
Why does the singer Jacky Cheung's biting feel exaggerated? unnatural? Hardcore analysis!

author:Braids for pigtails

Fans asked: Why does the singer Jacky Cheung's biting feel exaggerated?

Answer: Because Jacky Cheung's singing skills are based on the sense of language and the bite of words as the core of recognition, which is the core of the times and personal characteristics and personality

Why does the singer Jacky Cheung's biting feel exaggerated? unnatural? Hardcore analysis!

Regarding this issue, it is actually the difference in the aesthetics of the times. From the perspective of vocal music, Jacky Cheung's articulation in 2024 does have the exaggerated characteristics of non-mainstream and the sense of the times of the last century, as follows:

1: The sound of saliva is very loud, the volume is up and down, and the frustration is full. It fully fits the oral language thinking of Chinese biting, without any aesthetic threshold, and has a wide spread of phenomena. But the sound of biting words will appear in almost every sentence, which is contrary to the silky R&B biting thinking in 2024, and the sense of exaggeration is +1.

2: The laryngeal fluctuation of the bass part is full, and the bass and weak singing are generally pressed on the throat, accompanied by the iconic nasal voice; this belongs to the popular chest singing method in the 90s of the last century, Andy Lau and Jacky Cheung have this problem: the bass part is used to pressing the throat to shape the turbidity of the bass, reflecting the charm of the male bass chest. It is still contrary to the chest embellishment pursued in 2024 to maintain the true sound core, which can be regarded as an aesthetic retro problem.

Why does the singer Jacky Cheung's biting feel exaggerated? unnatural? Hardcore analysis!

3: The position of the pronunciation point fluctuates greatly, and the brightness of the timbre has subjective strength control, but the uniformity is not high. This is actually an advantage, and the vernacular means: Jacky Cheung puts his own control over the strength and weakness of the song's emotions directly on the articulation. Through the different positions of the articulation, it reflects his personal musical understanding. It's a matter of personal preference. However, due to the high quality of R&B music, it has received the favor of the times. Jacky Cheung's timbre fluctuations to control strong and weak emotions will become more and more limited.

4: The big trills all the time, the main source of the sense of the times in the last century. There is no way to do this, when Jacky Cheung became the most resistant to the Four Heavenly Kings, it was this trick: the perfect big vibrato. The aesthetics of the big vibrato were eliminated in 1996, and Leslie Cheung, Alan Tam and others advocated the beauty of the sustain at the end of the small vibrato. But Jacky Cheung is still happy to do it, and the success of the kiss goodbye also shows that the big trills are still popular. In this way, Jacky Cheung will be retained until 2024, and it will become the prosperous and core sense of the times of the HK Phil in the last century.

Why does the singer Jacky Cheung's biting feel exaggerated? unnatural? Hardcore analysis!

5: The opening of the oral cavity is exaggerated, and the core of the exaggerated bite is exaggerated. This belongs to the advantage of the sense of language, the god of song is the god of song, from the perspective of vocal music, on the stage of popular commercial concerts, the most exaggerated opening of the mouth, the better. Why: Because it means that the singer is extremely engaged, extremely relaxed, and extremely enjoying the stage. The opening of the mouth will affect the roundness of the timbre and the rhythm of the voice, and Jacky Cheung does not need it. But R&B is needed, and R&B is the most mainstream, top-notch, and most difficult singing style at the moment. In this way, when the public compares Jacky Cheung with the silky, nervous, and small openness of R&B, there will be an extremely exaggerated perception.

These five-point biting logic has shaped the slightly exaggerated biting sense of the singer Jacky Cheung in 2024. In fact, it is very simple: Jacky Cheung brought the aesthetics of the HK Phil during the Four Heavenly Kings of the last century to 2024, and this slightly exaggerated feeling was produced. But in fact, this is precisely the source of Jacky Cheung's competitiveness in 2024. Because of the core recognition of Jacky Cheung's singing skills, it is this kind of exaggerated bite.

Why does the singer Jacky Cheung's biting feel exaggerated? unnatural? Hardcore analysis!

From the perspective of vocal music, the sense of Chinese biting is different from the vocal intonation, rhythm, resonance, breath, vocal cord closure, strength and weakness control and other sound dimensions with specific standards. The sense of language in the articulation of words is a non-scientific aesthetic in pop music that seeks curiosity and constantly breaks through. It is necessary to be personalized in order to be recognizable. And the reason why Jacky Cheung became the god of song is that in the 90s of the last century, Jacky Cheung's recognition of words was the best among the four heavenly kings. Including Andy Lau, in fact, there are traces of learning Jacky Cheung's cavity.

Around 1990, the aesthetic of commercial pop music at that time moved towards the following popular factors:

  • 1: Pay attention to the chest bass, pursue the charm of male bass in singing, and derive: Jacky Cheung and Andy Lau's biting timbre basic plate.
  • 2: The articulation position is relatively backward, and the turbid timbre is more suitable for men;
  • 3: Seeking timbre contrast, resulting in large fluctuations in laryngeal position.

