
Victor Hugo: What is wider in the world than the ocean and the sky is the human mind

Victor Hugo: What is wider in the world than the ocean and the sky is the human mind

In Les Misérables, Victor Hugo wrote: "The widest in the world is the ocean, wider than the ocean is the sky, and wider than the sky is the human heart." ”

Two days ago, I swiped a news that an old man was sitting on the side of the road and setting up a stall selling vegetables. The clerk of the shop behind him thought he was interfering with his business, so he lifted the bucket and splashed it on the ground.

The old man sat in place, looking at the water, at a loss, and the clerk behind him seemed to have a face written on him: "I don't see if you can go." ”

In fact, the elderly are still some distance away from the store, and it does not affect the customers entering the store at all.

A netizen who runs a store said that there are usually elderly people who set up stalls in front of their stores, not only will she not drive them away, but will also help them spread plastic sheets, and the elderly will take the initiative to clean up the ground before leaving.

The clerk didn't want the old man to set up a stall in front of his shop, and there were many ways to get him to leave, but she chose the stupidest one.

When she splashed her bucket of water, it was not only the old man's injury, but she herself was even more seriously injured. After that, her business is probably going downhill.

A person can't even tolerate people or things that have little influence on her, which shows that she is narrow-minded and short-sighted, and this kind of person is impossible to have any success.

Victor Hugo: What is wider in the world than the ocean and the sky is the human mind

I read a story in a book about a painter selling his paintings at the bazaar, and a minister's child took a fancy to one of his paintings and wanted to buy it.

But the painter said that the painting was not for sale. Because his father had been deceived by the minister, he finally died of heartbreak.

The minister's child liked the painting so much, but the painter refused to sell it to him anyway, and he became sick with his heart and grew emaciated.

The minister had no choice but to come forward and be willing to buy the painting at a high price. But the painter would rather hang the painting on the wall of his studio than sell it.

Since then, he has found that the images he is accustomed to drawing every day are gradually different from the ones he used to draw.

He tried to find the reason, but he couldn't find it. Suddenly, one day, he was horrified to find that the eyes of the idol he had drawn were exactly the same as those of the minister.

In annoyance, he tore the painting to shreds, clutching his head in pain and shouting, "My revenge has been avenged on my head!"

A good person, because of the hatred in his heart, leads himself to the edge of the cliff of madness.

A broad mind is not to forget hatred, but to turn hatred into motivation, to shape yourself stronger, to make achievements, this is the most wonderful revenge.

"The essence of tolerance is not to forgive others, but to forgive oneself. ”

Victor Hugo: What is wider in the world than the ocean and the sky is the human mind

A few days ago, I watched a short video and saw a girl put on makeup before going out, but she was scolded by her mother, and her words were very unpleasant.

remembered that another girl before was only dyed with blonde hair, and she also attracted an ugly abuse from her own mother.

There is also the pink-haired girl, who was admitted to a prestigious university as she wished, visited her grandfather in the hospital with an admission letter, and shared this joy.

Who would have thought that because of the color of her hair, she was subjected to cyberbullying and rumors, and finally suffered from depression and chose to commit suicide.

Narrow-minded people can't tolerate the beautiful side of others, so they often use attacks and suppression to vent their dissatisfaction.

There is a quote from "I Grew Up in Iran": "In your life, you will meet a lot of bastards. They hurt you because they are stupid, and you don't have to respond to their malice for that. ”

Narrow-minded people can't tolerate the beautiful side of others, can't tolerate what others have but don't have themselves, and will vent their dissatisfaction by slandering and attacking.

Broad-minded and open-minded people will definitely not judge others maliciously with subjective cognition, and they know how to tolerate and respect the differences of others.

In "Caigen Tan", it is said: "It is a blessing to treat others leniently, and it is the foundation of benefiting others and benefiting oneself." ”

If a person does not have the kindness to tolerate others, he will cause temporary harm to others at most, but it may be a lifelong loss to himself.

Within a reasonable range, to be more tolerant of others is to accumulate a blessing for yourself. Only with an open mind can we have peace of mind.

Victor Hugo: What is wider in the world than the ocean and the sky is the human mind

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