physiological timbre, which is the background color of the sound, including what we think of as falsetto, in fact, for Deng Ziqi, it is also a head-voice mix with the real voice as the core core. At this point, Deng Ziqi's timbre is extremely uniform, and her explosiveness is stronger than that of the common lyrical female singers before 2010.

The second point: the beauty of the strong compressed core of the mixing system. Including but not limited to embellishing the core with strong mixing with metal and weak mixing with real sound. The natural timbre provided by this technical mixing zone connection is very beautiful, and the basic logic and true and false voices complete the knowledge and technical update.

The third point: Deng Ziqi's biting logic focuses on one thing, because one side of Deng Ziqi's masseter muscle has pathological atrophy, which causes her biting to be a little leaky. This has shaped into a kind of articulation and crying that is accustomed to using the base of the tongue and nasal sounds, which is very recognizable. But in terms of vocal music, it's a pity, because in the live singing, it is really difficult to hear what the lyrics of Deng Ziqi's bite are, and I have personally found this problem more than once. It is equivalent to Deng Ziqi's biting words, and the unexpected modification is a bit excessive.

Deng Ziqi, who amazed the Chinese orchestra with "Bubble" ten years ago, how is his singing skills?

In terms of vocal range, Deng Ziqi's vocal range is very exaggerated, and it belongs to the ceiling-level vocal range of pop female singers.

Deng Ziqi's vocal performance in 2014 can be used as a standard textbook for pop vocal female singers in the next two decades. The overall vocal range is as follows:

  • Deng Ziqi CD biting word range: D3-A5, two octaves + fourths;
  • Deng Ziqi's quality vocal range: E3-E5, two octaves, female singer ceiling level. 2014 was already the peak of quality;
  • CD range of female singers in Chinese true and false vocal system: G3-D5; 1 octave + 5;
  • Chinese True Falsetto System Female Singer Quality Vocal Range: C4-C5;

It is not difficult to see that Deng Ziqi's vocal range is expressed in the entire vocal system, which is of epoch-making significance. There is a huge difference between it and the traditional lyrical female song, and it can be said that there is a sentence of dimensionality reduction. The overall quality range is directly increased from basically one octave to two octaves after doubling. The concept of two octaves of quality pitch is the ticket to the top bulls such as Celine Dion. Among them, the reason why Deng Ziqi's "Bubble" sung in "I Am a Singer" in 2014 is so amazing is mainly in the vocal range:

Deng Ziqi, who amazed the Chinese orchestra with "Bubble" ten years ago, how is his singing skills?

In 2014, the live vocal range of "Bubble" is: E3-E5, including Eb5's strong mixed dense articulation, this ability is the ceiling of Chinese and the pinnacle of pop music. Because the golden range of pop music is A4-D5, and Deng Ziqi's performance has almost reached the limit of the vocal range dimension - a large number of A4-D5 dense and strong biting words continue to progressively emotional, and with E5, the added range breakthrough will make the four harmonies lower than A4 and higher than D5 exist at the same time, and the auditory richness is extremely high.

You must know that Deng Ziqi's appearance was in 2014, that is, ten years ago. But ten years later, or even thirty years later, the golden sound area of pop music will still be carried out according to the E3-E5 standard of "Bubble", A4-D5 is the basic plate of peak pop music, but peak female singers need to master the high notes of E5 as a kind of rising explosive space. And all this, Deng Ziqi was already a ceiling-level understanding and performance at the age of 23.

This two-octave quality range means the following advantages for the profession:

Deng Ziqi, who amazed the Chinese orchestra with "Bubble" ten years ago, how is his singing skills?

1: 100% choice of musical style. The two-octave quality range is undefeated in the core musical style of pop music. Lyrical, rock, folk, reggaeton, electronic, hip-hop, R&B, jazz, blues and other musical styles are very easy to learn for Deng Ziqi's two octaves, without any sense of musical style limitations. What we want to popularize here is that different music styles have very obvious differences in the vocal range of the register, as follows:

  • Folk vocal range: male singer C3-F4, female singer G3-C5;
  • Lyrical vocal range: male singer C3-A4, female singer G3-D5;
  • 嘻哈音域:男歌手E3-E4,女歌手G3-G4;
  • R&B Vocal Area: Male Singer C3-C5, Female Singer E3-E5;
  • Rock vocal range: C3-G4-D5 for male singers, G3-G5-C6 for female singers;
Deng Ziqi, who amazed the Chinese orchestra with "Bubble" ten years ago, how is his singing skills?

Among them, the most difficult and most difficult style of pop music is R&B, with a large contrast between strength and weakness, obvious layering of sound areas, and a lot of upward improvisation. The peak vocal range of R&B is the standard of Deng Ziqi's "Bubble", so for Deng Ziqi, as long as she is willing to sing, she does not have any musical style limitations of pop music. This is a very outrageous impact on the traditional market, because 99% of singers like a large number of lyrical female singers, such as Liu Ruoying, Liang Jingru, Tian Fuzhen, etc., only sing one music style. This is difficult to compete in a market where vocal art is becoming more and more specialized.