Therefore, in the aesthetic period of chest voice in 1990, Jacky Cheung's word-biting logic was very advanced and amazing. He also became the most resistant of the four heavenly kings with his singing skills. Then the information we can learn is: in Jacky Cheung's singing skills, the core commercial recognition is not the traditional three categories of timbre, vocal range, and cavity as the source of recognition. Rather, it is a sense of verbal language that is not a basic dimension as the core recognition.

Why does the singer Jacky Cheung's biting feel exaggerated? unnatural? Hardcore analysis!

Therefore, for Jacky Cheung, in the music career that has been implemented in his career for 40 years, he has a very clear control over his own recognition and commercial competitiveness: the maverick sense of words is the absolute core. When Jacky Cheung's age increases, his function declines, and his muscles pass, the skills of various basic dimensions are declining, but he has to sing and engage in commercial behavior, in order to ensure that the basic plate is not shaken, then the exaggeration of words is the best solution:

Let people know that this is Jacky Cheung's singing voice at will, as long as the bite can complete this link, then Jacky Cheung's business fundamentals will not be shaken. Especially when Jacky Cheung has no income for three years, singing in 2024 means the whole of life for Jacky Cheung, and he must complete his recognition shaping in every singing in order to have a follow-up concert and commercial career.

So in essence, after Jacky Cheung is over 60 years old, exaggeration is the best solution to maintain business recognition due to declining function. With a very good sense of the times and recognition, the main vocal thinking is: to wake up the glory of Jacky Cheung with the retro memory flow of the sense of age. In essence, it is also a non-vocal commercial positioning. After all, it's over 60 years old.

Why does the singer Jacky Cheung's biting feel exaggerated? unnatural? Hardcore analysis!

For Jacky Cheung, vocal music is irrelevant, and the little old man plays music, and he has a philosophical sense of life

In fact, vocal music is a very narrow art, which is subordinate to the sub-art of music, and has the same subordinate position as dance. Therefore, vocal music is not all of the singer, compared with the beauty of vocal music, the singer's philosophy, music outlook, and outlook on life have more deafening significance. Jacky Cheung's singing voice is no longer a simple vocal singer, he represents more meaning, as follows:

1: Memories of the times of three generations. Jacky Cheung's singing voice is currently the singer with the highest value retention in Chinese music, and there is no one. From the period of the Four Heavenly Kings to 2024, for more than 30 years, Jacky Cheung's reputation, dedication, and dedication have always maintained the highest level of practice in a mythical way. For concert listeners, going to see a Jacky Cheung concert is like a milestone in life.

Why does the singer Jacky Cheung's biting feel exaggerated? unnatural? Hardcore analysis!

2: Jacky Cheung's dedication and enterprising spirit are very good. When we pay attention to Jacky Cheung's articulation, we actually ignore a big problem: Jacky Cheung's vocal range ability, he never lowers the tone. What is this concept? Sixty years old singing for 2 hours without falling key, and it is a national tour, such physical strength and employment mentality, very, very young. And the attitude towards music is a high standard. Compared with young people such as Jay Chou and Liang Jingru who were once peak singers, Jacky Cheung is very focused on music and has personal pursuits.

3: The regulating significance of music for life. When we see Jacky Cheung 60 years old, with gray hair on his temples still singing with the rhythm and lights, will you feel the emotion of a person who does not admit defeat and old age, and music is the secret of maintaining age for Jacky Cheung. This kind of storytelling and philosophical nature that Jacky Cheung sings by himself standing there is actually a very valuable spiritual and musical embodiment. Music must be a part of life, and it can be used as a supporting meaning of life to convey happiness.

Why does the singer Jacky Cheung's biting feel exaggerated? unnatural? Hardcore analysis!

So in fact, for a singer who is already a peak singer in his later years, there is no need to be so harsh, because aesthetics is something that can be iterated, but the people and things that are iterated also have existential significance. It cannot be said that in 2024, the eleven independent music academies in the country will have a higher level of knowledge, so we should be disgusted with the old people who created commercial myths back then, and Chinese music is not so narrow. Jacky Cheung's singing is still very moving.

When we are young and begin to grow old, can we maintain the enthusiasm of the 30-year-old at the age of 60, and love his career and music so much like Jacky Cheung? This is where the greatest test and fun of music lies in life. Jacky Cheung is a very, very rare commercial singer.

Why does the singer Jacky Cheung's biting feel exaggerated? unnatural? Hardcore analysis!

To sum up, Jacky Cheung's biting is indeed that in terms of the vocal environment in 2024, there are many mismatches with the market. But the current Jacky Cheung's singing voice is also the peak aesthetic in 1990, the aesthetics are changing, and Jacky Cheung has not changed. This is precisely the source of his perfect commercial competitiveness. I hope that in the future, Jacky Cheung can strengthen his exercise, maintain the basic skills of his singing cavity muscles, and create a better stage.

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