However, Deng Ziqi's vocal range ceiling performance, even if Deng Ziqi is placed in front of a pure vocal genius like Shan Yichun, Deng Ziqi can also walk side by side, with the same unique beauty, and more color understanding of instrumental, music production, and composition.

3: Deng Ziqi's cavity ability, the representative of strong mixed voice in Chinese - the iron lung is well deserved, perfect support, sound area link, sound pressure, strength and weakness

Deng Ziqi, who amazed the Chinese orchestra with "Bubble" ten years ago, how is his singing skills?

In terms of cavity ability, Deng Ziqi's performance is of great significance for vocal expansion. Because before Deng Ziqi, few female singers had such a strong mixed voice performance. What does it mean? The vernacular means: Before Deng Ziqi, no female singer could sing such a powerful hedging sound pressure performance and stage tension. Here is a concept of popular science: the essence of true sound treble is the stable impact of the strong mixed breath on the sinus cavity, resulting in a perfect amplified listening sensation, with large volume, strong sound pressure and high vocal range, which itself requires extremely high muscle strength and vocal cord function.

In vocal music, the true voice treble is a strong remix, based on the performance of the true voice or pharyngeal voice. The pharyngeal sound is a kind of homogeneous timbre, which can be embellished, and the real singing emotion is mainly reflected in the cohesion and mixing of the chest voice cavity of the real voice and the head voice cavity of the falsetto. We can understand Deng Ziqi's iron lung name like this:

Before Deng Ziqi: Chinese female singers generally have two skills: real voice and falsetto. Moreover, the timbre between the true and false voices is relatively fragmented, with obvious layering, and the falsetto has almost no clear sound pressure performance. There is a gap between the volume, sound pressure, and emotion between true and false sounds.

Deng Ziqi, who amazed the Chinese orchestra with "Bubble" ten years ago, how is his singing skills?

After Deng Ziqi: Chinese female singers generally shift to: voice mixture. All lyrical female singers began to pay attention to the mixed training of true and falsetto, and the strength of true and false voices has a high degree of timbre unity, and the emotional expression is more delicate and rich.

What happened to this phenomenon of Deng Ziqi's strong true voice treble in the cavity dimension of vocal music? The answer is as follows: Deng Ziqi's singing voice no longer pursues the more traditional true voice, or falsetto. Instead, they began to pursue cavities that control the true and false voices: the chest cavity and the head cavity. For a singer, he doesn't need to understand the generalization of the nature of vocal music, but he must know how to use his cavity muscles.

For female singers in the traditional true and false vocal system, there is no difference in vocal cognition between them and us ordinary people. Because true and false voices are the basic logic of the brain, the brain cannot have both pitch and volume. Therefore, falsetto is generally low in volume.

But the meaning of vocal music is to circumvent and train the brain to solve problems. In vocal music, we will find that the treble of the true voice is more emotional, while the treble of the falsetto always gives people a weak and empty sense of hearing. In order to solve this true vocal treble, the logic of mixing voices has been developed: chest voice instead of true voice comprehension, and head voice instead of falsetto understanding. What's so good about this? The advantage is that true and false voices are physiological reflexes, while chest and head voices are technical and have the significance of subsequent development.

Deng Ziqi, who amazed the Chinese orchestra with "Bubble" ten years ago, how is his singing skills?

In this way, Deng Ziqi's cavity basically presents a new aesthetic logic for Chinese music: both treble and true sound hearing, so that Deng Ziqi is like a catfish, bringing a new technical system to the audience of Chinese music and completing the aesthetic iteration. In this way, the audience began to pay attention to the following cavity details:

1: Whether the timbre of the closed vocal cords is unified and whether the emotions are controllable.

2: Whether the singer's vocal pressure performance has the contrasting beauty of strong and weak control. Whether the singer's sustain has the ability to crescendo and fade into dynamic beauty.

3: Whether the singer's breath support has a flowing beauty like an air cushion that lifts the vocal line.

The details of this cavity have greatly updated the aesthetic pursuit of Chinese music listeners for singing. When we hear better songs, we will inevitably have the pursuit of beauty. As a result, almost after 2014, the entire Chinese music ushered in a large-scale technological iteration. Singers began to pay attention to the training of the mixing system and pursue the on-site impact of a big voice. And all this, Deng Ziqi sang "Bubble" at the age of 23, which played a very big cavity promotion significance.

Deng Ziqi, who amazed the Chinese orchestra with "Bubble" ten years ago, how is his singing skills?

On the whole, Deng Ziqi's singing skills in 2014 were very epoch-making performances, a model of girls, with better vocal skills, completed a peak female singer's mixed live performance, and started her music career on the main stage of Chinese. Although in 2024, Deng Ziqi's singing skills are not as exaggerated as in 2014, they are still very stable and have great aesthetic pioneering significance.

Based on Deng Ziqi's singing performance, her concerts and some offline performances are more recommended to watch. I hope that Deng Ziqi's next album can be a big hit.

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